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Tue, 8 Mar 2011 21:27:11 -0000
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Original Question:

"anyone here have a Sulfite allergy?"

replies (some links at the end):


yes, most times when i drink wine i wake up with a headache.

I have a sulfa allergy is that the same thing? (I would say no)

Yes.  Had that first before any diagnosis of celiac

I don't know if it's an allergy, but red wine makes me itch.  I can drink
White or Blush, and I think those contain lower amounts of sulfites.

Yes.  I have a sulfite allergy.  I just discovered it recently, though I
have had it for years!  Wine and alcohol especially bother me.  I will be
making many more sulphite free recipes to post on my blog from now on,
though most of them are sulfite free now. I just found this list of
sulfite containing foods: 

Yes.   I was told through allergy testing years ago that I am allergic.
If I get small doses I really don't notice it, but large doses, such as
a glass of wine, will give me a terrible headache!

my mother does and I suspect I have an intolerance.

I think I may too... if you get any responses, please post! thanks

I do.  Knew about it before celiac.

I think I do. I can't even cook with wine.

yes very much so.  sensititive to all chemicals and most food additives in
fact. I know many other gluten sensitive folks in the same boat, celiac
and non-celiac

just exploring this as a maybe myself...would love any info u get!

The sulfate's in some wine do bother me.   Muscadine wine is very low,
not bother me) or none.

I had problems with sulfites when I was first dxed with CD.  I also had
serious liver problems.  I then read that taking molybdenum, B 12, and B6
will often help with sulfite allergy (these work in the liver to break
down the sulfites--the supplements are used in what is called "the
sulfonication pathway", if I remember correctly.)  You might have to take
these supplements awhile before they begin working when you eat sulfites
tho.  Usually
people with this problem have a backlog of other liver detoxing to do
I have been dxed with cd and using these supplements for over a decade.  I
can go awhile now without them, but if I go too long, I get a very bad
migraine when I eat sulfites.

My son, age 25 (Celiac patient diagnosed at age 23) had a severe reaction
when he was about 11 to something he ate at a family dinner.  His lips
swelled up, he began wheezing, had difficulty breathing (he had had asthma
since the age of 2.5) and had to be taken to the ER for an Adrenaline
The only thing we could attribute it to was a packaged gravy that had
sulfites in it.  He has never had that problem again.

I get a painful red flush from wine, but can eat grapes. I am better on
low-sulfite organic white wine. I don't avoid sulfites in food, but I
guess I should note when my rosacea acts up. Might be a connection.

My friend who is allergic to sulfites gets immediate diarhea and throat
tightening. For me, I avoid them as I get very bad gas and bloating from
all sulfites.  I am not necessarily allergic to them, but seem to have an
intolerance to them, so I try not to eat any foods loaded with sulfites.
Interestingly enough, I had an allergic reaction to shrimp a few years
back, nearly passed out, and later found out that shrimp are loaded with
sulfites.  So it may be a quantity thing with me. Hope this helps.

I didn't think so, but I'm *wondering in the back of my head:  A few
ago I made myself a morning cocktail of a bit of  lemon juice and an ounce
of Resveratrol (brand sold at Sam's Club... AcuCell, I think).  The itchy
hives worked their way up from my thighs/legs first, to my arms, to my
and didn't happen right away, more like 24 hrs.  It took me about three
times to figure this new concoction was the culprit.  The delayed reaction
made it harder to figure, but that was it.  I have fibromyalgia, and know
one other person with fibro who cannot consume sulfites, nor citric acid. 
have since had lemon juice in very small amounts on salads, and without
reaction.  I used to regularly consume bottled 100% lemon juice (no
listed on bottle - Knudsen brand I think) on my salad, and I also like red
wine vinegar (not salad dressing), but whatever's in the Kalamata olives I
buy (Mezzetta Bistro brand).   I have no reaction that I know of.
When I looked up sulfite allergy online, *I found conflicting information.
But I think it was sulfites in too large a dose.
I never had an allergy in my life to a food or anything, and I guess you
develop one at any time.   About three years ago I had a Pet Scan and
reacted to the IV dye (racing heart, itchy throat, couldn't breathe,
The medical person said people think they have an allergy to iodine, but
was likely a protein in the shellfish? or whatever else is in the dye.  I
can't remember the brand of dye, but could look it up.  I do have
Hashimoto's and have heard lots of talk about iodine allergy with thyroid
problems.  I have not investigated to understand.
Just one person's experience.

Here is the FDA list of sulfite ingredients found in medicaions:

Since sulfites are not listed as an ingredient by its general name, they
are listed as: sodium sulfite, sulfur dioxide, sodium and potassium
bisulfite, and sodium and potassium metabisulfite.

Over the weekend I picked up some unsulfurated molasses.  

The following excerpt from a book on hidden food allergies states,
"Sulfite sensitivity may be associated with a molybdenum trace mineral

The following link states that molybdenum is one of the most important
trace minerals:
 It states the following:
Recommended Dietary Allowances for adults is 75 mcg to 250 mcg. Molybdenum
is a component of the enzyme “xanthine oxidase”. It helps generate
energy, process waste for excretion, mobilize stored iron for the body’s
use, and detoxify sulfites (chemicals used as food preservatives).
Molybdenum works with vitamin B2 in the conversion of food to energy. The
average adult body contains about 9 mg with the highest concentrations in
the liver, kidneys, bone, and skin. Molybdenum deficiency is extremely
rare. Symptoms include rapid heartbeat and breathing, headache, night
blindness, anemia, mental disturbance, nausea and vomiting. Marginal
molybdenum deficiency has been associated with the development of cancer.
In China, people consuming molybdenum deficient diets have been found to
have an increased risk of throat cancer. Low molybdenum levels have been
linked to an increased allergic reaction to sulfite food additives. Toxic
effects of excess molybdenum intake include weight loss, slow growth,
anemia, diarrhea, increased blood levels of uric acid and swelling in the
joints. This may occur at intakes of 10 to 15 mg."

I shop at vitacost.com for the best pricing on supplements.  My old
nutritionist recently suggest that the best supplements are subligual
(melts under the tongue).  Here are links to Molybdenum and B2:


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