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Mon, 2 Jul 2012 06:24:10 -0700
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks for all the wonderful information.  Everyone who emailed me said they didn't have a problem in Germany.  
Here is some of the information I received:
I was in Berlin last summer and did
really well.  No special places, but had no problem with finding simple
foods. Also found a great packaged thin bread at a local pharmacy. Great for
eating with cheese, etc. I also brought up translation cards on my iPhone. 


The German Coeliac Society:http://dzg-online.de/english.41.0.html


I've been to Germany many times.
They have tons of GF food. There are health food stores, the pharmacies (pharmaceia)
sp  carry some things. The Globus stores carry a lot also. So many of our
foods come from Germany so it will be easy for her.


In Germany the health food store
"reformhaus" is everywhere and they have

great gf selections.


Gluten free
Germany, info to pass to waiters and chefs: 

Eine Bitte an den Koch

Ich habe Zöliakie und muss eine strikte glutenfreie Ernährung einhalten.
Deshalb darf ich keine Speisen zu mir nehmen, die auch nur kleinste Mengen/
Spuren von Weizen, Roggen, Gerste, Hafer, Dinkel und Grünkern bzw. daraus
hergestellte Produkte wie z. B. Semmelbrösel, Backerbsen, usw. enthalten.

Können Sie mir aus Ihrer Speisekarte für mich geeignete Gerichte nennen, oder
mein Gericht glutenfrei zubereiten (z.B. durch Weglassen mehlhaltiger Saucen
oder unpanierte, unmehlierte Zubereitung)?

Sie können ersatzweise für mich geeignete Getreidesorten/ -stärke wie Mais,
Reis, Hirse, Kartoffelstärke oder auch Buchweizen verwenden.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen!

Translated to English:

A request to the cook

I have celiac disease and must maintain a strict gluten-free diet.

Due to this, I may not eat any food that contains even the smallest

amount/trace of wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt and unripe spelt grain and/or

products manufactured from this such as bread crumbs, soup noodles, etc.

Can you point out dishes suitable for me from your menu, or prepare my dish

gluten-free (e.g., by omitting sauces containing flour or by preparing items

without breading or flour)?

You can use as suitable replacements for me types of cereals/starches such

as corn, rice, millet, potato starch or buckwheat.

Thank you very much for your efforts!


vGluten-free snacks heaven...

Germany is truly a
gluten-free snack heaven! They sell Italian brand Schär,
one of my favourite gluten-free snack brand, everywhere!  look for
"bio" shops

Look for "Reformhaus", or other "Bio-markt",
"Bioladen", "Naturkostladen", etc. and you won't be

There is a supermarket (also
on-line) in Berlin. See


When my wife and I travelled around Germany for
two months we ordered a stock of food ahead and got it send to our destination
in Germany (relations in Munich).

We ate mostly in Greek restaurants as their
meals were the easiest to have made in a gluten-free version.

We have German friends who are celiac – the
German celiac society webpage is well organized and I believe a large part of
the  info is available in English. 


As well, our friends informed us that the
wursts which are sold on the street from food trucks are gf – these vendors are
everywhere and it makes a convenient and cheap meal for a student.  The
wursts are usually sold nestled in fries with a little fork – no bread or roll.


I was just there and found
that most restaurants knew GF fairly well.

Ask "Haben Sie Glutenfrei?"  One
place in particular I'd recommend is

the Creperie Bretonne:


It's cheap, friendly, and delicious.
Thanks, again!!
Sue in Michigan

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