The listserv where the buildings do the talking


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John Leeke <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The listserv where the buildings do the talking <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 11 Apr 2010 08:35:27 -0400
text/plain (42 lines)
>> Subject: Re: So why doesn't John L. make a video about this???

> John may be waiting by his mailbox for Ralph to send him his cut of the
> BP dues?
> ][<

][< has hit the nail upon the head. These days I'm pretty busy making 
videos for my Save America's Windows readers, who keep sending me checks 
for the book--kinda like getting paid to make the videos, plus it helps 
keep groceries on the table.

I'd like to make a video for each and every one of you, and I have for a 
few of you. I'll get around to the rest of you--eventually. In the mean 
time I encourage all of you to make videos for each other. It can't be 
that hard if Ken and I figured it out.

Here's an easy way to do that, join a live video conference. I'd be 
happy to set it up. The conference gets recorded, so it's a quick way to 
make a video on any topic that is dear to your heart. Learn more about 
how this works over at my RetroVideo:

RetroVideo. online, live video conference series:

Also, the Bambuser.com service is pretty cool, and free. On it you can 
broadcast live, with recordings to show others later. Here's my account 
there with the barn painting project from last summer:

by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoots it right
by mind and heart we share the art

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