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Vinny Samarco <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 9 Nov 2008 20:34:20 -0700
text/plain (391 lines)
    Read this one prayerfully, and you will see that it is almost right on.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "RJ" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 5:51 PM
Subject: [CCNV] Trojan Horse in the Church

Trojan Horse <>

*"…That Day shall not come unless there come a great falling away first." (2
Thessalonians 2:3)*

*We know by these words that before Jesus returns, great deception will come
to the church. Right now, we are totally unprepared for it.  One of the
crying alarms in my heart is the almost total lack of discernment in the
church. We have come to a place where we are so conditioned to the slow
infiltration of all things sensual and worldly, that we judge the rightness
of a thing based on how we feel, how something looks, how big and how
popular something is. Humans by nature are trend junkies. The church,
through compromise, have become trend junkies. There is always the "latest"
thing to make your church a success, make your program work, etc. There is
something to be said for the steady faithfulness of a tiny church. In
Revelation I never read Jesus commending a church for their astonishing
growth. He does commend them for faithfulness under fire.*

*The thing about "phenomenal church growth" that concerns me is, who is
populating the "growth?" Why are they really there? How many are truly
committed to following Jesus for a lifetime?*

*My concern is that in all the growth, there are scarce few watchmen. In
fact, because of the "bigness", which to most means God has to be behind it,
any watchmen who raise a concern are seen as divisive troublemakers, and are
marginalized, scoffed at and dismissed as irrelevant in the face of this
"big" thing "God" is doing.*

*I need to make it plain that I do not agree with or want to be seen as like
so many self-appointed "watchmen" who viciously attack anything related to
Christian counseling or the gifts of the Spirit or anything that is not cut
and dry traditional. There is a difference between mean-spirited
heresy-hunters and true watchmen, and I am always trying to stay on the
right side of that line.*

*But the problem certainly NOT that we have a bunch of "heresy hunters"
making life miserable, or even that there are many true watchmen raising
concerns. In fact there are precious few, and their voices are extinguished
or silenced very quickly, and rarely get any real hearing in the Christian
media. When it comes to mega-church movements, dissenters are as welcome as
a party crasher at a Quincenera. *

*And THIS is how the Trojan Horse of deception is going to get in: No one
will be watching the gates, because everyone's so awestruck at the size and
the majesty of this Horse. And anyone who opposes it will be ridiculed as a
"chicken little" doomsday preacher.*

*Let me give you a little history lesson, which is necessary because most
believers are either unaware of, or have forgotten, the alarm of the 1980's
concerning the "New Age Movement." Lawyer-turned-advocate Constance Cumbey
wrote an astonishing and accurate book called, "The Hidden Dangers of the
Rainbow." She exposed the powerful and committed agenda of the New Age,
which was - and is - the heart and core of the coming one world religion
that the antichrist will lead. The book exposed the New Age's gradual
infiltration of the media, politics, education, and especially the church.*

*Unfortunately, the church's concern and alarm about all of this was just a
"trend junkie" fix and the New Agers retaliated and wiped Cumbey out, and we
quickly forgot and moved on to the next "thing". Now when you mention it,
most Christians say, "New Age What?" The problem is, though the church has
forgotten that the New Age has an agenda, the agenda remains. And that
agenda, as clearly stated long ago by the New Age teachers, is the
"blending" of Christianity as just one of many religions. Those who did not
go along would be marginalized, isolated and eventually eliminated if
necessary, or as one said, "Evolved to the next life."*

*As I've watched several generations of Christians pass by since 1969, I see
how this is being carried out. There were key elements - solid pillars of
the church - that had to be weakened, and "new ideas" had to be put in their
place. This is how it has evolved:*

*The dumbing down of the Word of God.*

*The serious study and application of the Word of God has always been a
cornerstone of the true church. Less than 30 years ago, believers in the
former Soviet Union were murdered for even possessing a Bible. In some
countries, they still are.*

*Today, if you want a Bible, going to a Christian bookstore is like a huge
smorgasbord. There are dozens of translations, cool covers, devotional
Bibles for everyone from golfers to pet lovers. Most are designed for
Snippet readers - a little bite, not too much, with a warm-fuzzy story to go
with it. "Devotional reading" has replaced real study.*

*Have you noticed how the big "megachurch" movements push certain
translations? "So we'll all be on the same page." Problem is, many of these
new translations can't even be called scripture (like "The Message") so
greatly have they been altered from true scripture.*

*I'm not a "King James only" person, but I'm getting close, especially as I
learn more about many "new" versions and how they have eliminated key verses
and words about the Lordship of Jesus and His shed blood. You would do well
to do an online search on "King James Debate" and make your own conclusions.
It rattled me enough to pare down my Bible collection to a few proven,
sturdy ones rather than the plethora of spurious "new" ones.*

*Every generation has become less studious and more "devotional" to where
now, you need only "follow the bouncing ball" on Powerpoint once a week at
church and that suffices as "scripture study." I'm grateful for some of the
young people I know who are comparing these new "translations" with the old
and saying, "Hey, that's NOT what it says!" *

*The dumbing down of the scriptures has led to compromise in every area -
sexuality, "lifestyle" and relationships. The result is, discernment is
utterly gone. Counterfeits are supposed to be good; only if you know the
REAL, inside and out, does that precious gift of discernment rise up to
contest the lies. And that REAL is only found through committed study of the
Word of God.*

*Christian Media: Diluting and merchandising.*

*One of the biggest joys of my early Christian walk was to visit Christian
bookstores. They were full of substance, Spirit-filled music and great books
and tools for evangelism.*

*Now, they are like a homey mini-mart. And it's all about trends, popularity
and money. They cater to "trend junkies." They are overrun with Christian
romance books. The non-fiction bestsellers are vapid and weak and empty,
books that are making a fortune on "principles" so basic that most
Christians should have had them down in the first month of their walk, and
instead are being touted as "great revelation." You have to special order
anything of real value - Amy Camichael, AW Tozer, Spurgeon. The music
section is filled with trendy bands that sound like the world but have no
redeeming power. There are exceptions, but they are rare, and they are not
in the "top ten" rack. *

*Why are we shocked? Almost all of the major Christian book and music
companies are owned by powerful secular corporations. As a result, MONEY is
what dictates what fills the store - what sells - and secular corporations
care only for what will sell, and not for the truth. Thus most Christians do
not even have the opportunity to taste of the richness of true Christian
literature. This part of the "Trojan Horse" is crucial - those who control
the flow of information into the hearts and minds of believers, will control
what they read and what they think and what they follow. The wholesale
control over Christian media by secular corporations has nearly guaranteed
that books that are controversial, challenging or don't "follow the flow"
are never going to see the light of day.*

 *The "Inward" Life*

*The church is never stronger than when they are bringing people to Christ.
Former revivals brought thousands to Jesus and closed down bars. (Now
Christian performers want to "cross over" and PLAY in bars.) Evangelism is
powerful. Therefore it is necessary for satan and those who carry out the
"new age" agenda to neutralize it.*

*The "new evangelism" is gutting us. It starts by making believers
introspective. "FIND your purpose. Look inside! Use breath prayers and
contemplative thought. Read the `desert masters'!" The desert masters,
unfortunately, that are gaining a new audience in the church, lived in
isolation and took much of their teaching from Buddhist and Hindu religion.*

*I believe in meditation, yes, but not the "new way" it's being taught. Yes,
Elijah had to wait for a still, small voice. But just as often, God spoke
powerfully through visions, prophetic utterance and knocking someone off of
their horse! True meditation is ACTIVELY engaging your mind and heart in
scripture, not EMPTYING your mind and waiting for an "impression" or

*Beware of the new "contemplative Christian prayer" trend. It is repackaged
New Age teaching. It is virtually indistinguishable from New Age thought,
and includes new age tools such as "prayer labyrinths", and will do nothing
but keep believers from their evangelical purpose as they turn more and more
inward looking for the next "Holy Spirit" hit.*

*I recently viewed a new DVD series designed for teens and college kids.
It's slick, MTV quality and "cool." It is going to be marketed - and
accepted - hugely in youth groups. It's called the "Nooma" series by Mars
Hill Pastor Rob Bell. I watched one entitled "Bullhorn" and it made me
spiritually sick. The background for Bell's message is a fat, bald,
coke-bottle glasses middle aged man with shirt tail hanging out and passing
out literature and using a bullhorn to do street evangelism.*

*Bell went on to make the preacher come across as a fool, and worse - he
proclaims that this man is actually turning people AWAY from Christ, and
that he thinks even Jesus thinks he's an embarrassment.  Bell peppers his
short message with new-age words like "diversity", "inclusiveness" etc. It
was very slick, and yes, many of us have seen someone like that. But the
real message was, underlying it all, that evangelism is uncool and
unnecessary, that we need to reach people by caring and putting and arm
around their shoulder, and listening. These "bullhorn" types are a terrible
offense, and Jesus thinks so too.*

*What a damnable lie.*

*Our problem is not that too many bullhorn preachers have taken to the
streets. The real problem is that the overwhelming majority of Christian
youth don't share their faith AT ALL. They have NEVER evangelized, never
been on the street and WILL not. This DVD, if it gains a wide audience, is a
preemptive strike designed by satan to GUT this generation of its mandate to
evangelize! They already do not know how and do not want to. This DVD's
message is, it is WRONG to, it is UNCOOL to, and Jesus doesn't like it

*This part of the Trojan Horse is extremely crucial to the New Age agenda,
which wants to make the church "inclusive", "diverse" and harmless. They
will ostracize anyone who still wants to "shove religion down people's
throats." Be ready to hear more and more talk about how we need to see how
much we have in COMMON with other religions, rather than what makes us
DIFFERENT. One World Religion won't initially try to take away your faith;
they will just neutralize it, TAME it, and get it to SHUT UP.*

 *Syncretism and "NewSpeak"*

*Syncretism is essentially molding the Gospel to fit the culture. I
understand we don't need to take an "Americanized" Gospel to third world
cultures, but this current trend toward syncretism is different, and it is
going way too far. We have gone so far in dressing up the Gospel in worldly
clothes to fit the culture that we have forgotten we are called to be a
SEPARATE people. We do not take our cues from the world; we take everything
from the scriptures, whether it is socially acceptable or not. We are not
called to make the Gospel fit people's lives; the Gospel makes people fit
the Kingdom Life, which is UTTERLY SEPARATE from this world system.*

*I believe the church has an identity crisis. Because our weak programs and
powerless efforts have failed to get the world's attention, we decided to
become "the good guys." The megachurch movements have suddenly become a huge
self-help and relief agency. Believe me - the church should ALWAYS feed the
poor, care for the destitute, the widow, the orphan. But it is not the
center of the Gospel, and I am concerned that we are doing much of this
because we want so much to be relevant, to be LIKED. The megachurch movement
is becoming absorbed in good social works, but the Gospel message is
becoming more and more diluted and muted, so as "not to offend." Instead of
"silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee, in the Name of
Jesus Christ RISE UP AND WALK", it's "Here's some silver and a voucher. God
bless!", leaving the soul unsaved, unhealed.*

*Again, the New Age masters cannot complete their vision without doing
something about the Christians. And the Trojan Horse here is to slowly
transform it from evangelical and separate to inclusive, helpful and

*Perhaps if you understood the basis of Luciferian philosophy and goals,
which underpins the New Age, you would see the danger. Their vision is a
world as one religion, one nation, without God, because YOU are "God."
Sharing wealth, healing the world. Megachurch programs promoting a "peace
plan" which seeks to cure disease, stop wars, erase poverty etc., but in a
weak, safe religious context, are MORE than acceptable in Luciferian/New Age
context. It is in fact the best way to absorb the church, dilute the message
and eliminate the divisive hard-line "religious fanatics." Can I spell out
the message? "Come join us in healing the world. We like Jesus too. Just
don't push your religion on us and we will accept AND applaud your efforts!"
And so they are. Megachurch world-healers keep dangerous company and seem to
have no problem cozying up to new age thinkers and spokesmen, as long as it
"gets the job done", choosing to see what they have in COMMON rather than
what makes them DIFFERENT.*

*Why am I bothered that the world is beginning to applaud the efforts of the
church world-healers? Because frankly, the number of horrible things said
about me personally over the internet tells me I'm doing my job. I do not
want the world's accolades. "They hated me", Jesus said, "They will hate you
also." And, "Beware when all men speak well of you." The Gospel is an
OFFENSE to those who do not believe. Shouldn't we be concerned if we
suddenly are becoming the world's harmless darling? We should, indeed.*

*If you've read George Orwell's 1984, you might recall the concept of
"newspeak." It is the interjection of a new vocabulary to brainwash people.
Repeat it enough, it will alter people's thoughts and behavior.*

*The New Age has their own NewSpeak. This part of the Trojan Horse is
beginning to change the church's vocabulary. Words, and some of these words
I will list, aren't necessarily bad, but they are charged with new age
meaning. This is just a partial list:*
*Global; Inclusive; diversity; radical shift; emerging church; paradigm
shift; syncretism; Oneness; inner work; contemplative; possibility thinking;
fulfilling your dream; finding your destiny; positive message.*

*You get the idea. Not one of these words or concepts are in scripture. But
slowly, NewSpeak is prevailing, and God help those who cry caution; they
will be labeled divisive and haters and dissenters. How, dear Jesus, did we
get so far from the pure, unvarnished powerful message of the Gospel?*

 *"Last Days"*

*In order to succeed, a cloud of absolute confusion has to come concerning
the last days. It was so simple when I first believed; Jesus was coming
back. We believed, we waited, we spoke it to one another: "Maranatha!" We
cut our teeth on Hal Lindsay's Late Great Planet Earth. It may not have been
100%, but it was a good scriptural guide on what to watch for. No, He has
not yet come, but we watch, we wait, expect, love His appearing.*

*Today, a vast number of churches and believers do not talk about His
return, do not preach it and many new believers don`t even know to expect
His return. When was the last time you heard a message on His coming?
Emphasis on the return of Jesus has nearly gone from our midst, which suits
the New Age agenda well; they don't want this silly talk of Jesus returning.
Why not just repair THIS world instead of pining for the "pie in the sky by
and by"?*

*I do not know how it will happen. I doubt very much it will turn out like
the fiction series has portrayed, or that the Antichrist's name is Nicolae.
I do not know the when, or the how of His return, but I know He WILL, and we
are commanded to WATCH and look for the signs and wait.*

*But in the midst of a growing ignorance about the last days, there is a
renewal of the "preterist" movement, largely revived by Hank Hannegraff's
"Anti-Left-Behind" fiction book "The Last Disciple" whose message is,
"Revelation happened already. Nero was the Antichrist, get over it."*

*How nicely this fits the New Age agenda! "Don't expect doomsday, it
happened. Christ HAS come again - IN YOU! So get with the program, stop all
this negative last-days talk and get busy repairing the world!" The church,
either having either a fictional and flawed version of the last days, or a
belief that Revelation is irrelevant, will stop expecting His return or
believing that "the end of all things is at hand."*

*And now, the last underpinning of Biblical prophecy is slowly being
discredited: The Timepiece of God, Israel. She is woven into every aspect
and detail of true Biblical last-day prophecy from Scripture.*

*It is no surprise that a great surge is developing in the church that is
teaching that the CHURCH is the new Israel, that God abandoned Israel for
crucifying Jesus, and that the church should abandon their support for
Israel in exchange for the "Roadmap for Peace."*

*All these things the scriptures told us beforehand: The great falling away;
doctrines of demons; lovers of this world more than God; one world, one
religion; All the world turning on Israel, and then the man with a "peace
plan". It's all there. And for the first time, I can see how many Christians
will miss it and believe the lie.*

*It's easy to see why. These things are not taught, believers are not
warned, the lies are not contested. But the primary reason: The Book is not
READ. Today's church is as Bible ignorant as anytime since the Dark Ages
when they COULDN'T read it. Deluged by variety and Vanity Bibles, we are
nearly Scripture Snippet Christians, who embrace the positive and eliminate
- or IGNORE - the negative.*

*And oh, look! What a BEAUTIFUL horse!*

*Gregory Reid*

Rick Johnson
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Founder Samuel Adams noted,
"It does not take a majority to prevail ...
but rather an irate, tireless minority,
keen on setting brushfires of freedom
in the minds of men." We know you
are one of the "tireless minority"
of conservative activists, and we
thank you for your vigilance.

Somewhere in Kenya
a village is missing their idiot.


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 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and
 does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and
 the sword comes and takes the life of one of
 them, that man will be taken away because of
 his sin, but I will hold the watchman
 accountable for his blood."  Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV)