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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 10 Sep 2008 08:22:35 -0400
Info-ACDA <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
American Celiac Disease Alliance
Info-ACDA <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

After several years of work by families with celiac children, and with
assistance from the American Celiac Disease Alliance, the nation's 12th
largest school district now has a Gluten Free Lunch Menu.  That's right, a
true GF lunch menu!  The ACDA has collaborated with other districts and
helped put together GF meals for students.  None compare to Fairfax County
Public Schools (VA) with over 168,000 students and its 197 schools.   


This was a painstaking process made possible thanks to a medical team
committed to more than one individual patient. In particular, it was the
determined dedication of dietitian Pam Cureton, who collaborated for months
with district officials to fine tune a GF menu which also met the
nutritional needs of celiac students.  


It is our hope that other schools will take a look at Fairfax County's menu
and use it as a model to develop menus for their  celiac students.  To see
what the menu looks like go to: www.americanceliac.org/studentscd.htm .  In
the left column click on GF School Menu. 


The ACDA's members include physicians, researchers and dietitians, as well
as, the top GF food manufacturers.  Their expertise is unparalleled and they
are prepared to provide assistance to any school district - large or small
to ensure the needs of students with celiac disease are being met.   


The fact that schools are moving forward to help our kids is proof your
efforts to raise awareness are paying off.  


Thank you.  And keep it up!



Andrea Levario

Executive Director

American Celiac Disease Alliance 


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