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Discussiones in Interlingua <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 09:44:25 +0400
Nik Kalach <[log in to unmask]>
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Nik Kalach <[log in to unmask]>
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Car Josu,

Tu pote controllar le transcription del parolas anglese con P.ex., schooner [skuner]

14.01.2013, 0:19 +01:00, Josu Lavin <[log in to unmask]>:
> Nove lista alphabetisate infra.
> Commentarios?
> JL
> abordage [ ɑ bord ɑʒ e ]
> acierage [ ɑ tsier ɑʒ e ]
> adjustage [ ɑ d ʒ ust ɑʒ e]
> admixtion [ ɑ dmixtion]
> adustion [ ɑ dustion]
> aerage [ ɑ er ɑʒ e ]
> agiotage [ ɑʒ ot ɑʒ e ]
> alique [ ɑ like]
> amarage [ ɑ m ɑ r ɑʒ e ]
> amnestia
> [ ɑ mnestí ɑ ]
> amnestiar
> [ ɑ mnesti ɑ r]
> amperage
> [ ɑ mper ɑʒ e ]
> ancorage [ ɑ nkor ɑʒ e ]
> angustia
> [ ɑ ŋgusti ɑ ]
> angustiar
> [ ɑ ŋgusti ɑ r]
> angustiose [ ɑ ŋgustiose]
> antiaeree [ ɑ nti ɑ eree]
> antiasthmatic [ ɑ nti ɑ stm ɑ tik]
> antichristian [ ɑ ntikristi ɑ n]
> apprentissage [ ɑ pprentiss ɑʒ e ]
> approchar [ ɑ ppro ʃɑ r]
> arbitrage [ ɑ rbitr ɑʒ e]
> aristocratia [ ɑ ristokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> arithmomantia [ ɑ ritmom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> arlequin [ ɑ rlekin]
> arlequinada [ ɑ rlekin ɑ d ɑ ]
> arrangiamento [ ɑ rr ɑ n ʒɑ mento]
> arrangiar [ ɑ rr ɑ n ʒɑ r]
> artichoc [ ɑ rti ʃ ok]
> atque [ ɑ tke]
> attaché [ ɑ t ɑʃ é]
> atterrage [ ɑ tterr ɑʒ e ]
> autocratia [ ɑ utokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> avalanche [ ɑ v ɑ l ɑ n ʃe ]
> avantage [ ɑ v ɑ nt ɑʒ e ]
> avokatiero [ ɑ vok ɑ tiero]
> bagage [b ɑ g ɑʒ e ]
> bandage [b ɑ nd ɑʒ e]
> baronage [b ɑ ron ɑʒ e ]
> barrage [b ɑ rr ɑʒ e ]
> bastion [b ɑ stion]
> bestia [besti ɑ ]
> bestial [besti ɑ l]
> bestialitate [besti ɑ lit ɑ te]
> biberage [biber ɑʒ e ]
> bibliomantia [bibliom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> bituminage [bitumin ɑʒ e ]
> bobinage [bobin ɑʒ e ]
> boiage [boi ɑʒ e ]
> bolchevismo [bol ʃ evismo]
> boscage [bosk ɑʒ e]
> bouquet [boukè]
> boycottage [boikott ɑʒ e ]
> brecha [bre ʃɑ ]
> brigantage [brig ɑ nt ɑʒ e ]
> briquette [brikette]
> broche [bro ʃ e]
> brochure [bro ʃ ur]
> bronzage [bronz ɑʒ e ]
> budget [b ɑ d ʒ et]
> budgetar [b ɑ d ʒ et ɑ r]
> bureaucratia [burokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> Cachmir [k ɑʃ mir]
> cartucha
> [k ɑ rtu ʃɑ ]
> cauchu
> [k ɑ u ʃ ú]
> celestial [tselesti ɑ l]
> ceromantia [tserom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> chacal [ ʃɑ k ɑ l]
> chaco [ ʃɑ ko]
> chaise [ ʃɑ ise]
> chal [ ʃɑ l]
> chalet [ ʃɑ lé]
> chalupa [ ʃɑ lup ɑ ]
> Champagne [ ʃɑ mp ɑ in]
> champignon [ ʃɑ mpinion]
> chaperon
> [ ʃɑ peron]
> chaperonage [ ʃɑ peron ɑʒ e ]
> chaperonar
> [ ʃɑ peron ɑ r]
> char à bancs [ ʃɑ r ɑ b ɑ nks]
> charade [ ʃɑ r ɑ de]
> charivari [ ʃɑ riv ɑ ri]
> charlatan [ ʃɑ rl ɑ t ɑ n]
> charme [ ʃɑ rme]
> charpa [ ʃɑ rp ɑ ]
> chartreuse [ ʃɑ rtrose]
> chassa [ ʃɑ ss ɑ ]
> chassis [ ʃɑ ssis]
> chauffeur [ ʃ ofer]
> chauvinismo [ ʃ ovinismo]
> chec [t ʃ ek]
> Checoslovachia [t ʃ ekoslov ɑ ki ɑ ]
> chef [ ʃ ef]
> chenille [ ʃ enile]
> cheque [ ʃ eke]
> cheque [ ʃ eke]
> chic [ ʃ ik]
> chiffonier [ ʃ iffoniè]
> Chile [t ʃ ile]
> chimpanze [ ʃ imp ɑ nzé]
> China [ ʃ in ɑ ]
> chinese [ ʃ inese]
> chiromantia [kirom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> choc [ ʃ ok]
> choccar [ ʃ okk ɑ r]
> chocolate [ ʃ okol ɑ te]
> chocolatiera [ ʃ okol ɑ tier ɑ ]
> christian [kristi ɑ n]
> christianismo [kristi ɑ nismo]
> christianitate [kristi ɑ nit ɑ te]
> christiano [kristi ɑ no]
> claque [kl ɑ ke]
> cliché [kli ʃ é]
> clique [klike]
> cochi [ko ʃ i]
> cochinilia [ko ʃ inili ɑ ]
> combustion [kombustion]
> commatrage [komm ɑ tr ɑʒ e]
> commixtion [kommixtion]
> concubinage [konkubin ɑʒ e ]
> congestion [koŋgestion]
> congestionar [koŋgestion ɑ r]
> contraspionage [kontr ɑ spion ɑʒ e ]
> coquetta [kokett ɑ ]
> coquettar [kokett ɑ r]
> coquette [kokette]
> coquetteria [koketterí ɑ ]
> corage [kor ɑʒ e ]
> coragiose [kor ɑʒ ose]
> cordage [kord ɑʒ e ]
> cornichon [korni ʃ on]
> corsage [kors ɑʒ e ]
> creosotage [kreosot ɑʒ e ]
> crochet [kro ʃ é]
> croquet [kroket]
> croquetar [kroket ɑ r]
> croquette [krokette]
> cuneage [kune ɑʒ e ]
> curettage [kurett ɑʒ e ]
> cylindrage [tsilindr ɑʒ e]
> damascenage [d ɑ m ɑ stsen ɑʒ e ]
> democratia [demokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> depeche [depe ʃ e]
> dervich [dervi ʃ ]
> digestion [digestion]
> dinastia [din ɑ stí ɑ ]
> diplomatia [diplom ɑ tí ɑ ]
> disavantage [dis ɑ v ɑ nt ɑʒ e ]
> disavantagiose [dis ɑ v ɑ nt ɑʒ ose]
> diskassage [disk ɑ ss ɑʒ e ]
> dismontage [dismont ɑʒ e ]
> disrangiamento [disr ɑ n ʒɑ mento]
> disrangiar [disr ɑ n ʒɑ r]
> dosage [dos ɑʒ e ]
> ducha
> [du ʃɑ ]
> Dunkerque
> [duŋkerke]
> echelon [e ʃ elon]
> elephantiasis
> [elef ɑ nti ɑ sis]
> equipage [equip ɑʒ e ]
> eremitage [eremit ɑʒ e ]
> esque [eske]
> essamage [ess ɑ m ɑʒ e ]
> essayage [ess ɑ i ɑʒ e ]
> etage [et ɑʒ e ]
> etiquetta [etikett ɑ ]
> etiquettar [etikett ɑ r]
> eucharistia [euk ɑ ristí ɑ ]
> exhaustion [exh ɑ ustion]
> fetiche [feti ʃ e]
> fichu [fi ʃ u]
> flecha [fle ʃɑ ]
> fokage [fok ɑʒ e ]
> foliage [foli ɑʒ e ]
> forgiar [for ʒɑ r]
> forrage [forr ɑʒ e ]
> frangiar [fr ɑ n ʒɑ r]
> frangiate [fr ɑ n ʒɑ te]
> frangiatura [fr ɑ n ʒɑ tur ɑ ]
> frangiero [fr ɑ n ʒ ero]
> frontiera
> [frontier ɑ ]
> fructiero
> [fruktiero]
> fuselage
> [fusel ɑʒ e ]
> gage [g ɑʒ e]
> galimatias
> [g ɑ lim ɑ ti ɑ s]
> galocha
> [g ɑ lo ʃɑ ]
> galvanoplastia
> [g ɑ lv ɑ nopl ɑ sti ɑ ]
> garage [g ɑ r ɑʒ e]
> garagista [g ɑ r ɑʒ ist ɑ ]
> garantia
> [g ɑ r ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> garrettiera
> [g ɑ rrettier ɑ ]
> geomantia
> [geom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> gerontocratia [gerontokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> gestion [gestion]
> ginecocratia [ginekokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> gingibre [ ʒ in ʒ ìbre]
> ginseng [ ʒ ìnséng]
> girafa [ ʒ ir ɑ f ɑ ]
> gitarra [git ɑ rr ɑ ]
> gitarrista [git ɑ rrist ɑ ]
> grilliage [grilli ɑʒ e ]
> guillotina [giliotin ɑ ]
> guillotinada [giliotin ɑ d ɑ ]
> guillotinamento [giliotin ɑ mento]
> guillotinar [giliotin ɑ r]
> guirlanda
> [girl ɑ nd ɑ ]
> guirlandar
> [girl ɑ nd ɑ r]
> guitarra
> [git ɑ rr ɑ ]
> guitarrista
> [git ɑ rrist ɑ ]
> guttiera
> [guttier ɑ ]
> hacha
> [h ɑʃɑ ]
> hachich [h ɑʃ i ʃ ]
> harponage [h ɑ rpon ɑʒ e ]
> herbage [herb ɑʒ e ]
> hereditage [heredit ɑʒ e ]
> hieromantia [hierom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> homage [hom ɑʒ e ]
> hostage [host ɑʒ e]
> idiotia [idiotí ɑ ]
> immagazinage [imm ɑ g ɑ zin ɑʒ e ]
> immixtion [immixtion]
> immodestia [immodesti ɑ ]
> impaleage [imp ɑ le ɑʒ e ]
> incoragiamento [inkor ɑʒɑ mento]
> incoragiar [inkor ɑʒɑ r]
> indigestion [indigestion]
> Indochina [indo ʃ in ɑ ]
> ingagiamento [iŋg ɑʒɑ mento]
> ingagiar [iŋg ɑʒɑ r]
> ingagiator [iŋg ɑʒɑ tor]
> ingestion [iŋgestion]
> ingranage [iŋgr ɑ n ɑʒ e ]
> inguirlandar [iŋgirl ɑ nd ɑ r]
> inragiamento [inr ɑʒɑ mento]
> inragiar [inr ɑʒɑ r]
> itaque [it ɑ ke]
> jardinage [ ʒɑ rdin ɑʒ e ]
> judeochristian [ ʒ udeokristi ɑ n]
> kaffetiera [k ɑ ffetier ɑ ]
> kalfatage [k ɑ lf ɑ t ɑʒ e ]
> kamouflage [k ɑ mufl ɑʒ e]
> kannage [k ɑ nn ɑʒ e ]
> kanoage [k ɑ no ɑʒ e ]
> kapsulage [k ɑ psul ɑʒ e ]
> karinage [k ɑ rin ɑʒ e ]
> karnage [k ɑ rn ɑʒ e ]
> kartiera [k ɑ rtier ɑ ]
> kartomantia [k ɑ rtom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> kartonage [k ɑ rton ɑʒ e ]
> katoptromantia [k ɑ toptrom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> kiosque [kioske]
> kirschwasser [kir ʃ v ɑ sser]
> lancha [l ɑ n ʃɑ ]
> lavage [l ɑ v ɑʒ e ]
> lectiera [lektier ɑ ]
> legier [le ʒ ier]
> legieressa [le ʒ ieress ɑ ]
> leontiase [leonti ɑ se]
> libertinage [libertin ɑʒ e ]
> lineage [line ɑʒ e ]
> linguage [liŋgu ɑʒ e ]
> lunch [l ɑ nt ʃ ]
> lustrage [lustr ɑʒ e]
> lynchar [lint ʃɑ r]
> manchette [m ɑ n ʃ ette]
> manchu [m ɑ nt ʃ u]
> Manchukuo [m ɑ nt ʃ ukuo]
> Manchuria [m ɑ nt ʃ uri ɑ ]
> mangiabile [m ɑ n ʒɑ bile]
> mangiar [m ɑ n ʒɑ r]
> mangiator [m ɑ n ʒɑ tor]
> mangiatoria [m ɑ n ʒɑ tori ɑ ]
> mannequin [m ɑ nnekin]
> marcha
> [m ɑ r ʃɑ ]
> marchar
> [m ɑ r ʃɑ r]
> marechal
> [m ɑ re ʃɑ l]
> maritage [m ɑ rit ɑʒ e ]
> Marquesas
> [m ɑ rkes ɑ s]
> marquis [m ɑ rkis]
> marquise [m ɑ rkise]
> massage [m ɑ ss ɑʒ e ]
> match [m ɑ t ʃ ]
> menage [men ɑʒ e ]
> menagerie [men ɑʒ e ri]
> menchevismo
> [men ʃ evismo]
> mercerisage [mertseris ɑʒ e ]
> message [mess ɑʒ e ]
> messageria [mess ɑʒ e rí ɑ ]
> messagero
> [mess ɑʒ e ro]
> mestiero
> [mestiero]
> mestitsiage
> [mestitsi ɑʒ e ]
> metrage [metr ɑʒ e]
> mirage [mir ɑʒ e ]
> misusage [misus ɑʒ e ]
> mixtion [mixtion]
> modestia [modesti ɑ ]
> molestia [molesti ɑ ]
> monetage [monet ɑʒ e ]
> montage [mont ɑʒ e ]
> mosquitiera [moskitier ɑ ]
> mosquitiera [mosquitier ɑ ]
> mosquito [moskito]
> multivage [multiv ɑʒ e ]
> necromantia [nekrom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> niche [ni ʃ e]
> nickelage [nikkel ɑʒ e ]
> noctivage [noktiv ɑʒ e ]
> nomocratia [nomokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> nonchalance [non ʃɑ l ɑ nse]
> nonchalant [non ʃɑ l ɑ n]
> ochlocratia [oklokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> oleage [ole ɑʒ e ]
> oneiromantia [oneirom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> orangeria [or ɑ n ʒ erí ɑ ]
> orangiada [or ɑ n ʒɑ d ɑ ]
> orangiero [or ɑ n ʒ ero]
> ornithomantia [ornitom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> ostage [ost ɑʒ e]
> osteoplastia [osteopl ɑ sti ɑ ]
> ostiero
> [ostiero]
> ostio
> [ostio]
> paisage [p ɑ is ɑʒ e ]
> paisagista [p ɑ is ɑʒ ist ɑ ]
> parquet [p ɑ rkè]
> passage [p ɑ ss ɑʒ e ]
> passager [p ɑ ss ɑʒ e r]
> passagero [p ɑ ss ɑʒ e ro]
> patinage [p ɑ tin ɑʒ e ]
> patronage [p ɑ tron ɑʒ e ]
> pavage [p ɑ v ɑʒ e ]
> pedage [ped ɑʒ e ]
> pedagero [ped ɑʒ e ro]
> pelegrinage
> [pelegrin ɑʒ e ]
> penitentieria
> [penitentierí ɑ ]
> percentage [pertsent ɑʒ e ]
> percha [per ʃɑ ]
> perque [perkè]
> personage [person ɑʒ e ]
> petiolo
> [petiolo]
> photomontage [fotomont ɑʒ e ]
> physiocratia
> [fisiokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> piliage [pili ɑʒ e ]
> pilotage [pilot ɑʒ e ]
> pluche [plu ʃ ]
> plumage [plum ɑʒ e ]
> plutocratia
> [plutokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> poncho
> [pont ʃ o]
> pornocratia
> [pornokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> porque
> [porkè]
> portiera
> [portier ɑ ]
> prelatia
> [prel ɑ tí ɑ ]
> presbitia
> [presbiti ɑ ]
> primatia
> [prim ɑ tí ɑ ]
> prophetia
> [profetí ɑ ]
> proque
> [prokè]
> punch [pon ʃ ]
> punctage [punkt ɑʒ e ]
> pupillage [pupill ɑʒ e ]
> putsch
> [put ʃ ]
> qualque [qu ɑ lke]
> quartiero
> [qu ɑ rtiero]
> que [ke]
> quem [kem]
> question
> [question]
> questionabile
> [question ɑ bile]
> questionar
> [question ɑ r]
> questionario
> [question ɑ rio]
> questionator
> [question ɑ tor]
> qui [ki]
> rage [r ɑʒ e ]
> ragiar [r ɑʒɑ r]
> ragiose [r ɑʒ ose]
> ramage [r ɑ m ɑʒ e ]
> rancho
> [r ɑ nt ʃ o]
> rangiar [r ɑ n ʒɑ r]
> rastrellage [r ɑ strell ɑʒ e ]
> rattiera
> [r ɑ ttier ɑ ]
> reportage [report ɑʒ e ]
> reproche [repro ʃ e]
> rhinoplastia [rinopl ɑ stí ɑ ]
> rivetage [rivet ɑʒ e ]
> sabotage [s ɑ bot ɑʒ e ]
> sacristia [s ɑ kristí ɑ ]
> sage [s ɑʒ e ]
> sagessa [s ɑʒ e ss ɑ ]
> salatiera [s ɑ l ɑ tier ɑ ]
> salvage [s ɑ lv ɑʒ e ]
> salvageria [s ɑ lv ɑʒ e rí ɑ ]
> sandwich [s ɑ ndwit ʃ ]
> schooner [ ʃ un ɑ =  ʃ unr]
> schottisch [skoti ʃ ]
> semisalvage [semis ɑ lv ɑʒ e ]
> sergente [ser ʒ ente]
> servage [serv ɑʒ e ]
> skaliage [sk ɑ li ɑʒ e ]
> solfeggiar [solfe ʒɑ r]
> sondage [sond ɑʒ e ]
> speech [spit ʃ ]
> spionage [spion ɑʒ e ]
> sputiera [sputier ɑ ]
> stampage [st ɑ mp ɑʒ e ]
> steeplechase [stipelt ʃ eis]
> stivage [stiv ɑʒ e ]
> sucrage [sukr ɑʒ e]
> suffragette [suffr ɑʒ ette]
> suggestion [suggestion]
> suggestionar [suggestion ɑ r]
> suprematia [suprem ɑ tí ɑ ]
> Susquehanna [suskeh ɑ nn ɑ ]
> tannage [t ɑ nn ɑʒ e ]
> tatuage [t ɑ tu ɑʒ e ]
> technocratia [teknokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> telepherage [telefer ɑʒ e ]
> terrage [terr ɑʒ e ]
> testiera [testier ɑ ]
> theocratia
> [teokr ɑ tí ɑ ]
> theomantia
> [teom ɑ ntí ɑ ]
> tintiera
> [tintier ɑ ]
> tirage [tir ɑʒ e ]
> tomatiero
> [tom ɑ tiero]
> tonnage [tonn ɑʒ e ]
> torcha
> [tor ʃɑ ]
> tortiera [tortier ɑ ]
> tourniquet [tourniké]
> trenchar [tren ʃɑ r]
> trenchea [tren ʃ e ɑ ]
> trencho [tren ʃ o]
> tressage [tress ɑʒ e ]
> tricotage [trikot ɑʒ e ]
> tsarevich [ts ɑ revit ʃ ]
> ultrage [ultr ɑʒ e]
> ultragiose [ultr ɑʒ ose]
> usage [us ɑʒ e ]
> ustion
> [ustion]
> vagabundage [v ɑ g ɑ bund ɑʒ e ]
> vassallage [v ɑ ss ɑ ll ɑʒ e ]
> vengiabile [ven ʒɑ bile]
> vengiantia [ven ʒɑ nti ɑ ]
> vengiar
> [ven ʒɑ r]
> vengiative
> [ven ʒɑ tive]
> vengiator
> [ven ʒɑ tor]
> vestiario
> [vesti ɑ rio]
> viage
> [vi ɑʒ e]
> viagiar
> [vi ɑʒɑ r]
> viagiator
> [vi ɑʒɑ tor]
> viduage
> [vidu ɑʒ e]
> village [vill ɑʒ e ]
> villanage [vill ɑ n ɑʒ e ]
> visage [vis ɑʒ e ]
> voltage [volt ɑʒ e ]
> W.C. [d ɑ bliùsi]
> wadi [w ɑ di]
> wafla [w ɑ fl ɑ ]
> wagon [wegon] ¿?
> waldense [v ɑ ldense]
> walzer [v ɑ ltser]
> watercloset [wot ɑ kloset],
> [w ɑ trkl ɑ zet]
> waterpolo [wot ɑ polo],
> [w ɑ trpolo]
> watt [wot]
> watta [wot ɑ ]
> wattage [w ɑ tt ɑʒ e ]
> wattage [wot ɑʒ e ]
> wattar [wot ɑ r]
> watthora [wotor ɑ ]
> wattimetro [wottimetro]
> weekend [wikend]
> west [west]
> Westfalia [vestf ɑ li ɑ ]
> westfalic [vestf ɑ lik]
> whig  [wig]
> whiski  [wiski]
> whist  [wist]
> wigwam [wigw ɑ m]
> Wilno [vilno]
> wolfram [volfr ɑ m]
> wolframite [volfr ɑ mite]
> wombat [womb ɑ t]
> Worms [vorms]
> yacht [jot], [j ɑ t]
> zinkage [zink ɑʒ e ]
> -- 
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