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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Dec 2008 13:25:12 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear List Mates:

Yesterday I received the results of a Brain MRI and was told that I  
am fine. Yea!  I have been having many, many symptoms of late that  
match MS and have been concerned.  I am relieved about my MRI  
results, but am still a tiny bit concerned and am wondering how many  
of you have MS and CD? Or is it possible that this is STILL ALL CD?   
I suspect that some of you will ask what my symptoms are  and very  
specific details so:

*Intense pins and needles in the heels of my feet
*numbness in both feet and hands
*stabbing pain in wrist and hands (which got a lot better for a while  
but is now getting worse again)
*weakness in hands (also, got a lot better, but now getting worse)
*fatigue despite 18 months gluten free (it has improved, but it's  
still pretty intense)
*brain fog, Memory problems, difficulty concentrating on a regular  
basis, spending entire days looking for what I just had in my hand,  
difficulty communicating, thinking of words...I was dx'd ADHD several  
years ago, I take Strattera- but this seems a lot worse and the  
medicine only helps a little- it used to be the medicine helped a  
lot.....this is different too, in the memory is much much worse.   
Before I KNEW things, I just couldn't retrieve them - now I just  
don't know.
*stumbling- ataxia- tremors (which are getting a lot worse, not  
better) -they just took me off wellbutrin- they think it may be the  
medication- I've been off an entire week and still no improvement, I  
look like I am drunk when I walk- not every step, it comes and goes,  
but it is present every day, many many times a day....
* Blurry vision- I believe attributed to Sjogren's - dry eyes despite  
Restasis and lubricating drops used throughout the day
* abnormal EEG - neuro thinks this is from the Wellbutrin, I will  
have another EEG test in 2 weeks or so.
* Hypersensitive to heat near my hands/face - I am a glass artist- I  
work with a torch- every once in a while- I can't work because it  
will feel like I am literally burning my fingers doing work I've done  
for years with no problem.
* Rashes- I have DH, these rashes are different and all over my body
* confirmed nerve damage in my neck [w/ EMG]
* urinary incontinence- not a lot - but a little leak now and then  
for no apparent reason (NOT when sneezing/coughing- although THAT  
happens too-LOL)- this has been ongoing for at least 4-5 years.  I'm  
only 45. I need to wear a thin pad every day- which is now a problem  
with Sjogren's as it feels like sandpaper.
* continuing Vit D deficiency, despite taking extra D- sublinqual -  
Vit B however appears to be ok.
* out of breath with physical exertion - just running up and down the  
stairs-( i am petite- 5'2" and 115 lbs) but Doc never sees asthma or  
hears anything when listening to my chest, recent EKG came back  
normal. This symptom is also at least 3-4 years ongoing.
* I am almost constantly being treated for ear infections.  I have  
ear pain on and off- ongoing for at least a year.
* Migraine headaches- frequent
* Lots of recent dental work due to dry mouth- 12 months or so.  
Occasional sore throat and hoarseness due to dryness.
* I am currently Osteopenia & taking Fosamax - when I remember (dx'd  
Osteoporosis when I was 40)
* Recently had ruptured Ovarian Cysts- which is still causing mild  
pain (started in Aug 2008).
*Chronic Bladder infections (which has gotten better since GF)
* Bowel movements - go from constipation to diarrhea in the same day,  
until recently (~ August 08) almost always loose stools, now a lot of  

  All current dx's :  CD, DH & Sjogren's - [& Lupus was borderline],  
Osteopenia, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety (that is also a recent dx),  
Chronic Fatigue, Hypoglycemia, Lactose Intolerant

Medications: stopped Welbutrin [300mg] 7 days ago.  Prestiq 50mg  
started 6 days ago, Fosamax w/Vit D when I remember - once a month?,  
Nasonex, Restasis, Stratterra 25mg, Sublinqual Vit's D & B,  
Clonazepam .25mg at night.  Imitrex 100mg as needed.

I'm sure I've left some things out, but this is what comes to mind  
after some careful thought.

If this is all CD and CD related- do physicians sometimes treat CD  
with MS medication?  How do you proceed when you think the symptoms  
should be getting better not worse.  Am I just not patient enough?   
Should I be concerned?  Should I just give it all more time?  I am  
self insured and my healthcare choices are limited.  I am financially  
not in a good place- between dental and 3 hospital visits my son had  
in the past 2 years, I'm in medical debt up to my eyeballs.  Between  
my insurance and copays, my husband and I spend ~ $12-1500 a month.   
I was earning 50% of our household income, I am now earning about  
10%.  I'm hanging in there hoping things get better....

thanks as always,


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