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Tue, 15 Apr 2008 15:13:15 -0500
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (139 lines)
>>   Dear Family in Christ JESUS,
>>We love you and appreciate you and your love and friendship. I just 
>>got this in our mail and wanted to forward it to you and see how 
>>you feel about it? It is very eye opening to hear this lady's 
>>acount of her trip to Egypt and Israel and what she 
>>observed!!!!!!!! WOW! ( esp. Re: what the people of Israel and 
>>Egypt think of the presidential candidates of America!) I do know 
>>from Duanes perspective that Israel's pilots are the best in the 
>>world and then next the U.S.; and that has been common knowledge 
>>always) They have had lots of practice for so many years and our 
>>God has given them the best knowledge in  so many areas! After all 
>>"It IS written".  AMEN!       Thought that you might find this 
>>thought provoking to read?
>>Do we really appreciate the light Christ gives us?
>>I received this email from a friend who had it forwarded to her 
>>from whoever made this trip.  It is worth reading to the 
>>end.  Please take careful consideration to what she has to 
>>say.  Everyone needs to realize what is happening with this 
>>presidential election.
>>  Dear Friends,
>>                We are home.  I am home with this flu that is going 
>> around.  I had it before we left and got it again in Egypt   I 
>> have really been sick.  Sure is a waste of time.
>>                Our trip was physically very hard.  I lost 10 
>> pounds and got sick.  I am glad I went, but would not go back to 
>> Egypt .  It is a dirty, ungodly country.  The smog in Cairo Egypt 
>> was terrible.  There are 17 million people in that city and they 
>> just throw their trash in the streets.  The Nile River is 
>> polluted.  I don't know how such a people who built the pyramids 
>> regressed like they have.  If the Arabs take over America , we 
>> will be a slum.  And the noise pollution was terrible.  They chant 
>> their Muslim  prayers all day. Our tour guide was a Christian, and 
>> he was a fine young man, but the ungodliness of the population is 
>> everywhere.  It was a real example of the difference of "light" 
>> vs. "darkness."   Jesus is truly the Light!
>>                Israel was clean and wonderful.  We could eat the 
>> food and drink the water.  They were kind and loved us. They may 
>> not believe in Jesus but you can tell that God is in that 
>> land.  It snowed in Jerusalem while we were there and it was cold, 
>> but we still toured. The Sea of Galilee was  stormy and we went 
>> out on a boat a short distance, but came back to shore.  The Bible is
>>absolutely true about the fact that you cannot be out on the Sea of 
>>Galilee in a boat without the danger of dying.  We were amazed at 
>>the big waves and wind on that Sea or lake.
>>                The weather cleared in Israel at the end of the 
>> week and we went to the Temple Mount on a beautiful morning.  It 
>> was a time with the Lord.  We stood at the Golden Gate where Jesus 
>> will return.   It is sealed because the Muslims are concerned He 
>> will return! They even have one of their graveyards outside the 
>> gate thinking no King will come through a graveyard.  But Jesus is 
>> coming! It shows the Muslim are concerned and may believe there is 
>> a possibility He will come.  I stood and looked at that Gate, and 
>> was very moved to think I was standing at the very place where 
>> Jesus will enter Jerusalem again!
>>                We did go into Bethlehem. We had to let our Jewish 
>> guide out of the bus, and our Arab bus driver drove us through the 
>> security gate.  That high wall that you have been hearing about on 
>> TV is there, dividing Palestine and Israel   We then got a 
>> Christian guide when we got into Bethlehem ..  I was there twice 
>> before, once in l980 and again in l999 and there is a stark 
>> difference in Bethlehem since the Arabs have taken it over.  There 
>> were hardly any tourists.  We
>>ate in a cafe on the square where I ate before which was packed 
>>with tourists, but today it was vacant except for us.  They have 
>>killed their tourist trade. The Christians in Bethlehem asked us to 
>>pray for them, because they had no income now.  The Arab men on the 
>>manger square glared at us.  We did not feel safe and clung 
>>together. There were beggar boys everywhere. They hate Americans 
>>and Israel !!!!
>>                There is so much I could say about this trip.  It 
>> has changed my life in some ways.  I look at the lost-ness of the 
>> Arabs and the darkness.   I look at Israel ; that tiny country 
>> amidst such turmoil.  If America does not continue to support, 
>> Israel I believe God will judge us severely as Americans.  The 
>> Israelite soldiers were such fine young men and women. They are 
>> clean and disciplined and have great love for their land which is 
>> something that is missing in America  among some of our youth. I 
>> rode back to Lubbock from Dallas on airline with an American Air 
>> Force career soldier. He said the Israelite pilots were the best 
>> in the world. They can fly planes like no one else!
>>                Lastly, we were asked everywhere about the 
>> Presidential race in America .  There was great interest.  The 
>> Jews came up to us and asked us many questions.  They said they do 
>> not want the Clintons again.  They warned us that Obama is a 
>> Muslim, not a Christian. In Egypt , the Arabs said the same thing 
>> to us; they said Obama is Muslim and they are amazed that 
>> Americans would consider electing a Muslim President of America !!
>>                 I came home loving America even more!  Our country 
>> is a "light on a hill."  Our streets are clean.  There are no 
>> chants all day. People are kind and take their turn.  People over 
>> there pushed into line and were rude.  They have never heard of 
>> the Golden Rule. They will stomp all over you if they want to get 
>> in line. I can see now why Jesus' words of loving your 
>> neighbor  and doing unto others, what you would have them do unto 
>> you, were strange words to the lost.  The Koreans were the worst 
>> about walking all over us or trying to.
>>                We take our Christian heritage for granted here in 
>> my opinion.  We have sanctity of human life.  In Egypt, the Arabs 
>> don't have any hope so I can see why they would bomb people and 
>> commit suicide.  They smoked cigarettes everywhere!  I could not 
>> breathe in Egypt and I think that is why I came down with the flu 
>> again.  The smog was so bad at the pyramids, I could tell I was 
>> getting sick.  I would gag on the fumes.
>>                We need to pray for America and this election every day.
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