Hello Arnaldo Ortega, at 07:06 PM 6/23/98 +0200 you wrote:
>Where can I find this driver? In the NT CD I have
>\Drvlib\Video\X86\Trident, but this is exactly the one wich causes
>flickering. I also tryed another drive, from http://www.trid.com wich
>causes flickering too...
You are using the correct driver. You may want to see if putting the
colors in 256 and see if it will stop it. Also if you have the resolution
higher than 800x600, you will not be able to go into colors more than 256.
Also you might have a video memory problem as well. OT you might need
more memory for the video card.
Good luck,
Tim Lider
Advanced Data Solutions ICQ: 7562541
Web Site: http://www.adv-data.com E-Mail: Mailto:[log in to unmask]