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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 06:53:38 -0600
text/plain (51 lines)

That is just it, their are some in the congregation that would really like
to worship, and they I suppose do, but when the supposed leader, does not,
and others in the team are burnt out and playing with flits on their face
and not joyous praises of smiles and etc.? It makes for what a sailor might
call "confused seas". Prayer is always welcome. My wife had lunch with the
church secretary yesterday, who is also on our worship team, and who's
husband does the sound, plays bass and etc. as you can see they do allot,
and they do more but no sense in going into that, but they are frustrated
with the disorganization of the church as a whole. They have been there
longer and being that their family makes half of the worship team including
their daughter who also sings, they carry allot of the weight up on the
platform as far as people see from there's seats as far as encouraging to
worship. If anything, please pray for our pastor to reveal a vision for the
church, and to show planning and organization. Church's tend to take on the
personality of the pastor, or draw kindred personalities, right now we'd
have and do have a disorganized church with two minutes prayers before the
service and etc. I am use to praying much longer for the people and the
service as a whole. I am going to do this anyway, make it known and perhaps
others will join. I left the last church primarily because their was no
vision to follow, no sense of being a  part of anything that was focused on
making a difference. I'm starting to get a complex to think I'm only
wanting to be on a super bowl church, but then I know that isn't true, I
only want to be a part of one that has it in it's sights. And by super bowl
church I do not mean large or any of that, but one that carries a mantle of
wisdom, organization and is clearly making a difference  outside it's own
walls. Imagine if you  had kids that went to school with no classroom
assignments, no schedule of what classes to go to, no grading of random
test, and no report cards. How lost would they be? Actually we do have a
sermon agenda months in advance, which is good I suppose, and I have
appreciated  some of them much, but what progress are we doing in our city?
Are we being effective? Do we need to have a meeting with the pastor as
leaders? I don't think here they do that. I'm use to a periodic leadership
meeting where the pastor will clue everyone in on the direction of the
church from a leader standpoint, encouragement from the pastor, not a
hidden thing where there is a handful of people who know things and the
rest are clueless and no evidence of any direction happening. To be honest,
as a family, we need this to grow spiritually. We need to put example to
the sermons and not just words by themselves. To be honest I asked my wife
last night, since she brought up the topic to me, I asked if I had again
made the same mistake as the last church, jumped in too early without
checking things out to see the longevity and vision of it all. Of course to
be honest, back then it seemed to have some of that , with promise to
continue and grow, but it seems gone now. Perhaps I ought meet with the
pastor to express my concerns. If I have them, certainly other s do besides
a few others. I'll pray about that too.

Got to run to work.