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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 5 Jan 2008 11:09:51 -0600
text/plain (148 lines)
Phil mailed...

"last night when they interview Pat Robertson on Fox news.  He said the 
Lord had indeed told him who was going to be the next president but he 
refused to say because he hoped he was wrong."

This kind of stuff on TV quirks my gizzard. Toss out this big "insider 
news" bit... the whole "God told me and not you" and then not have the 
hutzpah to tell it. So why bother even saying anything at  all? Keep it to 
yourself unless you are  hunting for ratings I suppose. So either he is 
very doubtful of whether he "indeed" heard from God, or God doesn't really 
know who will be the next president. And I'm pretty darn sure it isn't the 
latter.  Proof Christians are not absolved of jumping on and using the hole 
election bit for their own gain. Disgusting to me actually. He might as 
well just come out and say   who it was  or clam up and not give 
criticizers of  believers more harpoons to jab at us. I'm not personally 
attacking Pat, I've listened to him at times and he makes good points at 
times, at others, not such good judgement calls :). But why bother 
saying  such and making it appear he's on the inside track. Perhaps he is 
and God told him not to say, then just say "It will be an interesting 
election for sure". or something.

Here's the thing. Whether we like it or not, and whether we agree or not 
agree, God told us that the authorities and governments are put there by 
him. Do I understand why there isn't all godly folks running?  And not just 
here but around the world. No. All I know is God is in control, and for the 
first time  since becoming of age to vote, I'm considering not voting. The 
only one I might consider is the most apparent one of Christian belief and 
that, as duly noted, does not constitute being a good leader. Just because 
one is a believer in Christ, does not make him a shoe in for a candidacy of 
the president. And indeed the voting thing ought be  no different than 
other decisions in life, do the best to  a prize ourselves of the whole 
situation and prayerfully seek and let God tell us what to do. I may not 
want to vote, but God might tell me otherwise. I may  want to vote, and God 
may tell me otherwise. If Pat was told by God who will be teh next 
president, then God  designed it that way, if Pat doesn't agreewith who God 
said will be next president, then he better  adjust his voting card 
accordingly and like it :).



At 10:40 AM 1/5/2008, you wrote:
>He was complimentary, Rush was that is, concerning the voters but it just
>sounded to me that he was trying to say Christian voters were not as true of
>conservatives but voted more based upon their religious beliefs.  I watch
>Bill O'o'Riley often and he seems to imply the same.  It makes me believe
>these guys because Christians, when compared to other conservatives, can't
>see the forest for the trees.  Frankly, I'm partly libertarian in some of my
>political beliefs, believe it or not, so I bristle any time I think someone
>is saying I support someone just because I'm a Christian and he's a
>Christian, too.  For example, as much as Mormon theology freaks me out, if
>Romney turned out to be the repub nominee, if he truly is pro life now,
>although he wasn't before, that is one big time issue that would allow me to
>vote for him, although I would have other criteria in the mix before I made
>up my mind.  On the other hand, I'll never vote for Juliani, or however he
>spells his name, because he believes in letting people decide to kill their
>unborn children and although he carries a gun himself, he doesn't believe
>common citizens have a right to protect themselves in the same manner.
>That's just for starters.  He has a whole boat load of things that makes me
>wonder why he is even a republican in the first place.  I sort of laughed
>last night when they interview Pat Robertson on Fox news.  He said the Lord
>had indeed told him who was going to be the next president but he refused to
>say because he hoped he was wrong.  I have learned, concerning Rush, to read
>between the lines, to some degree, because he isn't exactly what he appears
>to be.  I find the same to be true with O'Riley.  Frankly, I wish all the
>primaries were over and we could see who is left standing so we could find
>out what the candidates really believe.  Is that possible?  Bush dropped the
>ball somewhere along the line in some respects but I'd still rather have him
>the than any of the current Dems.  I'd probably vote for Lieberman, on the
>other hand, if he were running but I don't know what his abortion position
>is but since he isn't running, I don't care what it is.  I don't care what
>party a person is, I will not vote for anyone who believes in killing the
>unborn.  Call me a one issue conservative if you like but 50 million murders
>cannot be morally justifiable for a country, Christian or not.  I'm a one
>issue Christian when it comes to salvation, so I guess I can be a one issue
>voter, too, if I have to be.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Kathy Du Bois" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 4:49 AM
>Subject: Re: Who Are Evangelicals?
> > Interesting Phil,
> > I happened to catch a lot of Rush on Friday as well, but I think I
> > came away with a different take.  Oh well.
> > Kathy
> >
> >
> >
> > At 05:28 PM 1/4/2008, you wrote:
> > >I think I figured it out by listening to Rush today.  Of course, Rush is
> > >at Huckabee in the first place but he is definitely hacked off he won
> > >A definite political drop in the bucket, even if I was born there, but a
> > >nonetheless.  Other than that, I have spent quite awhile today listening
> > >Rush insist that Huckabee won only due to those who are not true
> > >conservative voters, that is, the evangelical Christians that pulled
> > >Huckabee through.  At first, this odd political analysis made me feel
> > >coming from someone that has been, quote, the conservative leader of the
> > >world for decades, unquote, but then I remembered how mad I was when Rush
> > >pushed NAFTA so much years ago.  Look what we now have for that?  Jobs
> > >sourced to all points of the globe, including our Enemies, and we now
> > >are spending our tax dollars to support non American citizens in school,
> > >their health care, unpaid health care, driver's licenses, jobs, which
> > >Americans won't do we are told, and free refrigerators, washers, driers,
> > >subsidized housing, and at the same time, they don't even need to speak
> > >English or read it and some even want them to vote.  Even so come Lord
> > >Jesus.
> > >
> > >Phil.
> >
> >

Brad Dunse

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