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VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 16 Nov 2007 06:12:23 -0500
text/plain (293 lines)
I cannot tell you how much this article has touched my heart.  Our Lord is 
truly an awesome God and He loves us in ways we can't even begin to 
comprehend.  I am praying for this person and for you as you pray together.

Huggs and blessings to you both,

Virgie and Lady Hoshi
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 7:45 PM
Subject: His Feet

> This is a true testimony of a lady I have been praying with, off and on, 
> for
> probably over a year.  Because of her psychiatric state of mind, I have
> found praying with her difficult because of the high level of fear, not to
> mention her suicidal state of mind, she lives with every day of her 36 
> years
> of life.  I talk with her more than we pray but recently, I felt the Lord
> tell me, and it was confirmed through a prayer partner in another state,
> that it was time for this lady to begin receiving healing in those most
> fearful of places.  The same week, a little over a week ago, this lady had
> the following experience, I prayed with two other people who both, that 
> is,
> a total of three people, all had amazing and miraculous and dramatic 
> healing
> experiences during the prayer sessions.  One, in fact, is so personal in
> nature, it would be impossible for me to write about it and even if I did,
> most would find it embarrassing to read.  Jesus has no such concern so I
> have learned that nothing is surprising that comes out in a prayer session
> and as long as Jesus is doing the leading and healing and revealing of
> truth, who am I to tell Him how to go about it.  In fact, there are dozens
> upon dozens of healing experiences you have not heard me write about
> because, due to the offensive nature of the healings themselves, some 
> would
> be steam rolled by the Holy Spirit and if you have never had that happen 
> to
> you before, I'm not about to get the blame for causing it.  Regardless,
> those three healing miracles were not only amazing and remarkable to me, 
> but
> the three ladies all found them utterly out of this world.  Thank you 
> Jesus.
> Someone said to me three months ago, "You have really changed," and he
> wasn't giving me a compliment.  In fact, he was quite upset about what he
> thought about me at that given moment.  I couldn't argue about it because 
> he
> was right, I have changed, so I said, "You are right.  I have changed and 
> I
> won't be going back to what I once was.  In fact," I said, "you likely are
> going to see me getting worse."  What had disturbed him, was the way I 
> talk,
> that is, like Jesus and I are buddies and I know Him on a personal level.
> Again, I don't write on echurch about everything I experience because 
> people
> already think I am crazy the way it is.  Two of my own sisters have called
> me a psycho heretic.  I may be psycho but I'm not a heretic but guess who
> they call when they need someone to pray for them?  Yep, the old heretic
> himself.  I'm thinking about having my name changed to Harry.  One thing I
> have definitely learned praying with people over the last 5 years is just
> how afraid we are of the truth.  Last week, a man I consider to probably 
> be
> my best friend, came to my office and we talked for nearly 3 hours.  We
> talked about the fact he no longer was financially supporting my ministry.
> Of course, I already new this since the 50 dollars a week had stopped 
> coming
> in about 5 months ago.  I just figured it had to be two things, which I
> won't talk about now, but I knew there could possibly be a third reason. 
> I
> was right and it was the third reason.  What was it?  He basically stopped
> supporting this ministry because I wasn't perfect in his eyes any more.
> Yeah.  Me.  Perfect?  Give me a break.  Oh, no, he certainly didn't use
> those words but I may have been born at night but not last night.  So I 
> just
> laid things out for him.  He asked a lot of questions and I answered them
> all.  I furthermore explained to him if he had been supporting me for 
> nearly
> 5 years because he thought I was perfect, he had been giving for all the
> wrong reasons.  I explained to him that I was so far from perfect, it was
> ridiculous and that he knew, as well as I did, there was only one perfect
> One.  I furthermore asked if he would stop giving to the church he attends
> because his own pastor was, and he is, a butt head, with no personality, 
> and
> no love for people.  He loves the ministry and he likes people to listen 
> to
> him preach, he isn't very good either, but he has a door knob for a
> personality.  I asked my friend if he would stop giving to the church
> because of who his pastor is, excluding sinful living, of course, and he
> said, Well, I guess you are right.  I give because I believe in the work
> there.  Then why did you stop giving to me? I asked.  I asked him if he
> believed in what I was doing.  He said he did believe in what I was doing
> but, he said, he didn't know if he believe in me any more.  I almost 
> laughed
> out loud.  Hell, I don't believe in myself but I believe in Jesus and I 
> also
> said to him, I furthermore believe in ministering to those whom the Lord 
> has
> called me to pray with.  I identified those as the Throw Away Christians. 
> I
> am referring to my article called, "Throw Away Christians" which you can
> read on my website if you haven't seen it before.  Regardless, what you 
> are
> about to read, is true, and regardless of who or what you think Phil 
> Scovell
> is.  Oh, you will be happy to know that when my friend left, he said, "I
> really learned a lot tonight and I am glad I came over."  I felt closer to
> him after our talk that I ever have before.  Brothers, you see it?
> Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.  He also told me 
> he
> would return Sunday with his checkbook.  He did and gave me 100 dollars
> which I really really needed.  I think he plans on starting his weekly
> giving again for which I am very thankful even if I'm not perfect.  I 
> likely
> will make some minor changes to this, too, eventually but what you will be
> reading, is the way it was, as Walter Cronkite used to say.
> The Naked Feet Of Jesus
> By Phil Scovell
>     She was just 5 years of age when she watched The Exorcist
> with her father who was a Mormon bishop at the time.  He was also
> homosexual.  I know adults who have watched The Exorcist  and
> lived the rest of their lives in fear, slept with their bedroom
> light on, and experienced perpetual anxiety and panic attacks
> simply as a result of watching that movie.  This little girl
> became so frightened, she spent most of the rest of that night
> vomiting into the bathroom out of utter terror.  Even now, as an
> adult, she often awakens at 4 o'clock in the morning to vomit into
> the commode.  She often, out of fear, sleeps in her closet.  You
> heard me; she sleeps in her closet.
>     When we began to pray, I had no idea where we would go but I
> had been praying, along with others, about the movie that had
> frightened her so badly.  We wanted the Lord to heal her of that
> fear.  As we entered this particular prayer session, we went,
> instead, to a swim competition in which she had participated when
> she was about 9 years of age.  She was swimming on the otter lane.
> Judges had been stationed along the outer wall of the pool to note
> if any contact was made with the wall during the swim.  She didn't
> realize it until the race was over but she had accidentally
> touched the wall and instead of placing in the contest, she was
> disqualified.  The feeling of being disqualified tapped into
> something she had felt from even an earlier time of her childhood
> and now it surfaced again.  It would remain, penetrated deeply in
> her mind and thoughts and emotions, for many years to come.
> "Disqualified" became a commonly used word in her life even as an
> adult.  Her very psyche now confirmed she was disqualified from
> life and would never amount to anything.
>     During our time of prayer, she was focused on her feelings of
> being disqualified.  Suddenly, she said, "The judges are all gone.
> Oh, I guess not.  There is one judge left.  Wait.  That's Jesus
> standing there by Himself.  All the other judges are gone.  I see
> his feet," she continued, "but he is standing their barefooted.  I
> wonder why.  I figured he'd have sandals on or something but He is
> just standing there in His bare feet."  From personal experience
> in my own life, I knew immediately the reason Jesus was standing
> there without sandals, but I said nothing to her about it.  The
> memory shifted.
>     She began talking about the night she watched The Exorcist
> with her dad when she was only 5 years of age.  She could hardly
> talk at this point due to the fear she still felt.  She described
> the more frightening parts of the movie and other specific things
> she remembered about the event, that is, things about the bathroom
> and the hallway, the retching, and her emotions as she felt ripped
> apart by the fear.
>     As we continued praying together, a third memory took its
> place and she began describing a pleasant memory that was
> associated with her mother.  She remembered everything she
> remembered being 3 years old, the colors she wore, the clothing,
> how it looked, her hair and many other things right down to the
> smallest of details.  Disappointment played a role in this memory
> which is common to most of this lady's memories.  Her mother
> seemed always to make her feel she wasn't good enough and thus,
> her mother always acted disappointed in her daughter.
>     She was at a river.  She and Jesus were standing on one side
> together but on the opposite side of the river from the
> frightening memories.  She said "He is telling me that He always
> knew I wanted to know Him personally, even as a little girl.  He
> said He knew about the scary things that happened but now He was
> going to healed them so I could know Him better.  He says that
> I'll be able to step into the river each time a memory is healed
> and I will feel better.  Oh, wow!  I hear water.  It sounds gentle
> and peaceful.  It is like a bubbling stream.  I can hear it; I can
> hear it.  It makes me feel so good.  I can use the sound, Jesus is
> telling me, whenever other fearful memories come to mind."
>     Suddenly, she was back at the swimming pool.  She commented
> again on why Jesus was standing in His bare feet.  I prayed and
> asked the Lord if this was something she needed to know.  She
> said, "I'm standing next to him now and looking down.  I'm right
> next to Jesus.  My feet are bare just like his.  He is showing me
> I am just like Him."  I held my joy in but inside, my heart leaped
> about a hundred feet into the air with joy.  I knew what she saw
> the first time was the Lord's way of showing His identity to her
> and with her but that revelation wasn't ready to be revealed until
> he touched the other fearful events in her memories.  Now she
> could accept His identity expressed in His voice and heard in her
> thoughts and felt in her emotions.
>     A few days later, I called.  She reported that she was
> sleeping much better.  Although she was still awaking at 4 o'clock
> in the morning but remembering the bubbling water sound she had
> experienced in the prayer session, she was focusing on that
> instead of her nightmares or fears and going right back to sleep.
> She also claimed a level of peace she had never experienced.  I
> already knew this lady had been through 4 or 5 deliverance
> sessions.  One deliverance session was conducted by a famous
> Christian leader that now calls himself an exorcist and claims
> 10,000 exorcisms and furthermore claims he has done more than
> anyone in the world.  If I said his name, you'd know of whom I
> speak.  Just don't believe everything you hear.
>     In my 50 years plus of being a born again Christian and
> walking with the Lord, I have heard at least 50,000 sermons and
> Bible teachings.  I have preached myself on many occasions about
> Jesus and who the Bible says He is.  I never experienced what I
> knew until the past few years.  I have had the same experience,
> more than once, of Jesus, in very unusual ways, showing me His
> identity.  I have heard Him say, "You are like me now," and
> <"That's because you are like me," and, "I like doing those same
> things," and even once, when I was only about 5 or 6 years old,
> and my pet lizard died, Jesus said, "I loved him, too."  These
> intimate expressions of spiritually depth go so far beyond words,
> they can only be described as feelings of awareness.  Knowing that
> feeling, however, is everything and once experienced, is never
> forgotten.
>     The first time I realized my Lord's identity was when I was
> 21 years old.  I was reading my Bible one day and focused on the
> passage when Jesus revealed Himself to John the Baptizer as the
> Christ.  He then requested John baptize Him.  John had a little
> theological problem getting his mind around this request and said
> as much to Jesus.  You see, first of all, John knew that baptism
> had nothing to do with the born again experience of salvitic
> conversion.  So why would Jesus bother in the first place?  I
> mean, for sure shooting Jesus didn't need to be born again.
> Additionally, it should be the other way around, that is, Jesus
> should be baptizing John.  In fact, such is exactly what John
> said.  (See Matthew 3:13-17), for the complete story of events.
> In short, John knew who Jesus was.  Do you?  So, John was more
> than a little confused about being asked to baptize Jesus.
>     John was far from alone because I was confused, too.  I
> stopped reading my Bible and said in my thoughts, "Lord?  Why did
> you get baptized?"
>     A voice in my thoughts said, "What is baptism?"
>     I didn't think the Lord was ignorant of the nature of water
> baptism but I explained it to Him anyway.
>     "So," the voice said in response, "why did you get baptized
> as a little boy after getting born again?"
>     I thought for a few seconds and then felt the answer as real
> as anything I had ever experienced in my life.  I said, "I wanted
> to identify myself with you based upon my salvation experience."
>     "And so I was baptized," He replied, "because I wanted to
> identify myself with you."
>     You've heard the old saying, "It took my breath away?"  Well,
> that describes how I felt at that very second.  The Creator of the
> universe was identifying Himself with me.
>     Since that first experience, many years ago, now, as I have
> already mentioned, Jesus has revealed this same truth to me
> through personal intercessory prayer many times and in areas of
> great emotional and spiritual woundedness.  Those places don't
> hurt any more.  Yes, I use it as a weapon, the sword of the Holy
> Spirit, on many occasions when I am attacked by the Enemy.  I
> simply let the thoughts spring to mind of all the times Jesus
> identified Himself with me and thus resisting the devil, he flees.
>     It is a wonderful thing to know Jesus as your personal Lord
> and Savior but when it comes to walking with Him through your
> daily life, you need to know, and to feel, just how much He is
> like you.  It is called Lordship.  Have you felt His Lordship in
> your life before?
> The Curse That Works Is The One We Believe