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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 5 Sep 2008 16:33:18 -0600
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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The Lucky Number 8

By Phil Scovell

     Listening to a late night national talk show, they announced
they were having the Numbers Lady as their next hour's guest.  I'd
heard her before and was far from impressed but I wasn't sleepy
enough to go to bed yet, so I decided to wait passed the national
news report on the hour, just a few minutes away, and then see
what she had to say this go around.

     This self confessed astrologist, and numbers expert, takes
calls from the public, and using their name, associates numbers to
them and predicts their future, or otherwise, gives psychic advice
to assist in improving their lives.  That sounds ok, doesn't it? 
I mean, if you are doing nothing but help people improve their
lives, how could that be wrong?  Anyhow,  her instructions is to
write, or print, the #8 on a piece of paper, or a small card, and
carry it, at all times, in your pocket, purse, or billfold.  Any
place on your person is ok, she says.  The #8, according to this
lady, is our lucky number, or the number which brings about
fortune, and she does this on the air to prove to people that she
knows what she is talking about.  I've even heard the host of
some of these talk shows, report that they tried it, and two days
later, they received big checks in the mail from one of their
investments; directly attributing it to the fact they were
carrying the lucky #8 in their pocket.  The result of that story
is pretty obvious, I mean, the check was already in the mail, but
it is still, so far, a free country, so he can believe whatever he

     The recent night I heard her on, the host read an email from
a listener who said he had tried the lucky #8 in his pocket for
several weeks and absolutely nothing had changed in his life.  I
reached over and turned up the radio because I wondered how she
might talk herself out of this one.  I have learned, over the
years, that astrologers and psychics, always have a way out, a
trap door if you please, which they can drop through when, what
they are promoting, doesn't work.  This lady was no different and
her explanation was so utterly transparent, I had to laugh out
loud.  She said that the reason this man's lucky #8 didn't work,
and wasn't working, was that the #8 is a polarized number.  That
is to say, it can be negative or positive in its effect.  Neutral,
I suppose, too, although she didn't exactly explain it that way. 
She said that if you believed, yes, that was exactly the word she
used, that if you believe the #8 would work, it would, indeed,
work.  If you didn't believe, it wouldn't work.  Now there's
something you can hang your hat on and live your life by.  She
further explained that if you tried it for a few weeks, and you
didn't improve financially, romantically, and any other form of
prosperity, then it was clear you weren't believing.  She had an
answer on how to change this, fortunately, so I turned up the
radio even louder.  I mean, I certainly didn't want to miss this
further explanation.

     She said that the negativity in your mind needed to be
turned, that is, converted, to a positive influence in order to
cause the #8 to work for you.  You did this by a confession.  I
forget the exact sentence now, or phrase, but it was something
like, "I am always successful and prosperous.  I always have money
to spend and to pay my bills.  I am never financially lacking." 
If, she explained, you did this for 15 minutes daily for several
months, six months sticks in my mind right now but perhaps it was
less, it would reprogram your negative thinking brain into a
positive effective force that, in turn, would charge the figure 8
you carried in your pocket or purse to do astounding things for
you financially.

     Now, I know where psychics got this idea because they all are
copiers and not originators.  If you doubt what I just said, read
the Bible, especially the book of Revelation, and right down all
the copycat things you see the Enemy doing that resembles
something God has already done.  It's a lot because they Enemy is
not a creator; he can only copy God.

     Moral of the story.  I now carry around a card in my pocket
that has the number, 10,000,000 because that is my lucky number. 
I'm going to say, "I am a millionaire worth 10,000,000 dollars,"
every day for the next 30 years.  Yes, I am confident it will
work.  If it doesn't, I'll already likely be dead and since you
can't take it with you, it won't make much difference.


It Sounds Like God To Me.