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"Ray T. Mahorney" <[log in to unmask]>
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Ray T. Mahorney
Wed, 1 Apr 2009 22:40:23 -0000
text/plain (42 lines)
sounds likely to me.
And finally this week, word that the mystery of the missing sunspots 
and lack of propagation may have been traced, incredibly, to some of 
the same roots as the current global economic crisis.  Newsline Roaming 
Investigative Reporter Pierre Pullinmyleg has roamed into his shortwave 
communications news transmission center with the details he has 
It now appears zat convicted swindler Bernard Madoff not only made off 
with zee 65 billion dollars of investors' money, but with zee cycle 24 
sunspots as well. A little-known corner of zee financial marketplace - 
actually more of a back alley - is zee sunspot futures market, where 
traders buy and sell based on predicted sunspot values for a given 
Our investigation has revealed that when the stock market was trading 
at ionospheric levels, Madoff accepted millions of dollars zat he 
promised to invest in future sunspots, but instead simply deposited in 
an offshore account in zee Serrano Bank on the fabled Ponzi Island - 
IOTA NA-0401 for those who wonder. When zee time came to actually 
purchase the sunspots for cycle 24, the accounts set up for that 
purpose were empty. As a result, za sun has declared bankruptcy and zee 
universe has begun foreclosure proceedings. 
Attorneys for zee sun are trying to negotiate a bailout package but are 
not optimistic that they can meet zee April 1st deadline.
From zee somewhat darkened beaches of Ponzi Island, zis is Pierre 
Pullinmyleg reporting for Newsline.
Pierre says that he will be back in about 12 months to bring you up to 
date on further developments in the solar foreclosure proceedings.  And 
just in case he did not mention it earlier, Pierre says to have a very 
happy April 1st.  (Roving reporter Pierre Pullinmyleg via shortwave)

Ray T. Mahorney