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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 29 Apr 2007 15:26:26 -0600
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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Here is a new article, well, actually one I wrote a year ago, but I just
happened to run across it the other day.  It has some very interesting
observations the Lord has taught me through prayer sessions.  It may not be
exactly finished, I'm still re reading and proofing it, but it is good
enough for now to post.

Hiding In the Darkness

By Phil Scovell

Author's Note.  You are about to read about demons.

     What you are about to read I have personally witnessed
hundreds of times in intercessory prayer sessions with many
different people over several years.  In each of the cases, the
person had a sexual problem of one type or another.  Let me
explain by offering three distinctly different examples.

Example 1.

     The first time this happened, I was praying with a lady who
had been molested as a little girl by her father, grandfather, and
later, at the age of six, was raped by a house guest living with
the family.  Yes, she became dissociative and had 23
personalities; most of whom I got to know personally through many
prayer sessions.  She is, singleness of mind now, praise the Lord,
and is working through other issues related to every day life just
like all of us.

     In this particular prayer session, and although we had been
to this memory once before, the Lord took her back to the time her
father was molesting her.  Besides other pain yet to be exposed in
that memory, something else happened.  She suddenly reported that
her little brother was in the room in his crib at the time, or at
least somewhere nearby, when this occurred.  I clearly felt the
Holy Spirit telling me something totally unexpected.

     Before I tell you what that was, let me mention that this
lady had deep anger toward her younger brother growing up do to
his egotistical attempt at superior domination over her during
their childhood.  In adult life, she avoided communications with
him as much as was humanly possible do to his continued dominant
personality.  Her brother is homosexual and still maintains an
attitude of anger to this day.

     The Holy Spirit impressed upon me that this lady's brother
was homosexual as a direct result of being in the room as an
infant when his little sister was being molested.  I doubted this
impression immediately until the Lord explained, in an second of
time, how it happened.  The Lord said, the demonic lies were
implanted in the baby's mind such as, "See what your daddy is
doing to your older sister?  You don't want to ever grow up and be
like your father."  I experienced other impressions along these
line but what I have stated is enough to show you what I was

     At this same time, it was as if someone had turned a light on
in my mind.  It was as if the Lord was saying, "See how easy it is
for some to believe that they were born that way?"  I was actually
shocked when the full impact of the realization hit me because it
made perfect sense.  No, I do not believe all homosexuals are, or
were, demonically influence as an infant but I now understand why
some say they were "always this way," or "for as long as they can
remember," or "I was born this way."

     As it turned out, we returned to this horrible memory the
lady had lived with for over 50 years because of her own personal
anger toward her little brother.  She was, shortly thereafter,
able to face her anger, forgive her brother, and even open up new
lines of communications with her brother which she had not been
successful doing in many years.

Example 2.

     I was praying with a young man who had a problem with
pornography.  This began as an older teenager and continued into
his adult life.  He made calls on sex lines and eventually, due to
the ease of internet access, explored the web to try and find
sexual satisfaction and fulfillment.

     In one of our prayer sessions, he described a home where he
had lived as a little boy.  Suddenly, there was fear and lots of
it.  He saw a dark figure coming from another room.  He thought it
was an older man that was a friend of his father's but as it
approached, he saw it was no human.  The dark figure touched him,
he reported, inappropriately, and said ungodly things to him.
This same figure appeared in various memories in this young man's
prayer sessions until it was eventually removed and related
memories were renewed.  The demonic figure, you might find
interesting, called himself "Abuser more than once."  The young
man was able to personally identify this same lying spirit in more
than this single memory.

     My question is, could that demonic presence have literally
effected this young man, implanting lies and misconceptions in
sexually fertile ground, which later resulted in his pornography
problem?  Before you answer, read the third example but before you
do, let me tell you that the young man in the story I just told is
one of my own sons.

Example 3.

     A lady sat in my office in her late forties.  As we prayed
and talked, she revealed she had not only been married and
divorced twice, but had also had many lovers over the years.
These relationships ranged from one nighters to live-in
relationships lasting two or three years at a time.

     As we talked, I asked questions to try and find an emotion
she felt was related to her sexual relationships.  She admitted
that even her marriages never once provided any sexual intimacy,
satisfaction, or fulfillment.  I suggested, since she could not
identify any presenting emotion, she mentally focus on the last
time she had sexual intercourse.  A moment later, I asked how she
felt.  She report it was fine during the act itself but
immediately afterward, she confessed what I thought would be
there, and that was loneliness and emptiness.  She also informed
me that she had no memories of her early childhood.  I hear this
quite frequently.  It is never true once the Lord opens their
memories through the intercessory prayer session.

     As the prayer session progressed, we drifted back further and
further when she first became sexually active as an older teenager
in high school.  Yet, as we explored these memories, there was no
lie about who she was.  In fact, she was well admired by her other
sisters and other girls in the school and often was asked, by
other inexperienced young teenage females, for her advice on
sexuality.  Sensing it was yet some place earlier in her life, we
continued to pray; exploring memories as the Lord brought them to
her mind.

     Suddenly, she arrived at a memory which had nothing to do
with what we were praying about, she reported.  I asked her to
describe what she was seeing.  She was at the entrance of the barn
of the family farm.  She loved milking the cows as a little girl
of about twelve.  She laughed and said she liked singing to the
cows as she worked, too.  I began to pray and ask the Holy Spirit
to expand this memory so we could see what He sees, if, that is,
there was anything we needed to know.

     "I don't feel right in here," she said.  "Something feels
wrong and I am afraid."

     I prayed again and focused on the origin of the fear.

     "I'm in the hay loft and all alone.  I'm scared."

     After praying a moment or two in this area of her memory,
there was nothing to be found.  I prayed silently; asking the Lord
for direction because I strongly felt something had occurred in
this barn.  I thought she perhaps had been molested or seduced or
raped or any other numbers of horrible things in this very place
and this was where her pain began.  I was wrong.  When I prayed, I
said, "Lord, is there any evil presence in this memory we need to
know about?"

     "I see a dark figure a few feet away," she reported, "but I
cannot recognize him."

     Praying a few more times, the identity was still unknown.  I
finally asked the Lord if she needed to know who this person was
and the Lord told her, no.  Since it had appeared when I prayed
and asked if there was any evil presence in the hay loft, it was
very likely exactly that.  I prayed and commanded it to leave in
Jesus name.

     Her voice brightened as she immediately spoke following my
prayer.  "I'm outside the barn now.  I'm not afraid or scared.
Jesus is there.  I've never seen Him before," she said.  "He wants
me to go for a walk with him," and she did.

     As the days passed, I felt a burden for this woman that
related to her being healed in every place at once concerning
sexual sin.  I knew this was humanly impossible without spending
months of weekly prayer sessions because of all of the immorality
she had been involved in over her life time.  Unless, of course,
Jesus healed her all at one time in those places.

     A few days later, in the second prayer session, as we prayed,
she suddenly reported that she was seeing flashes of pictures
going by so rapidly, she could not stop them.  They all had the
same immoral theme, however, she said.  I have seen this happen
many times to people over the years.  Jesus has healed me in this
same identical manner so I knew what was happening.  I asked her
just to report when the panorama of picture memories finished.  A
moment later, it was over.  We prayed and she felt the release in
the form of peace.

     There is a great deal more to this lady's story than there is
time to report.  On my website, however, her miraculous healing
experiences is detailed, with her permission, concerning the Room
Of Light Jesus took her to and she was instantly healed and made


     Over the years of experience, I have now been fully satisfied
that what I have described is viable.  I don't build any
doctrinal or theological principles upon what I have learned, of
course, but I know it is real and it does happen and far more
often than I ever believed possible.  "What if it isn't real?"
Then we are in big trouble, as Christians because Scripture
clearly teaches on demonic influence, activity, and evil.  I have,
as previously mentioned, seen this very same demonic phenomenon in
many similar cases.  In each case, there was a definite demonic
connection related to these people and the sexual dysfunction from
which they suffered.  Is it possible, due to some evil sin
committed in a particular place, that a child can be in that same
place and be demonically influenced even if they personally are
uninvolved?  I am now convinced such happens.  Do demons inhabit
certain areas locations, or regions?  This one I now know, from
many other intercessory prayer sessions, is a fact.  I have
written about demonic inhabitations of locations, places,
schools, hospitals, hotels, and homes.  When the demons were
discovered through intercessory prayer sessions, they all claimed
to have lived there for a long time and generally before the
person with whom I am praying relocated and moved into that place.

     Please keep in mind that this does not mean, if you have
lustful feelings, habitual masturbatory practices, are homosexual
or lesbian, feel like you are sexually attractive to someone
whether you are married or single, have committed adultery, live
immoral before, during, or after adulthood, or even if you
experienced bestiality, yes, I have prayed with those who have
been involved in such, that you are demon possessed.  That is not
what I am talking about.  On the other hand, we all have lie based
thinking and where there are lies, known or unknown, there are
always demons because they work for the father of lies.  Without
question, therefore, there is demonic influence, oppression,
infiltration, harassment, torment, control, tampering, mind and
thought manipulation, lie planting, emotional interference,
entrapment, circumstantial and situational tampering, spiritual
intimidation, psychological destabilization, imitational
characterization, domination, evil manifestations as persona, and
even physical infirmities, illness, sickness and disease, provoked
by fallen angels or what we now refer to as demons.  Do I hunt for
demons?  I don't have to do that because, if they are there, they
show up.  Not because of who I am but because of who Jesus is and
I am referring to the True Lord Jesus Christ.  There are certainly
imitators.  So then, do we hunt for demons in our lives?  You can,
if you are of a mind to do so, but I hunt for lies.  Demons always
lie and they always hide behind the lies we believe.  "But I don't
believe any lies," someone says.  That's excellent.  Then why do
you feel uncomfortable reading this article?  If you feel
troublesome in any way, it is because of fear, or something like
fear, which is being touched by what you read.

     Stop thinking about all I have said thus far and concentrate
on the next 10 statements.

#1  Our reaction to darkness should be light.
#2  Our reaction to evil should be holiness.
#3  Our reaction to a demonic attack should be simple resistance.
#4  Our reacting to sin should be righteousness.
#5  Our reaction to fear should be focus faith.
#6  Our reacting to demonic lies should be authority.
#7  Our reaction to manipulation and control should be disregard.
#8  Our reaction to impersonation should be the name of Jesus.
#9  Our reaction to imitation should be divine exposure.
#10 Our reaction to intimidation should be prayer.

     "But how do I know if I am being demonically attacked?"  If
you have to ask that question, you best be finding out sooner
rather than later.  Hunt for demons?  Unnecessary.  Finding lies?
Yes.  Where are lies?  In memory events and sometimes even in
current thought patterns and circumstances.  Whose voice do you
hear in your thoughts?

John 10:3-5
#3  To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and
he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
#4  And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them,
and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
#5  And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him:
for they know not the voice of strangers.

It Sounds Like God To Me.