Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Jay Bowks <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 2 Nov 1997 07:30:05 -0500
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
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Hic le info re le "Companieros..."
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-----Original Message-----
From: Mark E. Shoulson <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list CONLANG <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, November 01, 1997 9:24 PM
Subject: Conlangs on the air.

>OK.  There's a (fairly) new TV show, called _Earth: Final Conflict_.

Il ha un nove show de television titulate Terra: le Conflicto

>Apparently its script was found among the papers of the late Gene

Apparentemente le scripto esseva trovate inter le papiros del...

>Roddenberry by his wife, Majel Barrett, and she managed to sell it purely

senior, jam passate in morte, Gene Roddenberry per su sposa,
Majel Barrett, e illa poteva vender lo purmente...

>on his name alone.  I heard about it and decided that one way or another,

con le merito del nomine de su sposo. Io audiva de illo e
decideva que in un forma o altere...

>after all the work I've done with Klingon, I owed Roddenberry at least a

depois de omne le labor que io ha facite con Klingon, io
debeva a Roddenberry al minus...

>viewing of his work.  The show has... potential (to be good, and also to be

revider su travalio. Le show ha meritos esser bon e alsi pro
esser vermente ...

>lousy.  Still deciding).

horribile. Io es nunc in le processo de decider.

>At any rate, the premise of the story involves a race of beings called the

In omne caso, le idea del historia involve un racia de
esseres appellate le...

>Taelons (also called the Companions) who have come to Earth in peace and

Telones (alsi nominate le Companieros) qui ha venite al Terra in pace e...

>love and harmony and are being really nice helpful guys.  And some people

ama le harmonia e alsi son multo amabile e amical. E alcun

>are suspicious of their motives and wonder if they really are.  And so on.

ha suspiciones de su motivos e pensa curiosemente que essera
illos vermente. E plus ultra... :-)

>To the conlang point: the Taelons have a language.  It sounds sorta

Al puncto de linguas construhite...
Taelones ha un lingua que sona como...

>whispered when spoken, making it sound like a parody of an alien language,

murmuros quando illes parla, facente sonitos como un imitation
de un lingua stranie...

>but apparently that's intended.  They have a web page.  There's little

mais apparentemente ille es le intention. Illos ha un pagina
in le Tela.
Il ha un pauc de...

>information there at the moment, but from what I've seen it looks like it

information illac al momento, mais de lo que io observava illo
pare que...

>may actually be done by someone who knows something about this.  I wish

poterea haber essite facte per alcun persona que sape alco
de isto. Io gustarea...

>there were more info, including better descriptions of the sounds.  Maybe

que il haberea plus info, includente melio descriptiones del
sonitos. Forsan...

>we can reach whoever's in charge of this?

nos pote poner nos in communication con qualque persona es
al cargo de isto?

>is the URL for what info there is; it's on three pages linked therefrom.

es le URL del pauc info que existe; il es in tres paginas
ligate desde illac.

>Please check it out, folks, and say what you think.

Per favor vade illac e examina lo, amicos, e dice me que
vos pensa.


traducite per: Jay B.