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Chester Worwa <[log in to unmask]>
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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Nov 2006 05:17:56 -0800
text/plain (173 lines)
I got this from another list.


Constituents that routinely vote for them:

Illegal Aliens.
Chinese spies.
Muslims, especially those who fund "international"

What they are against:

NO on Border Security.
NO on making the Republican tax cuts permanent .
NO on military spending (they'd eliminate all National
Defense if they could).
NO on any future tax cuts, except to their friends in
abortion clinics.
NO on eliminating the marriage penalty.
NO on eliminating the death tax.
NO on creating Health Savings Accounts.
NO on Defense of Marriage.
NO on new military weapons that would protect against
incoming missile attacks.
NO on Welfare Reform Reauthorization.
NO on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance.
NO on banning partial-birth abortion.
NO on requiring a photo I.D. to ensure only legal
voters vote.
NO on the Patriot Act.
NO on authorizing domestic tracking of terrorists.
NO on military tribunals and new interrogation rules
for terrorist detainees.
NO on expanding refining capacity so that gas prices
come down.
NO to abstinence education in public schools.
NO to parental notification of abortions on minor

What they are for:

YES to terrorists sneaking across the border with
other Illegal Aliens.
YES on activist judges that sieze private property
(Kelo and eminent domain).
YES on gay marriage.
Yes on killing innocent, defenseless, harmless humans
(abortion at all stages).
YES on United Nations Corruption.
YES on giving US Sovereignty, and US National Rights
to the International Courts.
YES on raising taxes.
YES to a United Nations Global tax (can we say,
centralized global government?).
YES on ACLU protection of terrorists by extending them
special legal rights.
YES to gun control.
YES on Vote Fraud - allowing on Illegals to vote,
YES on Jesse Jackson and Rainbow Corporate extortion.
YES on regulating Internet Speech.
YES on manslaughter, homicide, or whatever it actually
was by Ted Kennedy.
YES on blatant Goebbels-style propaganda by Al Gore
and Michael Moore.
YES on giving felons, including killers, rapists and
child predators, the right to vote.

NoDNC.com © 2006 - all unchanged original work may be
freely distributed.


What a Democratic Win Will Mean
Written by Michael M. Bates
Sunday, October 22, 2006

...Archliberals will be running things if Democrats
take over.... A Democratic majority means Californian
Nancy Pelosi will become the House speaker.  Most
citizens don't know much about Ms. Pelosi.  They will
learn plenty in a hurry when she pushes her radical

On budgetary matters, Congresswoman Pelosi is a big
spender's big spender.  Her 2005 evaluation from the
National Taxpayers Union, which includes every vote of
significance involving taxes, spending, debt and
regulatory burdens, was 11 percent.

For this she was assigned a letter grade of 'F'.  It
couldn't have been too much of a disappointment
though.  Going all the way back to 1995, that's been
her grade.

The nonpartisan National Journal calculates that last
year Nancy Pelosi voted more liberal on social policy
issues than 96 percent of her colleagues.  Naturally,
she's dependably pro illegal immigrant, pro abortion
on demand and pro big labor bosses.

She holds a special place of contempt for the Boy
Scouts of America.  The president of the U.S. serves
as honorary president of the Boy Scouts.  In 2000, she
and ten other members of Congress wrote to President
Clinton, requesting he resign from the Boy Scouts
because of the organization's "unacceptable" policy of
banning homosexuals from leadership positions.

The House at the time had over 200 Democrats.  Even
so, the Clinton letter was so over the top that fewer
than a dozen Democrats would sign it...

Her ascent to the speakership would be only the
beginning.  Joining her would be the new chairman of
the House Ways and Means Committee, New York's Charles
Rangel.  Ways and Means has principal influence on tax
policy, trade, Social Security, Medicare, and welfare.

Mr. Rangel hates tax cuts and loves tax increases. 
Consequently, he also gets an 'F'  from the National
Taxpayers Union....

Another Democratic chairman will be Michigan's John
Conyers at the Judiciary Committee.  He's fixated on
impeaching George W. Bush and has even held a mock
impeachment with him pretending to be the chairman. 
Moreover, Representative Conyers has a burning desire
to make certain that convicted felons are allowed to

Ms. Pelosi has stated her intention of having
Florida's Alcee Hastings run the House Intelligence
Committee.  Like the others, he has impressive
credentials.  He was a federal judge who was impeached
and removed from office for soliciting bribes.

Let's not forget California's Henry Waxman.  As
chairman of the House Government Reform Committee,
he'll set the priorities on investigations.  One, no
doubt, will be the war on terror.  Mr. Waxman's termed
domestic surveillance "illegal," which must spread joy
throughout terrorist cells around the world...

A Democratic majority in Congress will enable
archliberals to do irreparable harm...

This column by Michael Bates appeared in the October
19, 2006, Reporter Newspapers.

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