Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Sat, 3 Jan 2009 10:00:10 -0500
text/plain (52 lines)
Welcome Jack!
I am married to a man who is a SAD king - loves sugary and simple carby
processed everything.  My parents (now both passed away) thought I was a
fanatic and terrible holiday spoiler.  For some reason they believed
EVERYONE had to partake of garbage in order for them to be happy .... 

I have been low carb for 12 years and low carb paleo for about 10 years -
health and weight much improved.  I simply stick to my convictions that
eating paleo is healthy and eating low carb (less than 70 carbs a day) is
best for me.  I try to educate those around me without being preachy.  BUT,
I will NOT compromise on what affects MY health.  If they do not want to eat
healthy - then I take a live and let live strategy.  They have the right to
kill themselves prematurely and damage their health and I have the right to
preserve my health through dietary changes.

Even when being browbeaten I do not give in and eat garbage simply to please
others.  My husband is great about it, but other family members can
sometimes still give me a hard time.  So, I tell them that I choose not to
poison myself just because it is someone's birthday and they choose to
celebrate by poisoning themselves  ;)  It helps to develop an attitude of
sympathetic pity towards them.  Poor souls.  They have been so brain washed,
BUT because we are enlightened we cannot go back to living as if we did not
know the truth about healthy eating.

Read good paleo and low carb materials to bolster your resolve.  Visit the
multitude of web sites which now promote paleo eating as the healthiest.
You are NOT alone.  Being different is not easy, but being healthy and
feeling good is worth it.  I am 55, and I am one of the few in my group of
friends ages 40-75 who is on no medications for chronic problems caused by
the SAD.

Paula H.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Jack Oughton
Hello all

Been on the list for a while, first post here. 

Used to live by myself but due to financial considerations moved back in
with parents. Finding it a bit hard to do the caveman thing  

find it a little hard to disassociate with the completely unsympathetic
[quite the opposite] people and environment? 

I'm sure some of you guys have pulled this off?

Any advice? :)
