Discussiones in Interlingua


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Discussiones in Interlingua <[log in to unmask]>
ApIA <[log in to unmask]>, IAforum <[log in to unmask]>, Collateralista <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 30 Nov 2009 01:30:31 +0000
Discussiones in Interlingua <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Daniel Hollande <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Car amicos/Dear friends,

[ia] Recentemente, io ha me sentiva un poco discoragiate con interlingua. Io ha trovate que le participation con iste lingua deveni un habito addictive que consume multo tempore. Post multe deliberation iste fin de septimana, io ha concludite que io necessita passar minus tempore con iste lingua. In le corde, io es romanichista. Io volerea passar plus tempore parlante con personas in linguas 'real' tal como le portuguese. Io fatiga alque del discussiones usual super le promotion de iste lingua, o super qual meliorationes son desirabile. Claro io accepta que isto es necessari si interlingua es superviver ma io es plen de tote - al minus al momento.
[en] Recently, I have felt a little disheartened by Interlingua. I have found that being involved with this language is becoming a rather addictive and time consuming habit for me. And after a weekend of thinking it over I have come to the conclusion that I need to spend less time with this language. I am a Romanicist at heart, and I would like to get back to spending some time talking to people in 'real' languages, such as Portuguese. I tire somewhat of the usual discussions we have on ways of promoting this language, or how to improve it, etc. Of course I accept that this is necessary if Interlingua is going to survive but personally I have had my fill - for at least the time being.

[ia] Isto non es un quarela super interlingua. Al contrario, io ha trovate le inspiration in le simplicitate e le beltate de iste lingua. Del puncto de vista de un anglese, interlingua es un lingua accessibile e multo didactic. Illo permitte on comprender plus profundemente le ricchessa e le grammatica del anglese. Forsan, io non concorda que interlingua es immediatemente comprensibile por le anglophonos al prime vista como alcunos ha decite. Totevia, post plure menses de studio omne studentes deberea comprender le rudimentos basic del lingua e usar lo con confidentia.
[en] This is not a complaint about Interlingua. On the contrary, I have found this language to be inspiring in its simplicity and beauty. From an Englishman's point of view it is an accessible language that I would say is very didactic, and it allows one to understand more profoundly the richness and grammar of English. Perhaps I would not go as far as saying that Interlingua is as immediately comprehensible for English speakers at first sight, as some have marketed the language as being, but after several months study all students should understand the basic rudiments of the language and use it confidently.

[ia] Pro clarificar, io non me retira completemente del lingua. Io me da simplemente un distantia confortabile in le qual io pote esser objective. Ancora io essera subscribite tote le listas de eposta e le foros que nos tote son subscribite tal como isto. In iste maniera io potera responder vos in mi discretion proprie in le futuro. 
[en] To clarify, I am not cutting myself off completely from the language. I am just giving myself a comfortable distance in which to be objective. I will still be subscribed to all the mailing lists and forums that we are all subscribed to such as this one, and in this way I will be able to respond to you all at my own will in the future.

[ia] Ante io parti, io volerea a legar permanentemente a vos totes, si vos acceptarea, alcun sitos web. Il ha cinque blogs le quales io ha create durante le poc annos passate - e io pensa que il esserea prodige e inutile de deler o termina iste sitos - assi, io desirarea a passar los a personas productive e capace. Il existe personas qui vole prender iste sitos?
[en] Before I depart, I would like to bequeath upon you all permanently, if you would accept, some websites. There are five blogs which I have created over the past few years, and I think it would be wasteful and pointless to delete or close down these sites, so I would like to pass them on to people with more productive and capable hands. Is there anyone who wishes to take these sites?

"Interlingua Index"
[ia] Mi intention quando io creava iste blog era a listar tote le ligamines e sitos de interesse que se tracta con interlingua. Illo es bilingue - anglese-interlingua.
[en] The aim of this blog is to list all blogs, links and sites of interest that deal with Interlingua. It is bilingual - English and Interlingua.  

"Le Cocina"
[ia] Si alcunos inter vos se gaude del alimento e le cocina tanto como io
alora iste sito es pro vos. Illo lista alcun proprie receptas de mie in
interlingua e alcun de Paul LeCorde. Isto es un sito in interlingua
[en] If there is anyone amongst you who enjoys food and cooking as much as I do then this site is for you. It lists some of my own recipes in interlingua and some of the recipes of Paul LeCorde. This is an Interlingua only site.

"Nomines in Interlingua"
[ia] Iste sito es por alcunos qui ama le etymologia de nomines.
[en] anyone interested in the etymology of names.

"Speak Interlingua"
[ia] Il era mi intention a deler iste sito. Illo es un sito pro anglophonos qui vole apprender le interlingua. Totevia, illo es incomplete.
[en] I was going to delete this site. It is a site for English speakers qho wish to learn Interlingua. Yet, it is incomplete.

[ia] Io spera profundemente que alcun de vos essera interessate in le gerentia de iste sitos proque io non vole vider los deveni inactive e 'morte' al fin.
[en] I do dearly hope that some of you would be interested in taking over these blogs and sites as I do not wish to see them become inactive and eventually dead links.

amicalmente/Kindest regards
Daniel Hollande
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