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"Grant E. Metcalf" <[log in to unmask]>
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Grant E. Metcalf
Mon, 21 Apr 2008 15:56:16 -0700
text/plain (183 lines)
     With respect to "I Hate God"

If I may be so bold, I would like to offer my observations
on the dialogue  regarding "I hate God".

First, Angel aluded to Job's suffering permited by God at the
hand of Satan, which Job quite possibly never fully understood
but was faithful in his utter dependence upon God in whatever
circumstance might happen to him.

There is another similar circumstance described in 2 Corinthians
12 where Paul describes his personal experience and
ultimate response to what apparently was some physical problem
God permited Satan to inflict on the Apostle.  Obviously, not
every sickness, not every disability, not every negative
experience in our lives is the direct result of Satanic attack.

We have three enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil--
and I find the only one I can never fully be freed from is
the "flesh" or sinful nature--at least not until I go to be
with Him either by subway or air mail. Considering myself dead
to the sin nature and alive to God in Jesus Christ--setting
my reflective thinking on such truths--helps me to have victory
over the flesh.  But I stray somewhat.

Of course, the second enemy, the world, would distract us and
John makes it quite plain that we should STOP LOVING IT!!!

Dealing both with the flesh or sin nature and the world begin
with the mind and the choices we make when presented to us.

Satanic atack is also a matter of mental awareness and response.
Didn't Jesus Himself call the Devil the father of lies in John
8:44?  Didn't Satan influence Ananias and Saphira to lie in
Acts 5:1-10?  If we looked, we could find more evidence.  However,
these two incidents help us to understand better what Paul is
getting at when he writes in Ephesians 6:10-18:

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the
power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that
ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God,
that ye may be able to
withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth,
and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your
feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall
be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And
take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer
and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with
all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Paul first makes it clear that we are not "wrestling"
physically but spiritually, thus with the mind.  So, let's
examine the tools of our warfare.

The first thing mentioned is "TRUTH". And what is a lie?
anything from a "99 percent" truth to an out-and-out untruth--
an obvious lie. We know from the Bible that Jesus is the Way,
the Truth, and the Life; the Holy Spirit has been called the
Spirit of Truth; and that the Bible itself is Truth. So then,
we need to girdle/surround our mental loins, our minds, with
the Truth, the Word of God!

Second is the "breastplate of righteousness".  This has been
a wonderful tool for me.  When Satan has said to me "You are
not righteous enough, you bum! youSinner!" all to try and
discourage and defeat me in my spiritual life, I can say to
him, "You're right! However, I am not depending on my
righteousness to stand before God but the righteousness of
Jesus Christ which has been given to me when I received Him
and my substitute, the One who paid the price for all sin."
Knowing that my righteousness before God is "in Jesus Christ",
I have a breastplate that guards my heart whenever Satan
attacks me about my self-generated righteousness or failures
along the way.  Thank God Christ's sacrifice and
righteousness covers it all.

My feet are securely shod with the "gospel of peace".  I with
Paul received for myself the truth that Christ died for sins,
was buried (because He was dead), rose again the third day
(because of our justification), and was seen! (1 Corinthians
15:3-4) Thanks to the convincing work of the Holy Spirit and
the gift of faith, I stand complete "In Christ", and seated
at the Father's right hand! My mental feet, if you will, are
firmly planted in the Gospel of Peace and I know what has
saved me and am able to share that good news with all who
will listen. As I keep "the truth" in mind the Holy Spirit is
also able to produce His fruit in my life part of which is PEACE.

James speaks of "resisting the devil and he will flee from
you (James 4:7). Over in First Peter 5:8-9 we are instructed
to resist him steadfastly "in the faith". And, Paul tells us
to take the "shield of faith". Now there is faith that saves;
faith that is a special gift of the Spirit; faith that is a
part of the fruit of the Spirit; and faith that is the body
of doctrine we are to believe. Wanna guess which one Paul is
referring to here? That's right! DOCTRINE! The truth of the
Word of God is there to shield us from all of those lies that
Satan and his demons would hurl at us. We have the Word
by which we can test every thought, every emotion, every
experience to see if they are in agreement with Biblical truth.
And, the better we know the Word of Truth, the better we are
able to resist Satan when under attack.

Again, the helmet of salvation is there to protect our mind.
The more and better we know and understand all of the benefits
of salvation "In Christ" the better we are able to endure the
mental assaults and ambushes of the wicked one.

And as has been constantly implied throughout this passage in
Ephesians, we have the Sword of the Spirit. Now then, since
the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, and it is the
truth contained therein that is to be used in our defense, it
makes more sense to me that by taking it in hand, it is to be
used by the saints to build, strengthen, and defend their own
thoughtlife rather than to try and attack an unbelieving world
system which could care less about its marvelous truths. The
only thing the lost worldling needs is the Good News concerning
Christ, His death for sins, burial, and resurrection. We will
never convert the world by demanding obedience to the Bible
and attacking them with it. First they must by the convicting
power of the Holy Spirit believe the Gospel of Christ, and
then, then alone, can God the Holy Spirit help them to know
and experience the life changing truths written on its pages.

Once we have experienced victory we are to pray. We should
be thanking God for His wonderful provisions and impowering
through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Then too, we should be
interceding on behalf of others who may be undergoing similar
attacks from Satan and his minions.

With all that said, Phil's experience certainly falls within
the sphere of a Satanic lie being introduced into his thoughts.
Scripture would tell us that such is not the true way of
thinking of a believer. "We love God because He first loved
us." The carnal believer who is not focused on the Word of
God would really struggle with such an attack.

Not everyone may have this particular thought, but there are
many thoughts introduced into our minds by the devil and his
demons which are similar, all lies, and able to defeat us in
our spiritual life if we are not properly relating to God
and His Word.

It would seem that Angel has been able to deal with many lies
and/or doubts on the basis of her knowing and applying the
truth found in the Word of God which is what Paul is so plainly
encouraging us to do.

Now then, what I am not saying is to rebuke the devil which
for us is unscriptural. Jesus rebuked Satan and demons, He
was God. Michael the archangel understood his position and
did not rebuke Satan as I have heard some Christians do in
prayer. What we are instructed to do, if you please, is to
"resist in the faith" and "stand againj", which relates to
our knowledge of the truth found in the Word of God. No where
are we given instruction or permission to order Satan to do
anything. It may be that part of the signs and wonders, after
the Day of Pentecost, which were performed by the Apostles
involved the casting out of demons. But we have no record in
Scripture of such an event. We should be very careful about
trying to build such a doctrine on events taking place in the
Gospels under the dispensation of Mosaic Law and before the
foundation of the Church and the dispensation of grace that
governs the Body of Christ. For believers we do have the
wonderful promise that "Greater is He that is in you then he
that is in the world." We are indwelt by the living, loving
God and not Satan nor his forces. And how do I know that?
The Bible tells me so!

Listening for His shout!


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