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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 26 Oct 2007 12:31:24 -0600
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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OK John thanks.


At 08:42 AM 10/26/2007, you wrote:
>Brad, they are fiction writers.  They don't focus on end times.
>earlier, Brad D, wrote:
>>Are these fiction writers or end time study writers? I am interested in 
>>end time study, not the square peg in a round hole type that think just 
>>because we had an earthquake here or there marks the end is near because 
>>earthquakes have been happening for well beyond our personal history  or 
>>lifetime and their are a series of events which take place either 
>>simultaneously or subsequently that will show where things are at. In 
>>other words objective study. The news of today's happenings in general, 
>>not today today per se, but the general time is interesting as we tend to 
>>move towards democracy, freedom and peace throughout the world. While it 
>>could be easy to be consumed with this study because it is so interesting 
>>it need be in perspective of what we are focusing on instead of who we 
>>are focusing on, and yet we are told to keep an eye out as watchmen and 
>>be ready. Anyway, years ago a teacher in our church taught on it and it 
>>was just amazing and I can't recall some of the authors he referred to 
>>who have done research and study on it.
>>At 03:54 AM 10/26/2007, you wrote:
>>>Here are some other authors to check out, Dale Brown, Patrick Robinson, 
>>>Steven Coontz and Tom Clancy.
>>>earlier, Lelia Struve, wrote:
>>>>Phil, I am very interested in what the sun and earth go through as 
>>>>well, as a matter of fact I get an email sometimes from I think its 
>>>>called space science or Nassau space or something like that. It lets me 
>>>>know when there are comets or broken comets.  I like it.
>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 3:03 PM
>>>>Subject: Tribulation and Earth Effects
>>>>>I've talked about this particular aspect of end times prophecy
>>>>>before but I have been thinking about it occasionally since I
>>>>>first mentioned it.  I haven't read any fiction for probably two
>>>>>years, if not longer, because the Library for the Blind here in
>>>>>Denver had done something different on their website and I could
>>>>>no longer access the link, once I upgraded to jaws seven, to order
>>>>>books online.  I checked it occasionally, and a couple of weeks
>>>>>ago, their pages had been redesigned so I tried the link and
>>>>>bingo, I was into the order area and search links.  I looked up my
>>>>>trusty old favorites by starting with Clive Cussler.  You have to
>>>>>like books that have adventure, heroes, and the good guys always
>>>>>win, to enjoy Cussler's books.  I've read everything he has
>>>>>written in fiction and some of the stories I like so well, I have
>>>>>read them 6 and 7 times over the years.  Clive Cussler used to
>>>>>live in the Denver area and only about 20 minutes up the road from
>>>>>where Sandy and I live and from where Todd and Lelia live.  Well,
>>>>>about the same for Vicki where she lives, too.  I wrote Cussler a
>>>>>letter many years ago by sending it to his publisher.  It was
>>>>>probably his fifth or sixth book at the time.  He has probably
>>>>>over two dozen books written now and at least five years ago, if
>>>>>not more, I heard him on a local Denver talk show talking about is
>>>>>books and at that time, there were over 90 million copies in print
>>>>>of his books.  So, old Clive is pretty popular.  Generally
>>>>>speaking, there is very little bad language in his books but there
>>>>>is a lot of action, in places, so the Library of Congress puts a
>>>>>disclaimer at the beginning to let you know that there are
>>>>>descriptions of violence but he writes in such a way, I find it
>>>>>difficult to label it violent.  Anyhow, I simply wrote him and
>>>>>thanked him for his latest book and to my amazement, he wrote me
>>>>>back, gave me his home phone number in Golden, Colorado, just up
>>>>>the mountain a ways as I said, and apologized for writing his
>>>>>letter by hand but he was almost walking out the door and his
>>>>>stuff was all loaded into the car and he and his wife were on
>>>>>their way to their winter home in Arizona.  He now lives in
>>>>>Telluride, Colorado, that's in western Colorado where all the real
>>>>>rich people live.  Vale and Aspen are still rich people mountain
>>>>>ski communities but it is now nothing compared to Telluride.
>>>>>Anyhow, Clive owns and collects and restores like new, antique
>>>>>cars, and he takes them to car shows all over the country.  I had
>>>>>mentioned this in my letter, and his return letter said that when
>>>>>he return, I was supposed to call him in about six months, and he
>>>>>would come down and pick me and Sandy up and take us to where he
>>>>>stores all his antique cars and show them to us.  I kept his
>>>>>letter for a long time, along with his home phone number in Golden
>>>>>but frankly, when the date came and went of his return, I honestly
>>>>>didn't have the nerve to try and call him but I often wish I had
>>>>>done so.  Clive Cussler must now be in his seventies.  So what
>>>>>does this have to do with what I brought up before?  I'm glad you
>>>>>asked.  Cussler touches on some very interesting ideas in his
>>>>>adventure novels.  The main character of at least the first 15
>>>>>books or so is a man who is very much like Cussler himself in many
>>>>>ways.  His books are largely about the world's oceans and evil
>>>>>groups of sinister diabolical people who are out to destroy the
>>>>>earth in one way or another.  So, back to the Library for the
>>>>>Blind website.  I typed in Cussler's name and up popped a list of
>>>>>all his books.  Several new ones were now available which I had
>>>>>not read because, as I said, I haven't read anything for a couple
>>>>>of years, and I probably had not read any of Cussler's books for
>>>>>five or more years due to the slower pace they are recorded and
>>>>>made available to the blind through the talking book program.  So,
>>>>>I ordered a dozen books but one in particular I really wanted to
>>>>>read right away because it sounded like it was a global story that
>>>>>I have personally wondered about now for some time concerning the
>>>>>seven years of tribulation.  As I have said before, I have been a
>>>>>news hound for most of my life.  At times, I am almost addicted to
>>>>>news.  In the past two or three years, the Middle Eastern news,
>>>>>and things related, simply cannot go unnoticed by a Christian.  I
>>>>>pray with a financial adviser once each week and have done so for
>>>>>about two years.  We skip weeks, as we did last week, because he
>>>>>is often out of town.  When we first met, a friend of his in
>>>>>Texas had found my website, I believe it was either from that
>>>>>website or another one listing me as an intercessor who prays with
>>>>>people, and since he was in Denver, he called and talked about
>>>>>what type of ministry I had.  He had been out of work for six
>>>>>years do to depression and he physically was getting worse as
>>>>>well.  He came to some of our Friday night prayer meetings for
>>>>>awhile but he lives about 30 minutes south of my house so it is
>>>>>quite a ways for him to drive.  After about six months of prayer
>>>>>sessions, sometimes twice a week, he went and applied at another
>>>>>place, got the job, and has been back in investment counseling for
>>>>>the last year and a half.  He has made good money and last week
>>>>>was asked to come and apply at a place he really has always wanted
>>>>>to work where they literally deal in millions, try 500 million
>>>>>dollars, worth of investments.  His health, by the way, has
>>>>>improved, too.  Randy watches world trends like I do and he has
>>>>>contacts who do business all over the planet.  Each week, we
>>>>>spend about half our prayer time discussing prophecy, the
>>>>>tribulation, world markets, and world events.  I've learned a lot
>>>>>about world economies and globalism from him simply because the
>>>>>people he works for, and contacts he has made over the years, give
>>>>>him insights I normally don't hear about.  He has lots of
>>>>>knowledge about the history of things like our Federal Reserve
>>>>>Bank and the International Monitory Fund, IMF, and other such
>>>>>banking organizations that have given me a stronger idea of things
>>>>>I have often wondered about concerning the tribulation.  God has
>>>>>healed this man in so many places, we just normally plan on
>>>>>praying once a week to see if anything new is there and some
>>>>>things I have written about are directly healing experiences this
>>>>>man has experience, praise God.  Anyhow, I told you all about this
>>>>>guy for background information and because of things he has said
>>>>>that have added to some of my personal beliefs about globalism.
>>>>>He, too, watches what is going on in the Middle East but he knows
>>>>>contacts there who do business with people that makes the Bible
>>>>>prophetics come alive.  As I started to say, for some time, I have
>>>>>had an idea in the back of my head but had no scientific knowledge
>>>>>about it so I have just kept my ears opened.  The subject has been
>>>>>surfacing and filtering up into our news levels, and also on the
>>>>>science channels I watch, so my little theory has been coming
>>>>>together more and more.  Again, all this is relative so don't give
>>>>>up on me yet even if this email seems long.  The last time I
>>>>>wrote on this, I quoted passages from Isaiah and Revelation about
>>>>>what I believe would happen to the earth during the tribulation.
>>>>>I have said, and still believe, it is pretty clear, and I won't
>>>>>list all the Biblical reasons again, but it is pretty clear the
>>>>>sun goes into a nova phase during the tribulation.  I believe this
>>>>>because of the passages which say the moon shines like the sun,
>>>>>the moon turns blood red, the earth's climate becomes seven times
>>>>>hotter, and due to other such Biblical references.  A sun that
>>>>>novas, scientist say, becomes at least seven times hotter than
>>>>>normal.  The moon reflects the sun's light, thus, it will appear
>>>>>to shine as the sun at that time of solar peak output.  A nova
>>>>>cycle used to be believed, by scientists, to take thousands of
>>>>>years.  For decades now, they have studied novas in our own galaxy
>>>>>and now know it came take as little as seven years.  The perfect
>>>>>number for the tribulation.  This means, as I think I have said
>>>>>before, that the sun expands, getting hotter and hotter, and
>>>>>suddenly burns out.  By that I mean, it begins to cool rapidly.
>>>>>As it cools, it condenses, that is, it collapses in upon itself.
>>>>>It's mass shrinks, it's color turns a dull red, isn't that
>>>>>interesting, just another Biblical confirmation of a nova, and as
>>>>>it condenses in mass, falling in upon itself, it becomes smaller
>>>>>and smaller and smaller.  The theory is that black holes, are
>>>>>holes in space that act something like a vortex and that they are
>>>>>created from a dying star, or sun in other words, as it becomes a
>>>>>neutron star.  It continues collapsing in upon itself, getting
>>>>>heavier and heavier until space itself can no longer hold it's
>>>>>dense mass and punches a literal hole into the fabric of space.
>>>>>There's your black hole.  A black hole is said to even suck up
>>>>>light passing by and they can be literally millions of light years
>>>>>across they have recently discovered.  The gravity is so powerful,
>>>>>some scientists believe the worm holes are created into other
>>>>>parallel universes and that the big bang theory occurred from the
>>>>>other end of a black hole coughing out all the compressed atoms
>>>>>into another empty universe and life was born.  I didn't say I
>>>>>believe all of this and in fact, I personally do not even believe
>>>>>black holes exist but I am no scientist so believe what you wish.
>>>>>I have reasons why I believe all this stuff so just hold on and
>>>>>let me continue.  Anyhow, our sun right now is going through
>>>>>several years of unprecedented, and highly irregular, changes that
>>>>>man has never seen before in man's life upon this earth.  I won't
>>>>>go into all those changes for now but it is happening and it is
>>>>>being reported on from many journals and even from some news
>>>>>broadcasts.  The Scriptures, according to those passages I quote
>>>>>in Isaiah chapters 23 and 24 and in the book of Revelation are
>>>>>pretty clear that the earth is just about torn apart by titanic
>>>>>gravitational changes effecting the earth from within the planet
>>>>>and from space.  Also, the star falling into the world's oceans
>>>>>and all that Revelation talks about, could easily bring earth
>>>>>changes almost instantly into play so I won't try and preach a
>>>>>whole sermon here right now on this.  What I am typing would take
>>>>>hours to teach Scripturally and from a systematic standpoint.
>>>>>Earthquakes, as we all know, play a big part of the tribulation
>>>>>period of time.  The grand daddy earthquake flattens all
>>>>>mountains, that's right, all mountains, and all islands disappear.
>>>>>Read it for yourself in the book of Revelation.  There is also
>>>>>another element that I believe will occur to bring about
>>>>>cataclysmic global catastrophe and that is a polar magnetic and
>>>>>geo polar shift.  It could be one, or both, of these types of
>>>>>shifts.  The first is magnetic in nature and would cause the least
>>>>>amount of damage.  Your compass would point south.  Births birds,
>>>>>bees, and animals of all kinds would lose their ability to
>>>>>navigate.  Electronically, it is likely everything would totally
>>>>>be screwed up, break down, and burn up.  There are some scientists
>>>>>who believe we have experienced magnet polar shifts already over
>>>>>millions of years but you'd have to believe the earth was
>>>>>literally, as they guess it to be, about 5 billion years old for
>>>>>their theoretical magnetic polar shifts to have occurred at all
>>>>>and I'm not in that camp.  The geo polar shift would be something
>>>>>totally irreversible and  would likely cause the entire earth's
>>>>>surface to move around like an ice skater on a frozen pond.  The
>>>>>geo polar shift means the crust of the earth's surface, that which
>>>>>we live on, and the mantel, just below that level an probably
>>>>>drops to 1800 miles or so below surface level, will slip around on
>>>>>the earth's core.  It is estimated that such global movement would
>>>>>literally turn the earth sideways so the magnetic poles would be
>>>>>where the earth's equator is now and the equator would move to
>>>>>where the magnetic poles are now.  It could be even worse.  In
>>>>>such a case, can you see how every mountain will be flattened and
>>>>>every island would disappear?  The oceans would move and the
>>>>>continents as well.  Isaiah says the earth wobbles to and fro in
>>>>>its orbit at this time as a drunken man.  such a geo polar shift
>>>>>would have exactly they type of effect.  Well, interestingly
>>>>>enough, Clive Cussler's book called "Polar Shift," is on this
>>>>>exact topic and it is explained in scientific, howbeit from a
>>>>>fictional standpoint, how such a polar shift could be created by
>>>>>man.  So, I know this has been long, but I found the story
>>>>>fascinating as it relates to what I see in Scripture concerning
>>>>>what the earth will suffer during the seven years of tribulation.
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>>Brad Dunse
>>Check out my site, take a look, have a listen to some sample tunes or 
>>contact me if you are interested in a calendar date. Comments are always 
>>encouraged and appreciated in the guest book area. Also feel free to sign 
>>up to the newsletter to receive an occasional performance update. Its 
>>easy as pie, your address stays with us, and we won't pound you with mail 
>>either I promise... no worry!
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Brad Dunse

Check out my site, take a look, have a listen to some sample tunes or 
contact me if you are interested in a calendar date. Comments are always 
encouraged and appreciated in the guest book area. Also feel free to sign 
up to the newsletter to receive an occasional performance update. Its easy 
as pie, your address stays with us, and we won't pound you with mail either 
I promise... no worry!