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Cecily Ballenger <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 26 Dec 2007 10:53:56 -0800
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The Youngest Shepherd

"I WANT TO Go TOO," said the youngest shepherd. "Benjamin, we need you to 
stay," said his father, still dazed after the angelic visit. The small band 

shepherds quickly gathered their composure leaving the boy alone to tend to 
the flock.

It was not the first time he had watched the sheep in the dead of night; he 
was not afraid. He had been more afraid of the angel, at first. Now he was 

And he did not want to miss the chance to see the baby the angel had 
announced. But he was the youngest and had to do what he was told.

As he watched his father and the other shepherds descend the dark hillside 
with Bethlehem's dim lights visible in the distance he promised himself that

he too would someday go and see the Christ child.

When his father returned, Benjamin was told that the baby's name was Jesus 
and that his father was a carpenter from Nazareth. But Benjamin still could 

go to see him. The more time passed the more he turned the angel's words 
over in his mind. Benjamin's heart leapt each time he thought of them. "For 

you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the 
Lord."... ... "Christ the Lord!"

Sometime later, he heard the Magi from the East had come to see the baby. 
Benjamin missed seeing them too. Soon after, soldiers came through the town 

murdered all the babies. Benjamin's brother, Isaac, was among the young 
martyrs. There were whispers that Jesus had gotten away. "Egypt," they said.


would never see the Savior now. He was gone forever. But he remembered... 
"Christ the Lord!"

Years passed quickly and Benjamin became a dependable, hard working young 
man with his own flock and young family. He frequently went to Jerusalem for


and worship. The memory of the angel's message never faded in his mind .. 
"Christ the Lord"

On one of his visits he heard a young boy's voice in the distance 
instructing the teachers. There was a large crowd and no opportunity for a 
glimpse, but

someone in the crowd said, "His name is Jesus". Could it be? He replayed the

angel's words...

"Christ the Lord!"

Many more years passed, Benjamin was the only shepherd left from that 
wonderful night. A shepherd's life was hard and his dad had not lived past 
40 years.

Benjamin was 39 now. He had grown into a quiet and wise man. He was a man of

intense faith. How he wished he could have seen that baby in the manger. He

often rested in the words "Christ the Lord!"

Over the last three years there had been much talk of a teacher and miracle 
worker. The people called him a Prophet by the name of Jesus of Nazareth. 

always missed him despite his best efforts. He was always in the wrong place

at the wrong time. He never heard his lessons or saw his signs and wonders.

But he knew... "Christ the Lord!"

Benjamin was at home when Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem, but he knew.

"Christ the Lord!"

Benjamin was sorry he missed the clearing of the Temple, but he was even 
surer ... "Christ the Lord"!

Benjamin rushed to Jerusalem to try to see Jesus---the crowds were 
tremendous. He did not see him. But he was certain..... "Christ the Lord!"

The atmosphere in the city became heavy, like the day his never-forgotten 
brother was murdered. Jesus was taken away. The politicians Benjamin 

so deeply were in charge now. In the distance, a couple of blocks away, he 
heard a roar of voices, "Crucify him, crucify him." Benjamin wondered 

he should go see what was happening; he did not. Later he was told Jesus had

been arrested. Still he knew ... "Christ the Lord!"

Even if Benjamin tried he would not be able to leave Jerusalem. The streets 
were packed and the tension extreme. In the distance a crowd lined the 

street leading to Golgotha. Soldiers, politicians, Pharisees, and the 
curious all rushed to the foot of the hill. Benjamin did not. All around him


whispered, afraid to speak aloud, "Jesus of Nazareth is being crucified." 
For the first time Benjamin wondered... "Christ the Lord?"

Eventually, he made his way home, near where it had all started. He arrived 
just before dark, broken hearted. Gathering his family around him, they 

Benjamin tried to reassure himself... "Christ the Lord."

Sunday morning Benjamin and his young son forced them-selves to go into 
Jerusalem. There was unfinished business to attend to. On the way his son 

"Do you feel that?" The earth shook.

They ran into some excited travelers, "Have you heard? Jesus is alive!" 
Benjamin responded... "Christ the Lord!"

Forty days went by and while hundreds of people had seen the risen Christ, 
Benjamin still had not. Testimonies were every-where; Benjamin could hardly 

his enthusiasm. He believed... ''Christ the Lord!"

Over a year later Benjamin met the Apostle Thomas. Benjamin told the story 
of how he was tending sheep when the angel announced Jesus' birth and how he

had never been able to see him despite his efforts over 33 years. He said, 
"But Thomas, I always believed that Jesus is ... "Christ the Lord!"

Thomas responded, "YOU are blessed!"

Then Jesus told [Thomas), "Because you have seen me, you have believed; 
blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" John 20:29

Do you believe? You too are blessed! Because Jesus is...

"Christ the Lord!"

Have a Blessed Christmas.

Pastor Tom Drenth

Dean Masters, owner of the Masters List

The Lord is my light and my salvation.
If he is yours, join us on the Masters List
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