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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 20 Apr 2008 12:49:17 -0600
text/plain (203 lines)

It never happened.  I just made the whole thing up.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Angel238" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: I Hate God

> This is just weird.  I can't be the only one who has never had such
> thoughts.  This post would cause us all to think we all have had such
> thoughts, but, I never have had such thoughts.  I will admit I have
> questioned why God allows certain things to happen but I have never even
> considered hating God, or questioning his infinite wisdom.  Merely I
> wondered why certain things such as the loss of my husband's mind, for
> example, would happen.  I questioned how these things could happen if God
> loved and cared for us.  But I have never denied his existence or
> disrespected him in any by hating him.  I can't be the only one who has
> never at all had such thoughts?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 2:11 PM
> Subject: I Hate God
> >I Hate God
> >
> >
> > By Phil Scovell
> >
> >
> >
> >     One thing I try and teach those with whom I pray, is about
> > how demons use thoughts and emotions, or feelings, to deceive us.
> > Nearly everyone reading this article has experienced such thoughts
> > and feelings, and probably many times throughout your Christian
> > walk with the Lord, but likely have never determined its identity.
> > I could describe a lot of things people experience, or feelings,
> > physically, and perhaps emotionally, too, when the Enemy is
> > tossing his fiery darts, but let me begin with one that is common.
> >
> >     You may hear in your thoughts, not an audible voice you
> > understand, but just thoughts within your thoughts, "You are a
> > lousy Christian."  This can vary widely, from being the worst
> > sinner on the planet, doomed to hell, or even accusations that
> > you deserve how you feel because you are a wicked, mean, evil
> > person.  I'd had people sit across from my desk tell me, "If
> > people knew what I really was down inside, they would hate me and
> > stay as far away from me as possible."  When I pray about what
> > they just said and try probing deeper, they often describe that
> > inner feeling that frightens them about themselves is evil.  Some
> > may even confess they have Satan in them or a devil or demon and
> > conclude that must be why they think and feel the way they do
> > about themselves.  Likewise, few Christian believe lying spirits
> > use feelings, their own feelings, the confuse and to deceive.
> >
> >     Let me explain another level, a more sinister level, of
> > deception the Enemy uses against us many times and that is the
> > direct approach.
> >
> >     Recently, I was going through some things in my own life that
> > were incredibly stressful.  That doesn't mean, in particular, it
> > was demonic, but it could just have easily been the stress and
> > tension of every day life.  At least three times, I believe it
> > was, and all over a period of a couple of days, in my thoughts I
> > heard, "I hate you God."  Woe horse!  I mean, here is one way, we
> > immediately think, of eternal condemnation, the unpardonable sin,
> > and blasphemies against God, on the fly, as it were.  In fact, we
> > are lucky we don't get struck by lighting when something like that
> > passes through our thoughts.  Right?  If a person reacts favorably
> > to such a thought, that is, agrees with it as legitimate, all
> > hell breaks loose.  All sorts of things get conjured up and
> > invoked.  For example, "Well, this confirms it.  I'm going to
> > hell.  I deserve it, too after thinking such a heinous and
> > nefarious thought."  This is, of course, only the beginning.
> > Many people, young or old, can begin to experience all sorts of
> > such thoughts  Some even begin acting out based upon those thing.
> > Getting drunk so often until you think you've killed the thoughts
> > in your brain, getting so high you can't see the ground, living
> > immorally, heterosexually or homosexually, just to have some
> > degree of pleasure to try and override the horrible thoughts, and
> > some get involved in new age, which are really old age, religious
> > practices to try and clear their mind of the evil thoughts they
> > think they are having.  Some even join cults to try and filter
> > out, or at least tone down, the horrible thoughts in their minds.
> > Some even turn to violence.  How many of the satellite and cable
> > shows have you seen of serial killers where their neighbors,
> > after finding out he killed 38 people in the last four years, say,
> > "Oh, he was such a nice guy.  He took out my trash, shoveled my
> > walk, and even mowed my lawn," while all the time they were living
> > next door to a murderer.  How do you suppose those types of
> > horrible people got to be murderers?  Do you suppose they just
> > awakened one morning and said, "I feel like killing someone today,
> > cutting off their head, and having sex with the corps?  Of course
> > that isn't the way it begins.  They generally all have gotten a
> > mighty good jump start from being physically, and generally,
> > sexually, abused as children.  I remember one such program I watch
> > of a guy who killed a couple of young women and in prison, he told
> > about his dad who always talked about how much he hated him as his
> > son, always physically beat him, sometimes for nothing he had
> > done, and once he picked up his dog, tossed the dog into the air
> > as high as he could, and shot the dog in front of the little boy
> > before his dog could hit the ground.  That poor little boy had no
> > chance because his immature mind could not, in any logical way,
> > sort out all that was happening to him.  In every serial program I
> > have watched, and I deliberately watch many of them, I wait until
> > they talk about the murderer and his life that led up to a life of
> > murderous crime.  They all, every one, have similar horrid
> > childhood beginnings.  I've even heard them, after killing dozens
> > of people, say, "The voices in my head told me to do it and the
> > only way I could silence the voices is to do what they said."
> > Well, excuse me, but that ain't God talking in their head so whom
> > do you suppose it might be?  No, I'm not saying they shouldn't be
> > imprisoned, in fact, I'm not even suggesting they shouldn't be put
> > to death for their crimes.  I am saying, these horrible cases
> > developed often by being jump started in some very traumatic and
> > cadaverous ways.  Let's go back to the every day experience,
> > however, and focus on that, instead of the worst, in order to gain
> > greater spiritual insight.
> >
> >     As I said, or started to say, I recently experienced, in my
> > thoughts, what normally used to be a quite unsettling and
> > disturbing thought: "I hate you God."  In times past, this thought
> > would be accompanied by an apprehensive flush of anxiety and fear
> > that would blow the needle off the panic meter.  You see, the
> > flush of sudden anxiety feeling confirmed the thought must be
> > true.
> >
> >     One day, I was sitting on a chair just off the edge of the
> > driveway keeping track of my two little grandsons riding their
> > trikes.  This same identical thought, and feeling, slammed into me
> > like a truck running over my body.  I immediately freaked.  "Oh,
> > my God!  I must be an evil person.  Why, I can't be saved.  No
> > born again Christian would ever even think such a thing."  That is
> > what I normally began to embellish in my thoughts, emotions
> > corresponded to confirm the thought.  However, I had been having
> > some healing experiences which were making me more attuned to the
> > voice, or thoughts, of  the Holy Spirit, than the Enemy.  So, when
> > this thought penetrated my thinking patterns, the emotional
> > counterpart accompanied the thought so I would be deceived into
> > thinking that I really, deep down inside, hate God.  This time, on
> > the other hand, something unique occurred.  A split second the
> > thought invaded my thoughts and the feeling slammed into my body,
> > I sucked in my breath out of fear that this was who I really was
> > deep down inside.  The next second, my thoughts said, "Hey, wait
> > just a minute.  I don't hate God and never have.  Holy cow!  this
> > is a lying spirit attacking my mind.  Oh, great!"  This joyful
> > attitude arose because I had already learned, the origin of such
> > thoughts were not coming from deep inside of me but they were
> > lies of the Enemy always coming from the outside.  I said, "Oh,
> > god.  This is wonderful.  Now I can pray and find where this lying
> > spirit is," and I opened my mouth to pray.  It was too late.  The
> > lying spirit instantly recognized my awareness of his identity
> > through his thoughts he was putting in my mind and his emotions he
> > was putting on my feelings, and it was like a sonic boom just
> > exploded.  Something I felt, spiritually speaking, on my back,
> > blew off like dynamite had just gone off.  In my thoughts, my
> > mind's eye sort of speak, he blew miles backward and guess what?
> > The anxiety began to slowly subside until it eventually went away
> > all together.
> >
> >     So, when this recently happened again, honestly, you'd think
> > they would change tactics after awhile, the instant the thoughts,
> > "I hate God," invaded my thoughts, I stopped what I was doing
> > before the feelings of fear and anxiety could be dumped on me by
> > the demonic presence and I prayed against the lies of the lying
> > spirit and all those who might be working under his authority.
> > The anxiety never reached my feelings once during the three times
> > this happened because I took the thought captive the second I
> > heard it in my mind.  My point is this.  The lying spirit spoke in
> > the first person, "I hate God."  That made it sound like I said it
> > but I couldn't say such a thing because I have the Holy Spirit
> > dwelling in my spirit and He, the Holy Spirit, always agrees with
> > the Scriptures, the Word and voice of God, and never lies.  Thus,
> > the Holy Spirit came along side of me and assisted me is seeing
> > the lie instantly and the lie never was able to take a foothold in
> > my thoughts or feelings.
> >
> >     We often forget that it is our spirit, where the Holy Spirit
> > dwells, that is born again.  Glorification doesn't take place,
> > that is, the salvation of our body and soul, until Jesus comes.
> > Think of it in terms of our Lord's own resurrection.  He needed no
> > blood then because all three parts, body, soul, and spirit, were
> > glorified in one body so He did not have the same existence as he
> > did when He was born of a virgin.  You understand what I mean?
> > Think about it for awhile and while you are thinking, take every
> > thought captive when necessary.
> >
> >
> > It Sounds Like God To Me.
> >
> >