For blind ham radio operators


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Danny Dyer <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 20 Feb 2010 21:52:59 -0500
text/plain (67 lines)
*Jimmy, before sending this to the blind ham lists/there are two of them, I wanted to run it by you.  If you're OK with the wording, I'll post it, if not, let me know, thanks, Danny.

Hi All, A sighted, technically astute, 

helpfully motivated Ham friend,

Whom I'll tell you about shortly,

has,  an older, somewhat Blind Accessible, 
2Meter Mobile Rig,

For Sale, For $75Shipped.

It is an Icom IC-27A that has 

the HM-23 TTP mic, power cord, original manual,

And a Newly Installed Squelsh Pot.

It does Both 5watts, and 25Watts,

has selectable PL tones, 

has Speech board2announce frequency in use;

Transmits And Receives _Only Within The 2Meter Band,

Has 9Memories, which he'll Program If Requested:

(Sellers'Contact Info at the end of this note.

Jimmy Burnes and I first hooked up five or six years ago, 
and we've interacted on _Bunches of situations since then.
He's a long time ham, with varried technical and other experience.
Who's both built and repaired a whole lot of Heath Kits,
as well as having replaced finals in, Icom IC-706, Icom IC-t90,    IC2SAT, 
IC02AT, Yaesu FT470, and other HTs.
he's done SMA Repair on t90s and others.  
Has done memory battery replacement  and battery pack rebuilding, /has zapped batpacks back to life, as well as doing other repairs of little and large rigs.  I've seen him take several parts rigs and put together something really good, fix electrically then cleam up and paint up a rig, 
solder-tape and whatever's necessary to make a workable mic or power cord,  and if he can't find something in a junker, will buy parts and resell very close to his cost.
He's not_ an official repair center for any particular company, and he's not always able to give _Really fast turn around time.
Because, Although he's retired from his full time day job, he's got family and other interests, but really does care about helping folks/and I've found he's really motivated to help folks with challenges.
He Enjoys swapping for or buying to fix up and resell reasonably, 
HTs, and sometimes other items.  I don't know of anyone who's been disatisfied with his work.
If he's not comfortable with attempting something, after researching it, he'll forthrightly tell you and try to steer you elsewhere.  He pretty much ships USPS Priority or Flat Rate Priority,/other carryer if necessary.
I'm _not financially connected with, or receiving anything for passing his info along.  But he's got some time to work on stuff right now, so this might really  be a good time to contact him.
He didn't ask me to do this, but said it was OK for me to do so.  I _Highly recommend Him, and share his info below.  He's a valued and trusted friend to me.  Sincerely, Danny Dyer, Wb4idu.

Jimmy D. Burns, SR,


1551 Cedar Dale Lane

Lancaster,  SC  29720, 

Phone, (803-286-1282 


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