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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
"Mike Duke, K5XU" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:22:52 -0600
"Mike Duke, K5XU" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Here are my three personal favorites.

The first one happened to me about 15 years ago when I had a dipole on the 
roof of my apartment and was running a whole ten watts out from my beloved 
old Yaesu FT7.

My down stairs neighbor called one afternoon to inform me that she had been 
watching tv while I was at work. Halfway through a commercial, the tv 
changed to another commercial. She left me with the usual whining about 
calling the FCC. When I offered her the phone number, she hung up.

She did call the cable company, who then called me. The cable guy and I both 
had a good laugh about the report, but I then told him about several leaks I 
had found. He came out, and found 8 bootleg hookups within 3 buildings of 
where I lived.

I never did hear from the FCC.

Another local friend was blamed for a tape getting stuck in his neighbor's 
vcr. When he asked me what to do about it, I told him to crank up and enter 
a good weekend contest.

Finally, some of you may remember hearing Odus, K5SWK, from the Houston area 
on 75 meter AM. He once told the story of a Hispanic neighbor who could hear 
him whenever she opened her oven door. She called the company that sold her 
the stove, and told the salesperson that the stove had evil spirits!

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs