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cheryl Hawrylko <[log in to unmask]>
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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 10:21:11 EDT
text/plain (45 lines)
Hello to all.

After a hysterectomy in 6/04, I became extremely hyperthyroid (TSH < 0.01, T3
Total 596).  After a period of time on tapazole, I underwent RAI treatment
8/17/04.  Within a couple of months my symptoms and lab numbers improved.

Over the past few weeks, I've been feeling very symptomatic
again....trembling, short of breath, palpitations.  I saw my endo last week, who said, based on
my labs (which were a couple of weeks old) she did not feel my symptoms were
related to my thyroid.  I would swear that what I'm feeling now is what I
experienced last summer.  My normally low blood pressure was 144/92 at this appt.

My TSH was .27 and T4, Free 1.4.  My endo feels that these numbers are fine
for someone who has undergone RAI.  I'm not worried about the numbers as much
as I am my symptoms.  She wants me to have another ultrasound and repeat
bloodwork in two months.  (I have many nodules...had two larger ones biopsied in
May).  She told me to see my primary care physician regarding my symptoms.

Any input on her opinion about my TSH in relationship to RAI treatment???  I
was thinking of asking my PCP to do another thyroid panel.  I'm just having a
hard time believing that what I'm feeling is not related to my thyroid

Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions. an aside....during
the past year, since RAI, I've been put on tapazole twice based on my labs.
Both times it had to be discontined within a week due to allergic reaction.

Thanks again,
Cheryl H.

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