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Discussiones in Interlingua <[log in to unmask]>
Carlos Alberto <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 24 Sep 2007 15:54:50 -0300
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Discussiones in Interlingua <[log in to unmask]>
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Car amicas et amicos,

        Ecce un altere texto bilingue, un nove exercitio de traduction:
'Seal dribble' stirs the waters of Brazilian soccer

'Le dribble del phoca' agita le aquas del football brasilian


Extracto ab le articulo per Tales Azzoni, publicate per Associated Press le 19 de septembre 2007.


Brasilian soccer fans go crazy when Kerlon bounces the ball off his head to run past defenders.

Le aficionados del football brasilian se allegra follemente quando Kerlon, facente le bolla saltar supra su capite, curre inter le defensores adverse.

The move is called a "seal dribble" because the 19-year-old midfielder is bobbing the ball like, well, a seal.

Iste *manovra* es appellate le "dribble del phoca" proque le mediano, de 19 annos de etate, colpante legier e repetitemente le bolla per su capite, resimila 

un phoca (in le circo equilibrante le bolla sur su muso).


Not every one is thrilled by it, however, and in this soccer-mad country Kerlon's antics are stirring quite a debate.

Totevia, non omnes freme de placer pro isto, et, in iste pais ubi le football es un passion popular, le buffonerias de Kerlon ha instigate multe controversia.


Kerlon confounds and irritates opponents as he darts by them. With the ball out of reach, they find it hard to stop him without fouling him.

Kerlon confunde et irrita su opponentes quando velocemente les ultrapassa, mantenente le bolla in alto, foras de attingimento, assi que illes trova difficile 

stoppar le sin committer infraction. 


Some players say the move is disrespectful because it breaks soccer's unwritten code. They contend Kerlon uses the move to show off, 

not to score goals.

Alicun jocatores considera le manovra irrespectuose proque illo infringe le codice non scripte del football. Illes argumenta que Kerlon usa aquelle 

ressources pro exhibitionismo, non pro ganiar goals.


Kerlon's latest balancing act caused a nationally televised brawl Sunday after Cruzeiro beat rival Atletico Mineiro 4-3 in the Brasilian league.

Le acrobatia le plus recente de Kerlon ha causate un ardente debatto monstrate a tote le pais per le television le dominica post Cruzeiro haber battite su rival Atlético Mineiro 4-3 in le campionato brasilian.


Shortly after Cruzeiro took lhe lead for good, Kerlon decided to try the move. He bounced the ball on his head three times before Atletico 

defender Coelho leveled him with a hard tackle.

Pauc tempore post que Cruzeiro habeva obtenite le avantage final, Kerlon decideva essayar su movimento equilibristic. Ille colpava le bolla per su capite 

tres vices ante que Coelho, un defensor de Atlético, per un dur tackle le faceva cader per terra.


Atletico players charged Kerlon, screaming at him and accusing him of provoking them with the dribble.

Le jocatores de Atlético assaliva Kerlon, critante ad ille et accusante le de provocar les per le dribble.


Kerlon's teammates came to his rescue, but the scuffle lastede several minutes.

Le companiones de equipa de Kerlon accurreva in su succurso, sed le rixa ha durate plure minutes.


Coelho was ejected because of the foul. 

Coelho esseva ejectate a causa del foul.

"What Kerlon did was not right", Atletico striker Marinho said. "We know he is a skillful player, but I think it would be wrong even 

if he was playing for us".

"Lo que Kerlon faceva non ha essite correcte", diceva Marinho, attaccante de Atlético. "Nos sape que ille es un jocator habile, mais io pensa que illo 

esserea erronee mesmo si ille jocava in nostre equipa."


Kerlon, whose full name is Kerlon Moura Souza, is undeterred by the critics.

Kerlon, cuje nomine complete es Kerlon Moura Souza, es non dissuadite per su criticos.


"We need to decide what we want in soccer", he said. "Is it the beautiful play or the violent play? Brazilian soccer has always been about 

skillful players, not violent players."

"Il es necesse que nos decide de lo que nos vole pro le football", ille diceva. "An illo es le joco belle o le joco violente? Le football brasilian ha semper 

essite practicate per jocatores habile, non per jocatores violente." 


"I forgive (Coelho) for what he did to me", Kerlon said. "But I don't forgive him for what he did to soccer."

"Io pardona (Coelho) pro lo que ille me faceva", diceva Kerlon. "Mais io non le pardona pro lo que ille ha facite al football."


Most of Brazil's soccer analysts have sided with Kerlon.

Le major parte del analystas de football in Brasil ha prendite le partito de Kerlon.


Coelho, the Atletico defender, could be suspended for more than a year because of the foul on Kerlon, according to Brasil's top sports 

tribunal regulations.

Coelho, le defensor de Atlético, potera esser suspendite pro plus que un anno a causa del falta sur Kerlon, secundo le regulamentos del superior tribunales 

sportive de Brasil.


Coelho denies he committed the foul because he was upset with the move. "It was a hard foul, but I was only trying to keep him from advancing", 

he said. "I wasn't trying to hurt him."

Coelho denega que ille committeva le falta pro haber devenite perturbate per le (inusual) movimento. "Illo esseva un falta dur, mais io solmente tentava impedir 

que ille avantiava", ille ha dicite. "Io non tentava contunder le."


Although Kerlon's dribble is legal, referees can punish players if they feel there is an intention to provoke opponents or if it's not considered 

fair game.

Ben que le dribble de Kerlon es legal, le arbitros pote punir jocatores si illes percipe que istes ha le intention provocar lor opponentes o si illo non es 

considerate joco loyal.


Carlos Alberto


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