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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Kim Etheridge <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:11:15 -0600
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (270 lines)
Thanks. Will you be my prayer partner in this? For one, you're more familiar 
with this than I am, and you're knowledgeable. Plus, I haven't learned to 
hear the voice of the Lord, although I've been His child for 23 years now. 
No one's taught me these things, so I need someone to help me, until I can 
do it on my own.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 1:02 PM
Subject: Panic Prayers

>I am going to repost my testimony about the turtle experience and where it
> led me following this answer to Kim's question so you can compare.
> Kim asked,
>     Say, when you pray, like when you had your  headache, how do
> you hunt for demonic activity? This may be something I can  use,
> in addition to Christian programming.
>     Kim, I am using the statement, "Hunting for demonic
> activity," loosely.  What I really do is a form of prayer I just
> called Search And Destroy missions or SAD for short.  I mentally
> and spiritually examine whatever emotion I am faced with at that
> moment.  If, for example, I feel an emotion that feels like fear
> or some type of anxiety, I begin to pray and ask the Lord to show
> me if this fear is associated, or connected, to any other area of
> my life that hasn't been healed.  The Bible calls this the
> renewing of the mind.  What I look for is a memory, or perhaps
> only a fragment of a memory, that doesn't feel right and feels
> emotionally connected to the presenting emotion such as fear,
> guilt, or rejection.  It could be something that happened last
> week, last month or 30 years ago.  It could be, since I am 55
> years old, something that happened even 55 years ago.
>     If you recall my testimony about one of our pet turtles,
> which I posted recently, and how his head was stuck inside his
> shell, that is a perfect example of how I "hunt for demons," sort
> of speak.  What I am really doing is hunting for lies I believe
> but am unaware of its presence in my life.
>     In the case of the turtle's head being stuck in his shell, it
> rolled around in my thoughts for days.  Because it kept surfacing
> in my thoughts, I eventually realized the Holy Spirit must be
> trying to tell me something or He had something He wished to
> reveal to me.  I knew this because the thought of that turtle's
> head caught inside his shell and unable to get free, made me feel
> a slight sense of being trapped myself.  I couldn't figure out,
> why something that insignificant, would make me feel that way.
>     Finally, I stopped what I was doing one day, sat down, and
> said, "Ok, Lord.  What is it?  Why am I having the feeling of
> being trapped, or cornered, or unable to free myself?"  I simply
> focused on the feeling, although, as I said, it was just a slight
> emotional feeling of being trapped, or tangled, or caught.  I did
> not initially think this had anything to do with me personally,
> that is, my feelings about the turtle getting his head caught
> inside his shell.  I mean, it seemed impossible to me that this
> situation could have a single thing to do with me but it did.  Not
> in a way some might think but in an object lesson of inner healing
> in a manner of speaking.
>     When I sat down to pray, in my thoughts I just asked the Lord
> to show me the connection, if any, in my own life relating to the
> current feelings I had.  I was just thinking all this in my mind
> and not speaking out loud.  I began to search through my memories
> as I felt the emotions associated with the situation with the
> turtle which I was personally feeling.  Every memory I went to
> that seemed to have the theme of being stuck or caught or trapped
> held nothing contained in the memory that fit.  In other words, My
> spirit did not recognize anything that was disturbing in any of
> the memories that came to mind.  Since I quickly ran out of
> memories, I said in my thoughts, "Lord?  I'm not seeing anything.
> The memories I have seen feel ok and non threatening.  Where is
> the connection, Lord?"
>     Immediately, I heard the word "Womb" spoken and I instantly
> saw a birthing room in a hospital.  Although I don't always see
> Jesus in a memory event as I pray and focus on a memory, this time
> I did.  It appeared as if I were standing a few feet away from the
> picture I was seeing in my mind.  I also immediately saw my mom
> attempting to give birth on a surgical table and I could see
> myself inside her womb, and upside down, and struggling to get
> out.  I felt, as I prayed, that is, as I viewed the memory before
> me in my mind, as if I were tangled up and unable to break free.
> That feeling instantly confirmed I was actually seeing a memory I
> never knew I had but it had been filed away by my mind.  Your
> mind, by the way, never forgets anything but stores every single
> event of your life in various locations of your brain which the
> mind itself, by way of emotions, can tap into at any time for any
> reason.  Also in this memory picture, I saw two figures that I
> identified as doctors and they were standing on either side of my
> mom.  Jesus was off to my right as I saw the memory unfold before
> me, and standing a few feet further away from all that was going
> on.  In between where Jesus was standing, there was a dark figure
> standing closer to my mother.  I almost, at the second I saw this
> dark shape, asked Jesus what, or who, it was but then I suddenly
> knew.  I knew because the Holy Spirit revealed it to me without
> speaking a word.  It was the Enemy, a lying spirit, speaking to my
> mom generally, and to me specifically.  What was the lying spirit
> saying?  Oh, things like, "You are trapped.  You aren't going to
> make it.  You are going to die," and many other such lies.  Make
> no mistake about it.  These were lies being spoken to me, and to
> my mother, and to anyone else in the room that might have been
> listening on a spiritual frequency, sort of speak.  At this
> moment, I looked toward Jesus to see what He might say.  I felt
> His answer and no words were spoken but His answer was, "You can
> make it.  I'm here.  I have everything under control.  Just
> watch."  I did.
>     I watched then as I slipped right through the birth canal and
> the illumination of the room seemed to instantly brighten.  I saw
> a little baby boy being born who was so happy, he said as he came
> out, "I born!"  I looked over again to where Jesus was standing
> and he was clapping his hands and saying, "See?  I told you that
> you could do it."  The rush of emotional joy and happiness I felt
> at that moment still gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.
> This entire private prayer session I had lasted perhaps 60
> seconds, if even that long, and it was over as quickly as it had
> begun.
>     So, was I really seeing an actual memory?  It is my opinion,
> based upon literally thousands of hours praying with others, that
> I indeed was seeing my own birth.  Spiritually speaking, I was
> also seeing what Jesus saw.  Is it real?  It is as real as any
> other memory.  Can babies have memories this far back?  Doctors
> have done studies on groups of people who do, indeed, possess such
> early memory events.  In fact, I can prove I had memories as early
> as two or three months of age which were confirmed by my mother
> many years ago.  In this case, the Holy Spirit went to the filing
> cabinet in my brain which holds memories of my birth, pulled out
> the one Jesus wanted me to see, and displayed it in my mind.
> Jesus then allowed me to see the memory as He saw it unfold.
>     Some people, Christian people, think this type of
> intercessory prayer is self hypnosis, or new age meditation, with
> a form of mind reprogression employed to create things that never
> truly happened.  Then you can use your powers of imagination to
> manipulate a better outcome to a traumatic experience you once had
> years ago.  Literally, they believe you can change the memory to
> feel better and to become void of all pain and trauma.  This is
> untrue, naturally thinking, but people are welcome to believe
> whatever they wish.
>     So, what was the purpose of all this?  I knew the situation
> with the turtle triggered something inside of me but it seemed, on
> the surface, ridiculous.  I mean, what does a turtle have to do
> with me?  God used a current event to trigger something that
> happened to me that occurred over 55 years ago at the moment of my
> birth.  Why?  I asked him the same thing just last Sunday night as
> I was praying with a lady on the phone about some things that
> happened to her when she was 3 and 4 years old.  "Jesus," I said
> in my thoughts as I waited for this lady to speak, "why did you
> show me my birth?"  Jesus clearly spoke to me in my spirit,
> through the Holy Spirit, and said, "I wanted you to see that I was
> with you when you were born and that I have been with you since
> the beginning.  I wanted you to see the fear that the Enemy tried
> to put upon you and to be accessible to him as the Deceiver
> throughout the rest of your life.  I wanted you to see that you
> were born happy and that I want your entire life to be happy."
>     At this point, I could suggest much more that Jesus spoke to
> me about this particular prayer session I conducted with myself,
> but what I have said today is hard enough for people to believe so
> I won't try and confuse the issue any further.
>     How is this type of prayer conducted?  Stated another way;
> How does one practice this form of prayer?  First, although this
> form of prayer can eventually become so automatic, it almost
> happens without you realizing it at the time, keep in mind that
> you may need help at first because there are many ways the Enemy
> attempts to keep us from locating the source of the lie, that is,
> the memory it is hiding in, and the level of deception the Enemy
> uses to keep the lie hidden.  Even after learning these basic
> techniques below, you will still, from time to time, need
> assistance when unable to locate the original source of pain which
> has been triggered by a current experience.
>     Step One.  Focus on the present emotion that is presenting
> itself to you at the moment.  It might be fear, confusion, anger,
> hate, panic, guilt, anxiety, shame, condemnation, jealousy, a fear
> of being trapped, suppressed, held down, or helplessness,
> embarrassment, death, suicide, a sense of being powerless, or any
> other emotional dynamic.  Whatever emotional feeling stands out
> the most at that moment is the one you start praying about.
> Note.  In my experience described by the turtle trapped in his
> shell, my presenting emotion was the feeling of helplessness and
> being trapped.  That's where I focused my prayer.  The turtle was
> the trigger that found the emotion in my mind that needed the
> healing.
>     Step Two.  Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what Jesus wants
> you to see.  This will generally be memories which will come to
> mind.  Allow yourself to look inside each memory and search for
> anything which feels wrong.
> Note.  In my testimony of being triggered by the situation with
> the turtle, I found one or two memories that seemed likely to be
> the problem but I could feel no emotions of fear or helplessness
> or the feeling of being trapped in either of those memories.
>     Step Three.  Once you have located a memory which seems to
> have that same emotion, ask the Holy Spirit to show you the lie
> while focusing on the pain of that memory.
> Note.  In my case, using my birthing memory as an example, the lie
> was, "I am trapped.  I'm not going to make it.  I am going to
> die."  These have to be lies because I did make it, I am alive,
> and I was not trapped.  Thus, what I heard in my mind, or
> thoughts, could not have been from God because God never speaks
> that way.
>     Step Four.  Once a lie, or lies, has been identified, ask the
> Holy Spirit, in the name of the true Lord Jesus Christ, to show
> you His truth.  You will either feel it or sense it in your mind
> as thoughts coming to you.  You may even, as I do, describe what
> you feel, or sense, as a spiritual awareness.
> Note.  Again, using my birthing memory as an example, the truth
> was, Jesus said, "You can make it.  I was right there all the
> time."  Then eventually, he rejoiced and said, "See?  I said you
> could make it."
>     This whole prayer process is much easier to live than it
> sounds like but it only happens after a measure of experience or
> repeated areas of mind renewal have been experienced.  As I said,
> most people need help the first few times because of all the
> blockages, pit falls, chuck holes, and dead ends you will
> encounter.  It isn't the old axiom, practice makes perfect, but
> the revelation of truth that comes from the voice of the Lord.
> The automated aspect of this form of prayer is due to the fact you
> have learned to hear the voice of the Lord Jesus, that is, the
> Holy Spirit, Who dwells within your spirit, and a strangers voice,
> that of the Enemy, you reject.  Also, praying with someone else
> creates the atmosphere of agreement which Jesus referred to in
> Matthew 18:19 and when that is present, the power of intercessory
> prayer is spiritually multiplied beyond earthly bounds.  It is
> easy to become frustrated when trying this at first, so having a
> prayer partner who is familiar with it all is strongly
> recommended.
>     Is there any danger in doing this type of prayer?  Of course
> not.  There is, however, a great deal of frustration when trying
> to do it by yourself until you have experienced enough healing
> that you are living this form of prayer rather than practicing it.
> I believe that is the true meaning of "Pray without ceasing."  At
> the same time, remember that the Enemy does not want you to
> discover his lies or the truth because he knows Jesus said that
> "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
> Therefore, he is going to do his best to block and hide and
> conceal the lie that is causing the pain.
>     Finally, keep in mind, the way the Enemy speaks to us is
> strictly through our emotions, by placing his feelings upon our
> feelings, and placing his thoughts upon our thoughts.  He has no
> other way of communicating with us.  God speaks the exact same way
> to us as His children.  However, the Lord God can also speak to us
> through our spirit and that is where the Holy Spirit dwells.
>     If you have any questions, let me know.
> The Curse That Works Is The One We Believe