Way to go sharon.
I am in total agreementntntntntntntntntntntntntntntntntntntntntntnt
with thiszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszszsz.
The purprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprple one is back, and what a
stststststststststststststststststststrange trip it's been too.
Everyone have a very Merry
Christststststststststststststststststszszszszszszszszszszszszmas too.
On a more serious note.
For those who are grieving, we need to pray extra hard. For the
depressed, the sorrowful, the homeless, the friendless, we need to
pray. To tell you the truth, no one is really sure when OUR LORD was
born, so let's treat each and every day as if it were Christmas.
purple Mari
At 02:39 PM 12/24/2007, you wrote:
>Hi all!
>Well, it's Christmas Eve. Yesterday I was reading the book, Heaven,
>and, near the end, Randy gave a testimony of a father in bed dying,
>his son at his side. the son said, "Dad, how do you feel?" In
>reply his father said, "I feel like a little boy at Christmas
>Eve..." It certainly was fitting for me to read those words during
>the Christmas Season. that's what the new Earth will be like, and
>better! So let's not allow our expectations to run too high in this
>life. when we do, we set ourselves up for disappointment sooner or
>later. for those of us who grieve while others are more cheerful
>than usual, please cling to the hope that you will see your loved
>ones again, and that The Lord will redeem any suffering we endure
>here. then we'll have our good dreams, that we may have held all
>our lives, come true, and we'll be with Jesus. God gave His Son so
>that we can have all this! In the meantime, have a Merry Christmas
>anyway, as The Lord enables you, and look forward to exciting times
>on the new Earth!