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Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mark Rode <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Oct 2010 11:54:56 -0700
text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (184 lines)

The LISTSERV, which is the server that handles our Lists, is being 
moved to a faster, more secure location directly upon the ISPs 
backbone with redundant paths to the Internet, this coming Saturday 
Morning October 23, 2010. If everything goes as planned our 
subscribers should hardly notice anything is amiss, but if there are 
problems we could be down for the day, so if you post on Friday 
evening, or Saturday please be aware there may be a delay in your 
post appearing on the lists.

I thought this would also be a good time to post our rules, and 
helpful tips, for new subscribers, as well as a reminder for our 
seasoned subscribers.

The server that handles LISTSERV- our mailing list(s) also handles 
over a hundred other mailing lists.  The LISTSERVer has requested we 
do our best to keep postings concise, and crop out unnecessary 
information. This request is in no way  targeted at us, as the 
moderators do a good job of keeping extraneous material off the 
lists, but lets try, and do our part.

A thread is the subject line of any message.  If you are not posting 
an answer to a given thread, and wish to ask a new question then take 
the time to change the subject line to reflect your new direction or 
thought.  People often go to our archives, and read through entire 
threads from start to finish. Our archives go back to 1999, and 
contain every post for the last eleven years. When you post off the 
thread, it makes a mess of our archives. You will find the archives at;



Over the years, we have discovered the most common mistakes people 
make when posting to the list(s) and the reason most often a message 
sent to a list is stopped by a Moderator.  Here is the top six:

If it is hardware, peripheral, or networking question, then post to 
PCBUILD. If it is software, programs/application, or online 
programs/Internet question, then post your question to PCSOFT.

Operating Systems such as WindowsXP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Linux 
or any other operating system questions are unique, in that we allow 
these questions on both lists depending on the context. PCBUILD for 
direct Operating system questions,  and PCSOFT for the applications 
that the operating system may come with, such as, Windows Paint, 
Movie Maker, or Wordpad.

Posting the same question to both lists is crossposting and is 
forbidden. Don't do it.

The ListServ server will strip out any attachment or embedded picture 
before it ever gets to a Moderator.

Posts with all sorts of unnecessary content are hard to read, and 
make a big mess for those who subscribe in Digest mode or read our 
archives. Always remove old signatures, and as much content that is 
not actually necessary to make your point when posting.

Don't steal someone else's thread/topic in order to post to the list. 
It won't get past a Moderator. Start a new topic by using a new subject line.

6. SPAMMING or FLAMING (also known as "your gone!")
We do not allow anyone to attempt to advertise, or sell products, or 
services, (Spamming) on our lists.  We will not allow any derogatory, 
sarcastic or unkind comments, (Flaming), on our list(s).  We do not 
permit rants, or editorializing. If you have a beef with a vendor or 
manufacturer don't bring it to our lists.

If you are having a bad day find another way to unwind, but do not 
even attempt to bring it to our list(s).  Keep it polite and 
helpful.  Telling a fellow subscriber that his or her PC is old, and 
they should get a new one helps NO ONE.  Spamming or flaming will 
result in a Moderator summarily ending your subscription.  Our lists 
are renown as clean, polite, and professional, and we ask your help 
in keeping it that way.

Our Moderators watch over the list(s) 24/7 every day of the year. 
They are the reason you won't see any spam, flames, or rude behavior 
on our lists. You do not have to worry about your email address being 
farmed by spammers. The Moderators work tirelessly, day in, and day 
out, to make sure that PCBUILD & PCSOFT are presented to you in a 
clean, safe, and professional manner. They all lead busy private 
lives, but volunteer their time to manage the List(s), and they have 
made the list what it is today. They can be contacted, at any time, 
to answer any questions, as to how the list works, or other 
administrative problems. They do not respond to PC technical support 
questions as that is why PCBUILD and PCSOFT exist. Only Moderators 
and owners use the freepctech.net email address. If you have been 
subscribed for any length of time, I am sure you will recognize the 
list  Moderators.

David Gillett
Bill Cohane
Jose Dominguez
Dean Kukral
Russ Poffenberge

Senior Contributors, can be identified by their freepctech.org email 
addresses. They are the pool from which Moderators are chosen when needed.

They are entitled to post with the SC identify, They are subscribers, 
who over the years have shown that they can post to the lists 
perfectly, and regularly, without correction by the Moderators, while 
consistently answering list questions, in the sprit of PCBUILD, and 
PCSOFT. Such behavior and willingness to help others does not go 
un-noticed by the Senior Partners/List Owners, and such subscribers 
are invited to become Senior Contributors.

The Freepctech lists are all about people helping people, and 
generously giving of their time to assist others with their PC 
hardware, and software problems. Senior Contributors are the best of 
the best subscribers. Their reward is a Freepctech.org email address 
and the right to use the SC designation. They have the privilege of 
posting without moderation, and the grateful thanks of  Bob and I, 
the Moderators, and staff of Freepctech.com. They make all our jobs 
easier, and are a great benefit to our subscribers.

  Here are the current Senior Contributors. If you have been a 
subscriber for any length of time, I am sure you will recognize one 
or more of the names.

Peter Shkabara
Don Penlington
Hugh Vandervoort
Tony Beckett
Thomas Mayer
Paul A. Shippert
Kenneth Whyman
Kyle Elmblade

When in doubt about how to use LISTs  or  the web site, you can 
consult the Quick Start Guide 24 hours a day at


And don't forget about all the tips, how to's, reviews, downloads, 
and guides available for free, 
at  <http://www.freepctech.com/>http://www.freepctech.com/

Mark Rode, [log in to unmask]
Bob Wright, [log in to unmask]

A Division of the Nospin Group

Do not reply to Administrative posts using this mailing list, as they
will not be approved for posting. Send comments to: [log in to unmask]  

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