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Carol Pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Carol Pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 16:40:05 +0100
text/plain (34 lines)
Dear Coco,

Oh, my heart aches with yours, remembering some of those awful times as I've 
said "Goodbye" to another of my wonderful dogs.  The last, Fabian, was 
particularly hard for me.  Yes, my first guided me into the vet's 
waiting-room and then into the surgery on her last visit ...  My Fabian, 
well, he just wouldn't go to sleep until the fourth time of injection, and 
that hurt a lot:  But God has been faithful and has healed me through my 
tears and I'm now looking forward to getting another dog, hopefully, if I 
can get through the training.  Well, more to the point, if I can get to the 
training, with my heel still being not right and my back needing a bit more 
attention than I'd like after a real up and downer at the dentist last week.

How we need to pray for one another!

Thanks everyone for yours!  <Smiles>

[log in to unmask]

On Monday, March 31, 2008 1:38 PM (UK time), email_2coco at 
[log in to unmask] said:

> Hi to everyone on the list
> I can only bring myself to look at email now. It was so hard for me
> to do. I know there's a huge debate about dogs in heaven, but if
> she's there, I can promise you that she'd come and find me the minute
> I arrive. While walking to the car that last time, holding her leash,
> she tried to lead me round a parked vehicle people were unloading.
> She was going blind and deaf. She was there in happy and sad,
> difficult times and it's hard to go on knowing she won't be here with
> me on this earth. Thanks for your prayers and support. Coco