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Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 12 Oct 2007 20:33:29 -0400
text/plain (320 lines)
I know that Reggie white, otherwise known as the 
Minister of Defence, witnessed to Brett a lot 
while they were at Green Bay together.  That had 
to have planted some seeds.  Brett has certainly 
been through a lot and handed it maturely compared to many.
         As far as the street thug analogy, 
couldn't you say the same for almost any 
sport?  These kids have talent.  they are 
pampered and cared for until they are no longer 
making money and then thrown out with yesterday's 
newspaper.  It's terrible what the illusion of 
fame is doing to ruin so many lives today.  After 
they have reached their zenith, the spot light 
moves on to someone else and the has been is left 
without a clue of how to really live.

>The thing is, is that there doesn't seem to be 
>that many athletes these days with integrity. I 
>don't know Bret's personal life other than he 
>had trouble with the booze for a while but seems 
>to have licked that, in the midst of his grief 
>of the losss of his Dad he played the best game, 
>and his wife battled(s) cancer and he was going 
>to quit and be with her and she said no. He 
>loves the game like a high schooler's first time 
>on the field and  is very serious about it. I'm 
>sure there are  other players out there that 
>aren't in the lime light who seem to  be 
>integretous, but many times we hear about those 
>involved in shootings, dog fight deals, drugs, 
>and just plain nonsense. Years ago there was a 
>certain respect and integrity  in players, not 
>so much now which is why he stands out more I 
>think. And unfortunately even these days ya just 
>don't know. My employee says "Most of the 
>players in pro sports are just street thugs who 
>if  they didn't happen to be good at a 
>particular sport and playing pro ball, would 
>probably be robbing the corner liquor store 
>instead" There certainly are lots of 
>shananagins. It would be interesting to see how 
>many players from around the 60s invested their 
>income into life after sports compared to these days.
>At 11:08 AM 10/12/2007, you wrote:
>>They used Brett as an illustration again today, 
>>referring to him as, "iron Man," but I figured 
>>that passing it along would just be pushing it.  GRIN!
>>At 04:01 PM 10/11/2007, you wrote:
>>>I don't know, anyone with a name like Favre, 
>>>who can toss out the ABC's and English 
>>>language and then in turn get an entire 
>>>hemisphere or better to pronounce his name 
>>>Farve, could do most anything including make touchdowns count with God *grin*.
>>>At 08:40 AM 10/11/2007, you wrote:
>>>>Okay, Guys, admittedly, I don't really have a 
>>>>good reason for passing this devotional 
>>>>along, except that it talks about somebody 
>>>>that, you know I like.    Brad, you 
>>>>especially will get a kick out of this, since 
>>>>you mentioned these records in a recent posting.
>>>>Making Points With God
>>>>by Jon Walker
>>>>“For no one can ever be made right in God's 
>>>>sight by doing what his law commands. For the 
>>>>more we know God's law, the clearer it becomes that we aren't
>>>>obeying it. But now God has shown us a 
>>>>different way of being right in his sight—not 
>>>>by obeying the law but by the way promised in the Scriptures long
>>>>ago.” (Romans 3:20-21 NLT)
>>>>Brett Favre, the lion-hearted quarterback for 
>>>>the Green Bay Packers, is one of my favorite 
>>>>players in the National Football League. He’s courageous and
>>>>tough-minded, showing a rare grace under 
>>>>pressure, yet his boyish enthusiasm for the 
>>>>game is infectious as he celebrates each Packer success.
>>>>A couple of Sundays ago (Sept. 30), Brett 
>>>>threw a pass that set a new record: the most 
>>>>touchdown passes by an NFL quarterback ­ 421.
>>>>Although the Pack was playing in Minnesota, 
>>>>the officials temporarily stopped the game in 
>>>>order to honor Brett’s achievement. And Brett, in his customary
>>>>humility, later said he was more interested 
>>>>in a team win than an individual record.
>>>>In surprising contrast, the very next week 
>>>>(Oct. 8) Brett tied another record: the most 
>>>>interceptions thrown by an NFL quarterback ­ 277. This game also
>>>>was stopped after this record was achieved, 
>>>>but only because the interception ended the 
>>>>Packer’s last-second attempt to win the game.
>>>>The most touchdown passes and the most 
>>>>interceptions! It reminds me that there was a 
>>>>time when Babe Ruth, the baseball player who was one of the greatest
>>>>hitters in the game, owned two records 
>>>>simultaneously: the most home runs hit in a 
>>>>career as well as the most strike-outs in a career.
>>>>Here’s the thing: We tend to think of life as 
>>>>a balance sheet that we’ll eventually present 
>>>>to God. As long as the number of our touchdown passes exceed
>>>>the number of our interceptions, then we’re 
>>>>cool with God, right? To echo the Apostle Paul, God forbid this to be true!
>>>>“For no one can ever be made right in God's 
>>>>sight by doing what his law commands. For the 
>>>>more we know God's law, the clearer it becomes that we aren't
>>>>obeying it.” (Romans 3:20 NLT)
>>>>In other words, we can never be made right by 
>>>>throwing touchdown passes ­ because the more 
>>>>we learn about the Law, the more obvious it is we can never throw
>>>>enough touchdown passes to make things right with God.
>>>>“But now God has shown us a different way of 
>>>>being right in his sight—not by obeying the 
>>>>law but by the way promised in the Scriptures long ago.” (Romans
>>>>3:21 NLT)
>>>>In his own geek-Greek way, Paul is saying we 
>>>>should forget the balance sheet ­ ignore the 
>>>>scoreboard, give up on tracking good and bad statistics. Listen,
>>>>there is good news! There’s another way to 
>>>>get right in God’s sight, and it has nothing 
>>>>to do with your own achievements. It’s based on a promise made
>>>>by God long ago ­ a promise is fulfilled through Jesus Christ.
>>>>Can I get an amen?
>>>>We are saved by grace and not through faith. 
>>>>It is a gift from God, not by our own works, 
>>>>so that none of us can boast of the ability to tip the balance
>>>>sheet in our own favor. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
>>>>No doubt you’ve heard this over and over 
>>>>again, including many times in these 
>>>>devotionals. Yet many of us still live as if we get right in God’s sight by
>>>>what we do ­ by our works, our achievements, the records we set.
>>>>We do this because it is, as Paul says, an 
>>>>offense to think of the Gospel as so simple 
>>>>and, therefore, it becomes a stumbling block to our pride. Getting
>>>>right in God’s sight by what we do appeals to 
>>>>our human pride, or as the poet-king James 
>>>>would say, it appeals to our “flesh.”
>>>>It makes us feel good, as if we’re doing 
>>>>something to earn our way into heaven. If we 
>>>>cling to the idea that we can, even in some small way, contribute
>>>>toward our salvation, then we also can cling 
>>>>to the idea that maybe we’re not that bad ­ 
>>>>maybe we aren’t included in the “all” of “all have sinned and
>>>>fall short of God’s glory.”
>>>>Put that behind you and get on with the 
>>>>truth: You, my friend, can never be made 
>>>>right in God's sight by doing what is right ­ because the closer you get
>>>>to God, the more you’ll realize you’re not 
>>>>even close to getting it right (see Isaiah 6 and Romans 3:20).
>>>>The one thing you can do is to move in loving 
>>>>obedience to your gracious heavenly Father, 
>>>>doing and saying whatever he tells you to do and say; allowing
>>>>your life to be energized by God’s Spirit within you.
>>>>What now?
>>>>· “Balance sheet” fear ­ Good news! You are 
>>>>free to follow the Father instead of living 
>>>>in “balance sheet” fear. You can be who you were meant to be and
>>>>you can live how you were meant to live. You 
>>>>don’t have to be good enough ­ you just have 
>>>>to trust in the redemptive power of Christ’s resurrection from
>>>>the dead. And you don’t have to fear if you 
>>>>hold both the record for most touchdown 
>>>>passes and the record for most interceptions ­ love God and live accordingly!
>>>>· Record of faith ­ A record of your faith in 
>>>>Jesus is more important than any record of 
>>>>your wrongs or resume of your achievements. If you haven’t already
>>>>done this, set a spiritual marker as a 
>>>>reminder that you have received Jesus Christ 
>>>>as your Lord and Savior. Write it down ­ or establish some other kind
>>>>of tangible memorial for this event ­ and 
>>>>every time the devil tells you you’ll never 
>>>>be good enough for God, or that you’re so good you can remain independent
>>>>of God, take him to that marker and remind 
>>>>him that you are right in God’s sight because of Jesus.
>>>>· Big play ­ Next time you’re watching a 
>>>>sporting event and one of the players makes 
>>>>the big play, turn to the person next to you and say, “That was a great
>>>>play, but it won’t make him right in God’s sight.”
>>>>· Huge error ­ Likewise, next time you’re 
>>>>watching a sporting event and one of the 
>>>>players makes a huge erro, turn to the person next to you and say, “That
>>>>was a huge error, but the good news is it 
>>>>won’t keep him from getting right in God’s sight.”
>>>>· Pray for others ­ Ask God to show you who 
>>>>to pray for, related to getting right in 
>>>>God’s sight. It may be a non-believer or someone who believes but struggles
>>>>in this area. Pray that this person will know 
>>>>God’s “different way of being right in his 
>>>>sight—not by obeying the law but by the way promised in the Scriptures
>>>>long ago (Romans 3:21 NLT) And pray that 
>>>>Brett Favre and his family will come to know 
>>>>this truth, so that when he retires from football he can spend the
>>>>rest of his life preaching how to be right in God’s sight.
>>>>© 2007 Jon Walker. All rights reserved.
>>>>Jon Walker is a pastor-advocate living in 
>>>>Tennessee and the former pastor of communications at Saddleback Church.
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>>>Brad Dunse
>>>Check out my site, take a look, have a listen 
>>>to some sample tunes or contact me if you are 
>>>interested in a calendar date. Comments are 
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>>>with mail either I promise... no worry!
>>Brad Dunse
>>Check out my site, take a look, have a listen 
>>to some sample tunes or contact me if you are 
>>interested in a calendar date. Comments are 
>>always encouraged and appreciated in the guest 
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>>with us, and we won't pound you with mail either I promise... no worry!