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Reeva Parry <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 7 Apr 2008 15:55:29 -0500
text/plain (141 lines)
>From: "rishie" <[log in to unmask]>

>Here's a request I'm passing on.
>God Bless you all!
>Best wishes from
>Rishie Crookshanks and Speedy.
>Skype: rishie01.
>He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. [Psalm 147:3]
>Hi Family,
>We have a very special request. Below is an e-mail Pastor Barry sent me
>from Patty Z explaining the situation. Please read this e-mail all the way
>to the end. She is a beloved sister in Christ who is requesting that we
>bombard the gates of Heaven in intercessory prayer on her daughter Nikki's
>Here is Patty's letter. After you read it you will have a better
>understanding of the situation. Then I will tell you just what she is
>requesting us to do for her.
>Dear Debra, can you if you haven't already please send this out.
>I hope you are doing well both physically (God willing) and spiritually!
>I hope that the fact that I pop up from time to time does not annoy you.
>But I gotta tell ya, I would appreciate it if you would pray for us.
>God has His reasons for things to be what they are. I am confident that I
>DO NOT need to UNDERSTAND His will but only to accept it. I am blessed not
>to feel it necessary to know what tomorrow will bring ahead of time.
>God is
>good and I praise Him every day even in times my heart is heavy. I am
>asking that all those I know that love the Lord pray for us!!
>Fall of 2006 Nikki became very ill. No one could seem to figure out why or
>what was causing it. After several doctors and tests they discovered she
>had lymes disease. She went through weeks of antibiotics but became more
>and more ill. Her entire body and central nervous system was ridden with
>pain. She, over time, was no longer able to eat without breaking out into a
>sweat and passing out. Several docs could find nothing wrong with her.
>After exhausting every local doc we were sent to Madison. After different
>docs in Madison could not find anything wrong one last effort was made to
>diagnose a problem that obviously existed. She was diagnosed with
>Gastroparesis. We were told she needed a feeding tube placed directly into
>her intestines to bypass her stomach which was apparently paralyzed.
>having the feeding tube placed she did not improve, she became worse.
>began vomiting one to five liters of bile in a 24 hr. period. She then went
>to Mayo. They kept her for a month. They discovered that not only was her
>stomach paralyzed but also was her intestines. Thus the bypassing of
>nutrition from the stomach to the intestine was not an option. (oops maybe
>they should have caught that before surgery). Nikki now survives with a
>central line that feeds her nutrition (called total parental
>nutrition) and
>hydration, directly through a vein in her chest to her heart. She has a
>venting tube coming out of her belly that vents the bile. She has a blood
>clot the entire length of her upper arm that stops one inch from her heart.
>When we left Mayo they said there was nothing further they could do for her
>and that they did not need to see her again. That was in Nov. 2007
>You cannot imagine how good I feel to know that God has a plan and He is in
>control. You, as a parent can imagine how hard this is to be so helpless.
>We love our kids more than any word could describe. The word love seems
>weak when it comes to describing our feelings for Nikki!!!!
>Updated facts: There is no cure. No doctor wants to take her on as a
>patient and her care is affected. She is hooked up to IV's 20-24
>hours a
>day. She is weak and in pain. She is forced to take a medical withdraw
>from school, move home, and see what God's will is for her one day at a
>time. She never sleeps and feels like she is starving to death. She is
>lonely and misses her life the way it was. If she is not a student she is
>not covered by insurance. Jim has no more time left off work. It cost
>$55,000 alone for her tpn and hydration per month, not to mention lab draws
>and nursing care at home. Last month alone we had 21 doctor appointments in
>29 days. She has been denied, beyond belief of all health care
>professionals, disability. We have second and third mortgaged our home to
>keep up with current up front costs of health care. We have been informed
>she has no more coverage for home nursing care.
>FACT: I trust when you read about this the Holy Spirit will move you.
>Please help us in anyway you can. Tell others and ask them to pray and do
>what God puts on their heart to do. I believe God wants me to tell
>others and then trust it will make a difference, if not for us then maybe a
>difference for them.
>Thanks for taking the time to read this.
>Your sister in Christ Jesus,
>Now, Family, here's what we are going to do. We are going to blast Heaven's
>gates with prayer!
>She is asking us to call every prayer warrior you and I know. Call your
>friends and family, call your pastor and any members of your home church
>that you can get ahold of and ask them to start praying for Nikki and her
>Patty has another important meeting on Monday with the insurance company so
>keep them in prayer all weekend. Pray for God's peace, strength and for God
>to give them grace and favor with all those they have to deal with.
>We are the body of Christ and when the entire body is in harmony caring for
>and lifting up one of it's members to Christ, the head of the body then God
>takes notice. God's Word says that Christ is sitting at the right hand of
>the Father making intercession for us just as we intercede in prayer for one
>Who [is] he that condemneth? [It is] Christ that died, yea rather, that is
>risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh
>intercession for us.
>Romans 8:34
>Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God
>by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
>Hebrews 7:25
>Your Sister in Christ,
>Debra, Carolina Sunshine