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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 11 Nov 2007 12:43:00 -0600
text/plain (99 lines)
And if any of you have met Pat, you know she'll lay a squeeze on you that 
would make the   World Wrestling Federation folks jealous :)... in a good 
way... that is she  won't squeeze the air out of the bellows :)


At 03:19 PM 11/10/2007, you wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
>I'm just writing to let you all know that I love you all a whole bunch. 
>You are all my precious loving ones. Please don't forget it.
>I'm praying for all your prayer requests.
>Terri, I'm praying for you, Sweetie.
>Virgie, I'm praying for you, too, Loving one.
>Julie, You are an Inspiration, and I'm always praying for you also.
>Jennifer and Jeremy, You are loving, and I'm praying for you, too.
>Brad, I'mpraying for you and your prayer requests, also. You and Brenda 
>are loving!
>Phil, You are also an Inspiration, and I'm always praying for you and Sandy.
>Sandy, You are an Inspiration, and you are sweet. I'm always praying for 
>you and your family.
>Vicki, Sweetie, You are such a loving blessing, and I'm always praying for 
>you and John.
>Dorris, You are a loving sweetie, also. I'm praying for you, and I'll 
>write to you privately, and Thanks. <smile>
>Paulette, Please know that I'm loving you very much, and I'm praying for 
>you and Bobbie, and for Maria, as well.
>Cecily, I love you, and You are also in my prayers.
>Carol, I'm praying for you, also, My dear Loving one.
>John Schwery, You are a blessing, and you are loving.
>Reeva, I love you Sweetie, and you are loving. lol.
>Purple Mari, You are a Squeetie, and I love you a bunch. I'm praying for 
>both of you, and loving your messages.
>April, I love you, and David. I'm praying for you both and for all prayer 
>Deb Kroll, Sweetie, I miss you, my loving one.
>Rhonda Partain, I love you, and I'm praying for you and Ben.
>Rhonda Two, I love you, too, and I'm praying for you.
>Peggy Kern, You are a sweetie, and I'm praying for you and your husband.
>I think I got 21 people here. Who did I miss?
>I hope I haven't missed anyone, If I have, please forgive me, as I tried 
>to get everyone in this list. One way to get a list of people here. <grin> lol.
>So, keep this message for a list of active people on this loving list. <grin>
>Thank you all for being there for me always.
>Thank you for praying for my loving Vernon. He is under the kitchen sink 
>right now working on it. lol. He's doing great, and he's having one more 
>tooth pulled on the 19th, and he's had some fillings, too, and on Monday 
>he has another filling.
>I guess we're going to make peanut briddle this afternoon. I'm doing 
>laundry also. I'm so sleepy! lol.
>Loving you all, bunches,
>Pat Ferguson
>Jesus Lives! He Reigns Forever!

Brad Dunse

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