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John Miller <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 20 Jul 2008 15:55:17 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
If you tin the end of the wire, with small wires like that, you won't have 
to hold the solder anymore, the solder used to tin the wire should stick. 
Depending on the angle you're working at, and the mic, you probably can hold 
what you're working with in there by just putting the mic on a table and 
then all you need is to worry about is the wire which you can hold with 
needle nose pliers or what ever. If you can't use the mic to hold the switch 
inside, which if I'm reading your message right is what you're trying to 
rewire for the receive, you might have to get creative but probably not 
much. I had to rebuild a mic once and the angle of the switch inside was no 
good for soldering to so I actually took vice grips and used them to lay on 
the desk, and hold that switch and it worked very well. If CB around your 
way is like it is here though, you'll probably be sorry you bothered but it 
can be a fun project.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 3:37 PM
Subject: Soldering Microphone Questions

> Hi
>     Now, I understand that CB's are a long ways from the ham gear we =
> normally use but I found one at a yard sale for $0.25. Its hard to pass =
> up a two way radio for that price. I next found a used hand microphone =
> for $2 and had to buy a new plug for it. Yesterday I soldered the plug =
> to the cord and found that the microphone didn't do any thing. The radio =
> is designed so that when the mic is unplugged there is no receive. So, I =
> am having to rewire the inside of the mic itself to compensate for this. =
> Is there a trick to holding the solder and the end of the wire on a =
> contacked with out getting your fingers burned? Right now I am trying to =
> figure out how to stabilize all the parts so I can solder. I think five =
> good solders and only six burned fingers is a good start but there are =
> several more solder points to go.any ideas on how to keep the parts from =
> moving and how to achieve pain free soldering would be appreciated. =
> Smile.
> God bless,
> Mark
> --=20
>      Currently in Pendleton, Eastern Oregon Regional At Pendleton, =
> Oregon Clear, 84.0=B0F Wind:Calm
>      If Lamb Chop married Howdy Doodie her name would be Lamb Doodie - =
> Not too sure
>      Created by Weather Signature v1.20 =95
>      God loves you!
>    =20