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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Jul 2008 12:06:25 -0400
text/plain (50 lines)

You're a hi-fallutin prof, just cough up the bucks.  As my mother-in-law says, 
"you can't take it with ya when you go...."  (grin)

Actually, Dymo Tape has gone up; what Kathy found would be a great price; just 
order several rolls to save on shipping.  I saw some at for 
$2,38 per roll but their shipping seemed higher than what I've noted below.

Also, you can use 3/8 inch instead of half inch.

I found some at for $299 per roll; for the heck of it, I added 
ten rolls and the shipping stayed the same.  This made the price per roll 
$3.55 including shipping.  Check

Steve, K8SP
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "T Behler" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:37 AM
Subject: off topic: half-inch dymo labeling tape needed

Hi, all.

I guess this is "off topic" for the most part, but could someone tell me of
a good source for one half-inch dymo labeling tape--the kind you'd use in
the typical Braille dymo tape labeler?

I checked at Staples both in the store and "on line", and they want
something like $7.99 for a 12-foot roll.  I really don't want to pay that
ungodly amount.

My XYL found another source on line that sells it for $3 per 12-foot roll,
but then you have to pay something like $7 in shipping.

If I could get it in bulk, at a reasonable price, I'd consider it.

I use the tape for labeling class record files at work.

If I can't find dymo tape at a reasonable price, I suppose I could always
cuts strips of laminate and do it that way, but that seems like a hassle

Any suggestions would be appreciated as always.

73 from Tom Behler:  KB8TYJ