The following invites everyone (high & low carbers, Vegan & Paleo folk)
to come together in the spirit of fun and a good time:
To Grant for posting from elle:
Desperately Seeking Pig Cookers
Dear pig cookers...your help needed!
As some of you might know, this friend of Grants (well her husband
actually) is interested in cooking a whole pig for a big urban
campout/bbq/aging hippie get together/rock'n'roll festival this August.
Russ the mighty wishes to email directly with someone who has
participated in this event...seems that everyone knows about burying pig
in pits whole and cooking them, but no one has actually done it.
please email [log in to unmask] and I will pass the posts on to my husband
and coach him in email procedure.
Hoping to hear from you soon..and of course, anyone in the Portland
Oregon area would be invited to come...we will have a diverse group!
Trying to get a drumming circle too..Russ is a rock drummer
thanks elle
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