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Reeva Parry <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 21 Mar 2008 12:15:50 -0600
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Reply-To: "Stu" <[log in to unmask]>
From: "Stu" <[log in to unmask]>

You Are His Disciple

Breakthrough is imminent on several fronts, and this is necessary 
before you can make decisions that have the potential to affect you 
significantly. These breakthroughs will be the beginning of a course 
correction, so that your destiny will come to greater clarity. Many 
issues will be illuminated, so that you can see with more precise 
discernment. However, you can only get a glimpse of what is ahead, 
and you must not try to live in the future. Stay in the protection of 
the eternal now, for certainly, if your focus is on the time that is 
yet to come, it will result in disappointment, says the Lord.

Isaiah 42:16: I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I 
will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness 
light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will 
do for them, and not forsake them.

    You are His Disciple

"The Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that 
please him." (John 8:29).

Jesus lived by faith. Did you know that? Some people don't seem to 
realize that. They think that because He was the Son of God, He just 
floated through life with some mystical, supernatural power we could 
never have.

But Jesus Himself said that the Father hadn't left Him alone, and 
that He always did those things that please His Father.

Jesus walked by faith--and He got that faith the same way we get it. 
"Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10:17).

How do you think His mother knew to tell the leaders of the wedding 
feast at Cana to do whatever He told them? (See John 2:1-11). How did 
she know He could solve the problem of lack?

The Bible tells us He had never done a miracle at that time--a 
miracle of suspension of the normal course of nature. Yet, He had 
always lived by faith.

He was living by faith when He was just a young fellow of 12 years 
old, saying, "I have to be about My Father's business."

Year by year, He kept growing in faith, just as He grew physically. 
He wasn't born a faith giant. He had to develop, just as we do. He 
said, "As my Father hath taught me, I speak these things." (John 8:28).

Jesus had to be taught. How was He taught? By the Holy Spirit, 
through the written Word!

Luke 4:16 says that when Jesus came to Nazareth, "as His custom was, 
He went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read."

Jesus was a Bible reader! That was His custom. He studied. He 
meditated. He continued in the Word of God. He preached the Word of 
God. He knew the truth, and the truth made Him free!

Now, more than ever before, it is vital that you and I follow in His 
footsteps. We simply cannot afford to cast aside our Bibles, and go 
skipping off after signs and wonders.

No! Our Father needs us to grow up in Him. He needs those who will 
dare to stand on the Word, and develop their faith, so that instead 
of seeking miracles at the hands of others, they will become 
the  hands that deliver those miracles. That, my friend, is the 
greatest thrill of all. And that is the day we're
living in.

Get in the Word today. Meditate in it. Then go out and live by faith. 
Jesus did, and you are His disciple.
Scripture Study:  John 2:1-11

Your Life Today Is The Result Of The Thoughts Of Yesterday

"Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself 
against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity 
to the obedience of Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5 (NKJV).

... And the life you experience tomorrow is the direct result of the 
thoughts you planted today.

"I wish I was dead." The hideous words were scrawled upon the dingy 
white wall of her closet; a shocking summary of the nagging, negative 
voices that attempted to overwhelm the teenager's muddled mind. But 
just as soon as they came--"Aren't you dressed yet?" totally unaware, 
her loving mother suddenly interrupted the girl's tormented mind. 
"You know it's almost time for church, honey."

Dismissing the thoughts as hastily as they came, I really do have a 
lot to live for.  I don't know where those thoughts came from; I know 
there's something I am supposed to do.

When nagging, distracting, negative voices begin to torment your 
mind, you have to make the wise choice by saying:

1.   No, I'm not listening to that!

2.   I'm going to believe the Word, no matter what.

3.   I'm not going to give up; I'm not going to yank God's Word out 
of my heart.

4.   God's Word is everything to me.

No matter what you hear, or from who, search and discover what God 
has to say about it. Don't care about what anybody else says; find 
out what God says, and that's what you should believe! That's what 
you should plant securely inside your heart!

Father, I thank You that I cast down arguments, and every high thing 
that exalts itself against knowledge  of You, bringing every thought 
into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

Stuart Swartz
616 E. boothe
Cleveland, Tx.  77327
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