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MariJean <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:23:56 -0800
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Hi there purple squeezie,

I take this very seriously.  Thank you for suggestion.  I hope to be 
able to get to a Home Depot soon and look for a Happy Light.  Even 
the name Happy Light makes me smile.  Perhaps, if I use it, I can get 
off some of these dag-nag medsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsds!!


purple Mari

At 07:07 PM 1/16/2008, you wrote:
>Dear Mari, Carol, Terri, and Everyone,
>I'm sending you all a whole bunch of lovings and squeezings to cheer 
>you up. I really know what you are going through.
>I'm praying for all of you who are suffering from Depression, no 
>matter what the cause is. I'm praying and loving you all.
>Please read what I'm about to say. This is very important.
>I'm about to say this, and I'm saying this with all the love I have 
>in my heart for all of you. I don't want to see any of you 
>depressed, because I love all of you so very much, and I've been 
>there, and it's not fun, in fact I hated it, and I hate to see 
>anyone depressed. I just want to shower you all with God's love, and 
>to give you all a bunch of lovings and squeezings.
>Now, whether you are Bipolar or not, please read this, as I'm 
>sending this message to you all with all my love.
>I'm going to tell you all something that is very important for all of us.
>SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder is very common for those of us who do 
>not get enough day light during the day.
>We do not get enough day light during the day. This is a known fact, 
>and there are even sighted people who suffer from depression, 
>however I don't think they suffer from depression, to the extent that we do.
>Okay, please, get someone to help you get to a building center, such 
>as Menards, or Home depot, or some place like that.
>Tell them you are looking for a "Happy" light. This is not a joke. 
>There is really such a thing.
>We all need mega amounts of day-light.
>The "Happy" lights are not very expensive, I believe they are less 
>that $20.00.
>Another option, is to purchase a "Happy" light bulb. These are 
>around $7.00 or so.
>I'm currently using a "grow" light that they use to help plants 
>grow. I did not know that the "Happy" lights were this cheap. So, 
>Vernon bought me a "grow" light for right now. It is working. 
><smile> I even sleep better.
>Vernon knows the importance of this, and he is willing to do 
>whatever it takes to keep me happy and sleeping good.
>Vernon went to Menards last week and got me a "Happy" light bulb. 
>We're going to use this "grow" light first, until it burns out, and 
>then we'll use the "Happy" Light bulb.
>I know that Sandy can vouch for what I'm about to say.
>The light that we miss out on, is so very important, because it 
>helps our bodies absorb the vitamin D that we get.
>That's another thing, go get your vitamin D level tested, please. 
>This is also very important.
>Vernon and I are both low in Vitamin D. We're taking 1000 I.U. of 
>Vitamin D. each day along with a A-To-Z for Seniors, Vitamin which 
>also has Vitamin D in it. It's made a world of difference for both of us.
>I rarely get depressed any more, but remember, it's natural to be 
>sad when something happends to make you sad. I even get sad when 
>someone else is sad, but my P.A. Jill, said she doesn't want to take 
>that sensitivity away from me. I'm on vitamins, and a very low dose of Zoloft.
>Please, do not let someone talk you into purchasing a "SAD" light. 
>They are way too expensive, and you don't need to throw your money 
>away on such an item that isn't necessary, when something so very 
>much cheaper will work for you.
>Just my thoughts and idea's.
>I'm praying for all of you.
>Loving you all,
>Pat Ferguson
>At 03:50 PM 1/16/2008, you wrote:
>>I have been trying to find every excuse in the book not to confess 
>>this to the group.
>>What is THIS? I am very depressed.  I know in my heart of hearts 
>>that it will pass, however, I am eating too much, smoking more than 
>>I was, spending money on discs and not even playing them ... I have 
>>been talking to sis Reeves, and giving her no space.  I am 
>>restless, and sad.  I feel empty and without direction.  I feel so 
>>alone and forgotten! Please help me with your prayers.  I could 
>>really use them now!!
>>There is one spot of light on the horizon.  I do not feel like 
>>taking my own life.  I listen to Christian radio 24-7.
>>Just pray for me, that, if there is some kind of lesson at the end 
>>of this road, that OUR PRECIOUS LORD help me to find it.  Thank you.