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Cecily Ballenger <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 26 Dec 2007 10:57:40 -0800
text/plain (92 lines)
A Jesus Sign?, by Patrick D. Odum

  [Jesus said] "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill
  cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a
  bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to
  everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before
  others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father
  in heaven (Matthew 5:14-16).

Driving to visit my sister this past week, I came around a curve in her
neighborhood and was confronted by one of her neighbor's Christmas lawn
decorations. Actually, "confronted" doesn't seem quite strong enough to
describe it. "Assaulted" is a little too much, but not entirely
inaccurate. Whatever you want to call it, I nearly swerved the truck I
was driving off the road when I saw it. It was a brightly-lit sign. It
was about as tall as I am and was about ten feet wide. It was sitting
in the front yard lit up for all the world to see. What it said was
pretty simple and just one word: "JESUS."

I wondered how many people had said something not too righteous upon
seeing that sign for the first time. It was that startling. And
honestly, while I appreciated the homeowner's commitment to keeping
Jesus front and center at Christmas, I have to confess that I thought
the sign looked a bit, well, gaudy -- maybe downright tacky. But now
that I think I've gotten over the initial shock of seeing this sign,
and the more I've thought about it, the more I think I kind of like the
big "JESUS" sign.

I can almost guarantee that no one drives past that sign without making
some sort of comment about it. In a neighborhood full of Christmas
lights, robotic reindeer, and 7-foot Santa Claus and snowman
inflatables, everybody notices the "JESUS" sign. Even those who don't
like it can't possibly ignore it. Plus, everyone now knows the
commitments of the people who live in that house. There is no ambiguity
about what they believe.

May Jesus shine brightly in our words and actions.

I know a giant sign in the front yard does not a Christian make.
Obviously, we all would hope that the lifestyles of the people who live
in that house match the "JESUS" sign in their front yard. But nobody in
that neighborhood is wondering what that family is celebrating this
Christmas. It's written in six-foot glowing letters in their front

One other thing I think you know about those folks. They don't live for
the approval of their neighbors. I wonder if anyone has asked them to
take their "JESUS" sign down. I wonder if anyone has said, "Look, that
thing's kind of an eyesore. Do us a favor and put up a big inflatable
snow globe or glowing candy canes or something." I wonder if anyone has
left an anonymous note or if they're violating some kind of
neighborhood ordinance by having the now famous "JESUS" sign up. At the
very least, I imagine they know that people are talking about the sign,
and that some don't like it. But, these homeowners apparently don't
mind the talk behind their backs, or at least they are not bothered
enough to take it down.

I'm guessing that our neighbors probably don't want us to put a "JESUS"
sign in our front yards -- this season or any season. However,
somewhere along the way, we have to step over the line of our own
comfort and sense of respectability and identify with Jesus in ways
that do reflect our Lord's character and compassion. This is not just
about declaring our allegiance to the Lord, but it's also about sharing
his grace. So may Jesus shine so brightly in our actions and words --
as Jesus put it, in our "good deeds" -- so that we won't need big
"JESUS" signs in our yards for our neighbors to know our reason for the
season and the reason for our hope in any season.

  (c) 2007 Patrick D. Odum <[log in to unmask]>.

Dean Masters, owner of the Masters List

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