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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Sep 2007 03:56:20 EDT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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"Very very briefly, the reason why Gambians, the so-called intellectuals in  
particular, are afraid of a PDOIS anything, is the fear that the "Fat" called  
"Political Patronage" will be melted away and replaced by merit." Joe  Sambou
Replaced with.
"Those that believe in the principle of merit have nothing to fear such a  
future." Joe Sambou.
Those who. 
"For almost half a century, our politics has been a patron-client  
relationship affair" Joe Sambou.
Patrons are generally the clients. In politics as in life, the politician's  
clients are the governed. Does PDOIS the political party have any clients??? I 
 guess not yet. It may be a good idea to pretend you have clients-in-waiting. 
Not  a bad idea. A relationship is an affair. But this may have been 
inadvertent  tautology. Being an accounting clerk you must appreciate such  
"and not based on merit, but Tribal affair, Religious Affair, sycophancy  
affair." Joe Sambou.
Choosing a leader or governing party can never be based on merit. It can  
only be based on perceived worth and value. That charity is based on a myriad  
calculus and one of them necessarily is Religious consideration. Another is  
tribal consideration. Another is physical and or mental prowess. Yet another is  
mere fancy. Does PDOIS have any of these to offer. I understand the party is  
undergoing a revamping of sorts. Please consider human qualities for it is  
humans you aim to govern.
"For Thirty Years did PPP have a news anything, aside from the national  
media?" Joe Sambou.
We don't understand this. It doesn't make sense.
"Let's not even start talking about building anything to uplift the mind."  
Joe Sambou.
Good. Cos you don't know much about uplifting the mind. Picking through  
detritus maybe.
"The same ole thing the APRC is engaged in, in addition to tortures,  illegal 
detentions, murders, and massive corruption." Joe Sambou.
I don't think you made yourself clear here Joe.
"You look at the NCP, GPP, Che Yasin's outfit, UDP, NDAM, NRP, what do they  
offer Gambians aside of who they are in relation to ethnic affiliations," Joe  
Where were you when they shared what they could offer the Gambians who  voted 
for them?? Oh I forget, at PDOIS. You were not in their audience so you  will 
be forgiven for not getting it.
"and in the case of Che Yassin, "I am learned"?" Joe Sambou.
Well at least he's learned. Why would you hate the man for being learned?  He 
was also cultured.
"Do they have a center where Gambians can dialogue with them when there are  
no elections around?" Joe Sambou.
Yes. The entire territory of Gambia. This is one area where PDOIS may have  
squandered otherwise valuable funds. Why would you feel the urge to constrict  
public discourse to the confines of a center. And then call it the center for  
education and civic indoctrination?
"How about a news outlet?" Joe Sambou.
You mean a propaganda outfit? I imagine news is broadcast over the radio,  
TV, and public or private news outlets. Why would a political party feign  
broadcaster outside of electoral campaign? Does PDOIS know whether it is  a 
political party, vying for political office???? It may be time to  separate the wheat 
from the chaff.
"Or a soup kitchen?" Joe Sambou.
You mean Alphabet soup? This is one area of gross negligence and  dishonesty. 
PDOIS takes advantage of folks' conditions to ingratiate themselves.  When 
APRC or PPP gives folk bags of rice and or sugar, you go crying foul.  Is this 
not the height of corruption and coercion???
"And so, the so-called intellectuals are just that and are no different  from 
those that currently populate the APRC and who mooched off the PPP, just  
like handkerchief head Taal, Thomasi, Sanneh, et al." Joe Sambou.
Those who. Stop hatin for no reason. You're only Joe the loud-mouth. Funny  
thing is not much comes out.
I guess they have to be called something by someone. That will reamain your  
opinion though Joe.
"Those same so-called intellectuals are aspirants to sycophancy to a future  
government that is not PDOIS." Joe Sambou.
I don't think they consider PDOIS in their decision-making. You know they  
are intellectuals. With this attitude, PDOIS may never see the light of day  
"The trump card for most political parties in the Gambia is tribal." Joe  
"PDOIS does not engage in tribal anything," Joe Sambou.
We can verify that if we were interested. Shhhh!!
"thus you see Mandinkas, Fulas, Jolas, Sarahulehs, Njagos, etc., visit them  
for counsel for their day-to-day battles with realities." Joe Sambou.
You get what you pay for. I guess PDOIS is now a counselling outfit.  Chei!
"They run centers for adult education that Gambians benefit from regardless  
of ethnicity of religious affiliation." Joe Sambou.
Yeah right. I'd like to be a fly on the walls of these education dungeons.  I 
suppose you are a prima facie case of a PDOIS education. Hehehehe!!!
"They provide scholarships to poor students on the basis of need and anyone  
can obtain such a list to see for themselves." Joe Sambou.
Again if we are interested in such, we will check it out. The Jammeh  
foundation also has issued scholarships to poor students on the basis of need  and 
you can verify that for yourself. DO you see anything insiduous in a  politician 
vying for public office issuing scholarships to the needy??? You just  don't 
get it do you??? PDOIS wants so badly to lead Gambia, they'll flip  
sommersaults to get there. They can't get it through votes. 
"The funds used are also transparent and it comes from Gambians like you  and 
I and legitimately." Joe Sambou.
Can you name one person who is not a PDOIS sympathiser and is aiding and  
abetting this coercion and clamoring for sympathy votes? I can't hear you.
"They are not funded by Russia," Joe Sambou.
Yes Russia is moving toward capitalism and away from communism. They  learned 
their lessons.
"Cuba," Joe Sambou.
Cuba only gives in kind and where her interests are furthered. With APRC in  
power, you must think cubans are idiots to fool around with PDOIS.
"or China," Joe Sambou.
Ditto. (Likewise for China).
"but by Gambians and in addition to their own meager salaries." Joe  Sambou.
"Thus, the code behind Gambians' talk of PDOIS cannot lead Gambia, is just  
that." Joe Sambou.
OK. But can you share PDOIS' value to Gambians or Gambia?
"Even the griots in various ethnic groups are in this act with complains of  
"Nyom Danu Wowe Lohor".
In our culture, griots are griots and they will always be griots. It is a  
magnificent apprenticeship program. You are doing pretty good at it yourself.  
And you're PDOIS-taught.
"Certainly, the religious dealerships we have a bound benefit tremendously  
to the detriment of their congregation, through collusion with the powers that  
be, whether legitimate or illegitimate." Joe Sambou.
Just as the accounting dealerships. And political dealerships.
"Certainly, Imams Kah and Fatty know the difference between PDOIS and the  
APRC, and that is the size of their wallet." Joe Sambou.
What are you gonna do about it??? That is Kah and Fatty's prerogatives. I  
don't even think Kah or fatty consider PDOIS their comparisons and  circumstance.
"That individualism to the detriment of the community is the reason why  
Gambia had a PPP for thirty years and Yaya for thirteen and counting, and if we  
keep at it for another half a century and counting." Joe Sambou.
And after Yahya's century, should PDOIS finally ascend to the throne, they  
might be the worst of the three. They are already ashamed of their communist  
platform cloaked in social democracy. Why should Gambians give PDOIS the 
benefit  of doubt given their dubious activities???
"Thus, we are not remotely ready for prime time." Joe Sambou.
You like the limelight don't you??? Prime time my foot. PDOIS should get  rid 
of such dead weight. I forget, you are PDOIS. Hehehe!! Hohohoho!


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