The listserv where the buildings do the talking


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"Becker, Dan" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The listserv where the buildings do the talking <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 20 May 2010 08:44:51 -0400
text/plain (7 kB) , text/plain (7 kB)
> From: Gabriel Orgrease
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 7:08 AM
> 	MD, 
> 	I would love to cross post this (w/o list & email info 
> - just story). What is your policy and what is BP's policy?
> 	-- 
> 	Jim Hicks
> BP policy is do no harm.

As always, Gabriel "Readers Digest" Orgrease has provided succinct guidance.

But this is a good opportunity to remind folks of BP policies, which were emailed to you in the Welcome message when you subscribed, immediately deleted or lost, and never to be read again. Or, since most of you have been here a long time, and have been around a long time, you definitely have forgotten.

Jim, the official, pointy-headed answer to your specific question is in the legal section at the end, items b.), c.), and the Privacy statement. And the answer is no. You can cross-post into BP with permission, but you can't cross-post out of BP under any circumstance.

Which strikes me as inconsistent. Let's have a messy debate to become more conclusive: 

Should BP's Privacy policy be amended to permit the cross-posting of material from the list to outside the list with express permission from the author? 



Welcome to Bullamanka-Pinheads

Your first task is to send a message to BP introducing yourself.

"Hello," is technically accurate, but, if you are capable of stretching sentences beyond one or two words it makes for more engaging conversation.
Feel free to be irrelevant, irreverent, and irrational. If you want to sit for a while and watch the foliage, feel free, but remember, you will be expected to say something once in a leaftime.

If you do not know what a leaftime is, ask BP, "What is a leaftime?" The preservationeers, like mad linguistic elves, will be glad to NOT leaf you
alone. They will be leafing all the way. If you decide to leaf you will find instructions below.

The purpose of Bullamanka-Pinheads is to provide a forum of communication among preservationeers: practitioners, craftspersons, and ANYONE of any persuasion, employment, education, background, or simple curiosity regarding preservation of the built, natural, and imaginary environment -- to do the following:

1) Fully explore and develop relationships. A place where creative, garrulous individuals can feel free to spit, belch, and go ducky muck without denting nobler sensibilities. Not promoting foul language; promoting the freedom to express stupid ideas awkwardly.

2) Provide a support network, to build a sense of community, to populate a virtual community of preservation with heroes, children, tricksters, Gods,
demons, wise old men, earth mothers, and a proficiency of smaller animals.

3) To aid preservationeers working in isolated areas, or confining career positions, to feel in-touch, to be in the loop.

4) To provide a forum where preservationeers can feel comfortable to congregate and meet with others who will be sympathetic to their stories. A
place to drop your rocks.

5) To ask WHY? Is there a Secretary of the Exterior?

6) A place where the serious minded person can get practical answers: playing with the messy parts of preservation -- emotions, strategy, facing the
developers, communicating, managing the project, wallowing in the absurd, laughing.

7) To share strategy on preservation of the built environment, which is an important ecology within the global environment. In respect of a sustainable
planet Bullamanka-Pinheads is a space to explore these issues.

RULES: Not to be used for overt commercial purposes. This is not a passive theater, if you do not ever contribute to the conversation you may be quietly removed from the list. Please avoid flaming, burning tires stink. All languages are accepted, though they may not always be understood or responded to. Blatant obscenity is discouraged, the expectation is that you will make an effort to be creative. Misspellings, clumsy grammar and typos are encouraged. Do not be shocked if you are corrected for factual errors. Please conserve space; trim quoted material from previous posts to the minimum necessary to get the meaning across when replying, and do not post pictures. If you forget why you are here and cannot figure out how to get away from this place then send a polite message to BP, "Let me out of here!". Most of all LAUGH!

ARCHIVE: Telepathic chickens leave no traces. This list is archived. Which means that your rantings are stored in an obscure location for posterity... that is, you are making history today.

WEBSITE: BP archives can be found on the WWW. We suggest you bookmark this page:


You may also modify or terminate your account through the web page.

LEAVE: To unsubscribe go to the website above. Click on the "Join or leave the list (or change settings)" link. Follow the instructions to unsubscribe. You then should get a Farewell Message.

OWNERS: Dan Becker, Adrienne Enders, Ken Follett, and Christopher Gray serve as the "owners" of the BP list. We do this only because someone has to, but we don't feel any more important than you because of it. If you have problems with the list, stop receiving emails from it when you are expecting them, or other problems you can't figure out what's going on, you can contact the owners by sending an email to <[log in to unmask]>

LEGAL: As required by the Terms of Service with our host ICORS, by posting to the list, subscribers acknowledge and agree to the following statements of legal and administrative rights and responsibilities:

a.) By posting to the list the subscriber understands and agrees that their message will be distributed to other subscribers via all those channels used by the list (e.g. via e-mail and web archives).

b.) The subscriber agrees not to post to the list any message or other text from outside the list without the express permission of the author, unless the item is clearly for public dissemination (e.g. a press release or public event announcement), or is within the 'fair-use' limitations as set by international copyright conventions. The subscriber acknowledges that in most cases this prohibits the posting of complete articles from newspapers, magazines, or web sites, and that references to such material must generally be made through links rather than posting the full text to the list.

c.) Subscribers agree not to quote or forward material from the list, including messages, parts of messages, or personal information of any kind, to others off-list, except as permitted by the list's privacy policies.

d.) Subscribers agree that they, and not the list owners, ICORS, or LSoft, are solely and completely responsible for their writings, including liability for any defamation or other similar charge.

e.) Subscribers acknowledge that all inquiries related to the list must go to the list owner, that neither ICORS nor LSoft will address inquiries from list subscribers, and that repeated failure to observe this rule may result in a ban on membership in all ICORS lists.

PRIVACY: In addition to item c.) in the LEGAL section above, subscribers agree not to post messages to multiple lists (cross-posting). Privacy is compromised when reply-all is used in response, and responses meant for one list end up being quoted on another. Note that the archives, while obscurely located, are public; posts contained in the archives may be indexed by search engines and be included in the search results of queries from other internet users.

**Please remember to trim posts, as requested in the Terms of Service**

To terminate puerile preservation prattling among pals and the uncoffee-ed, or to change your settings, go to:

“E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized City or Law Enforcement official.” -- **Please remember to trim posts, as requested in the Terms of Service** To terminate puerile preservation prattling among pals and the uncoffee-ed, or to change your settings, go to: <http://listserv.icors.org/archives/bullamanka-pinheads.html>