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Vinny Samarco <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Oct 2007 11:48:07 -0700
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rick Johnson" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>; 
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Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 3:21 AM

> By Jim Kouri
> Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
> October 15, 2007
> What started out as a prediction less than one year ago has become a 
> reality
> thanks to California's lawmakers and liberal Republican Governor Arnold
> Schwarzenegger.
> In December 2006, author and political consultant Nathan Tabor wrote a 
> story
> about the words "mom" and "dad" being banned in the United Kingdom. The
> British law prohibits nurses and hospitals from using the terms "mom,"
> "dad," "wife," "husband," or "married."
> "As part of Britain's National Health Service's new, politically correct
> policy guide, use of the above terms is considered homophobic and 
> therefore
> requires anti-homophobic rules for their health care workers. Therefore,
> words such as mum and dad are banned," Tabor quoted a reporter from
> England's Daily Mail as saying.
> Tabor ended his story about Britain's path to political correctness by
> stating, "If Americans think these activities are peculiar to the United
> Kingdom, they better think again."
> "Surprisingly, it's taken less than a year for this politically-correct
> insanity to reach the United States. I knew it would happen; I just didn't
> suspect it would happen this quickly," said political consultant Michael
> Baker.
> The terms "mom and dad" are now completely banned in California's school
> system and teachers are being ordered to use euphemisms for those terms. 
> In
> addition, "husband and wife" are also banned under this new law signed by
> Gov. Schwarzenegger. The newly signed law also mandates public schools to
> allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if 
> they
> choose to do so.
> "With this decision, Gov. Schwartzeneggr has told parents that their 
> values
> are irrelevant," said Police Lieutenant Steve Rogers, former president of
> Cops for Christ.
> "When are parents going to wake up and pull their children out of the 
> public
> schools?" he asked rhetorically.
> "This is the kind of activity that is replacing real teaching in 
> government
> schools," claims a Northern New Jersey public school teacher and
> administrator who requested anonymity for fear of retribution from the 
> Board
> of Education and the teachers' union officials.
> "We [teachers] give the kids lunches, we teach them how to use condoms, we
> instruct them about sex including gay sex, we simulate Islam, and in our
> spare time we teach our pupils how to read and write," she said.
> "More and more Americans are starting to wake up to find their country and
> its traditions being slowly torn down by those who worship at the altar of
> the politically-correct orthodoxy," claims political strategist Baker.
> "I shudder to think how millions of California children will be led 
> astray,
> how marriage will be destroyed, and how immorality will step on the neck 
> of
> morality when Governor Schwarzenegger signs five anti-family bills into 
> law.
> The 'Terminator' has signed a very bad bill!" said Randy Thomasson,
> president of Campaign for Children and
> Families<>.
> "Meanwhile, homosexuals are given a free hand to do whatever they want to
> America's little children. They know that the church leadership is totally
> asleep at the wheel, said a New Jersey Methodist pastor.
> "As The saying goes: when the cat's away, the mice will play," he added.
> With this decision, Gov. Schwarzenegger has told parents that their values
> are irrelevant. Many parents will have no choice but to pull their 
> children
> out of the public schools that have now become sexualized indoctrination
> centers.
> Thomasson is disappointed with California's Christian pastors and elders. 
> In
> the last five days, many individuals and several businesses have responded
> to CCF's action alert. However, to date, only one church out of thousands,
> has faxed in veto letters to the liberal Schwarzenegger's office in
> Sacramento.
> "This is not right, since the majority of pastors in California oppose
> sexual indoctrination of schoolchildren (SB
> 777<>and AB
> 394 <>), oppose
> demeaning marriage (AB
> 43<>and AB
> 102 <>), and
> oppose forcing the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda on businesses,
> organizations, and churches (AB
> 14<>),"
> said Thomasson.
> According to the pro-family think-tank The Howard Center, with good 
> reason,
> school administrators worry when students turn violent, making them ever
> watchful for ways to curtail such violence. Some administrators have
> expressed hopes of containing such violence by involving students in 
> sports
> programs.
> However, studies suggest that such hopes are misplaced. What students need
> to restrain their violent impulses is involvement not with a sports team,
> but rather involvement with a two-parent family. Indeed, a new study 
> dampens
> any enthusiasm for sports as a strategy for making schools safer, while
> reinforcing confidence in the intact family as a social safeguard. Quite
> simply, banning the words "mother and father" or "mom and dad" helps no 
> one.
> Conservative analysts have warned that schools throughout the country will
> be impacted by the Schwarzenegger decision. The bills signed by
> Schwarzenegger ban anything in public schools that could be interpreted as
> negative toward homosexuality, bisexuality and other alternative lifestyle
> choices.
> There are no similar protections for students with traditional or
> conservative lifestyles and beliefs, however.
> In Portland, Oregon, a recent 20/20 program aired a piece about little 
> boys
> and girls playfully slapping each other on the buttocks. The cops arrested
> the boys -- Cory Mashburn, and Ryan
> Cornelison<>--
> for touching the girls (but didn't arrest any girls), and now
> California
> Governor Schwarzenegger signes a Bill into laws that allows girls and boys
> to go into each other's bathrooms.
> <>
> "Are the cops ever going to wake up and stop following these insane orders
> for a paycheck?" asked Lt. Steve Rogers, the former president of The God
> Squad, a Christian organization for police officers.
> Social analyst Bryce Christensen describes home as "a place sanctified by
> the abiding ties of wedlock, parenthood, and family obligation; a place
> demanding sacrifice and devotion but promising loving care and warm
> acceptance," a place anchored in turn in a specific geographic locale.
> <[log in to unmask]>
> Conservative activist Mike Baker said, "The church leadership is insane 
> for
> their political correctness. Your political leaders are insane for passing
> these laws. Your district attorneys are insane for prosecuting these
> senseless cases, and the cops are insane for enforcing these insane laws."
> And nature educator Wes Jackson asks whether schools should be offering a
> new major in what amounts to homosexual studies.
> *Related Articles:*
> *1,* 'Mom' and 'Dad' banished by California*
> * <>
>  (c) 2007 NWV - All Rights Reserved
>  ------------------------------
> *For radio interviews regarding this article*:
> [log in to unmask] *
> *
> -- 
> Rick Johnson
> Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ 
> and
> the American G.I.
> One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.
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