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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Dec 2008 11:49:31 -0600
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Pat Ferguson

At 03:40 PM 11/29/2008, you wrote:
>----- Original Message ----- From: "RJ" <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 1:51 PM
>Subject: [CCNV] Please pray!
>  Whether you voted for Obama or not, you need to pray for him. Here are 10
>ways you can intercede for him regularly:
>*1. Pray for Obama's protection.* We already know that some weird, neo-Nazi
>fanatics in Tennessee plotted to kill Sen. Obama during his campaign. Let's
>pray that racist hatred is not allowed to spread. Let's cancel every
>assassin's bullet in the name of Jesus. May civility triumph over bigotry.
>*2. Cover his wife and daughters in prayer.* It is not easy to live under
>constant media scrutiny. Pray for Obama's wife, Michelle, and their two
>daughters, Malia and Natasha, as they face invasive cameras, nosy reporters,
>maniacal fans and dangerous enemies. Obama is not only a politician but also
>a husband and a father.
>*3. Pray that Obama will govern with God's wisdom.* God rewarded Solomon
>because he asked for wisdom instead of wealth, long life or vengeance on his
>enemies (see 1 Kings 3:11-12). Pray that Obama will order his priorities
>like that. Despite Solomon's tragic character flaws, his legacy was wisdom.
>We can ask God to give our president the same grace.
>*4. Ask God to keep our president humble*. Many great American leaders
>became corrupt after they moved to Washington. The fatal attraction of fame,
>wealth and power proved irresistible. The only thing that will guard a man
>or woman from this pitfall is humility. May God deliver President Obama from
>the curse of pride.
>*5. Pray for wise and righteous advisers to surround him.* Godly leaders
>cannot do their job alone. Even the best leaders have failed because they
>trusted the wrong people. Pray that Obama will not select his counselors
>based on party, race, pedigree or political cronyism but on godly character
>and proven wisdom. Pray also that he will not allow secret traitors into his
>inner circle.
>*6. Ask for the spirit of reconciliation.* Some segments of our deeply
>divided society want nothing to do with Obama now that he has won the
>presidency. Even some Christians will be tempted to harbor resentment and
>nurse political grudges throughout his term in office. Pray that God will
>grant forgiveness and healing so that leaders on all political levels can
>have constructive dialogue.
>*7. Pray that Obama will adopt pro-life convictions.* Many politicians have
>changed their views on key issues while in office. In the 1800s some leaders
>who favored slavery later denounced it. In the 1950s some who opposed racial
>integration later became champions of it. Even though Obama won approval
>from many voters because he sanctions abortion, God could soften and change
>his heart.
>*8. Bind all evil forces assigned to manipulate our president. *The specter
>of Islamic terrorism looms over the United States, and dark forces are ready
>to infiltrate. Our only hope lies in prayer to the God who is able to expose
>and outwit the schemes of the wicked. This is truly a time for spiritual
>warfare, and intercessors must not come off the wall in this hour! Pray that
>no foreign government, terrorist organization or demonic principality will
>use Obama as a tool. We must stand strong against the spirit of antichrist
>that promotes dictatorship, persecution of Christians and hostility toward
>*9. Pray that Obama's door will remain open to the church.* The loudest
>voices of secular culture—from Bill Maher in Hollywood to atheists in
>academia—would be happy if religion were removed from public life. Pray that
>Obama, who claims to have a personal faith in Jesus Christ, will
>unapologetically welcome Christian leaders into his company and seek their
>counsel. And pray that false religious leaders (who claim to know Christ but
>deny His power) will not have his ear.
>*10. Pray that our nation will enjoy God's peace and blessing during the
>Obama administration.* The apostle Paul instructed early believers to pray
>for all in authority "so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all
>godliness and dignity" (1 Tim. 2:2, NASB). God's will is for America to
>experience peace and prosperity so that we can continue to export the gospel
>to the nations. This must happen whether a Democrat or a Republican is in
>the White House. As we cry out for God's mercy on our wayward nation, pray
>that He will allow us to be a light to the world as we finance global
>missions, feed and heal the world's poor and share Christ's love at home and
>(The above points were prepared by J. Lee Grady)
>Rick Johnson
>[log in to unmask]
>Founder Samuel Adams noted,
>"It does not take a majority to prevail ...
>but rather an irate, tireless minority,
>keen on setting brushfires of freedom
>in the minds of men." We know you
>are one of the "tireless minority"
>of conservative activists, and we
>thank you for your vigilance.
>Somewhere in Kenya
>a village is missing their idiot.
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>But if the watchman sees the sword coming and
>does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and
>the sword comes and takes the life of one of
>them, that man will be taken away because of
>his sin, but I will hold the watchman
>accountable for his blood."  Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV)