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Gary Lee <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 17 Oct 2007 21:18:38 -0400
text/plain (100 lines)
ok.  First size.
It is about as wide and thick as the kenwood thf6, and about 1/2 inch taller.

When it arives, speech is not enabled.
To do this you press the menu key, ( first key top row),turn the encoder clockwise 14 clicks, press enter, (second key first row), then turn one click clockwise, and press enter again.  Then, press m/r, (third key first row), twice.
It will say "escape" with each press.  Now you have voice for most of the functions.

Now, when you turn the unit on, it will beep, and if in memory mode, say the chanel number.  If it just beeps, you are in vfo mode.
A general discription and button chart follows.

Top edge left to right:
large knob, on/off/volume
smaller knob encoder,
sma antenna connector

Left edge top to bottom:
large oval button ptt
small oval button monitor (press to open squelch momentarily
small oval button (orange) call; functions as d dtmf key, and other unknow functions

front face of radio: top to bottom
first row of keypad; this is slightly recessed
rest of keypad 

keypad chart keys will be listed left to right by row.

1st row menu, enter, m/r
2nd row 1, 2, 3
3rd row 4, 5, 6
4th row 7, 8, 9
5th row *, 0, #

The number keys also have functions in menu mode.  Nemu mode is entered by pressing the menu key; and "menu" is spoken.  key functions follow.

1 scan
2 priority scan
3 vox
4 power
5 squelch
6 scrambler
7 auto light
8 display color
9 multitone
* shift up (offset direction)
0 id code
# receive transmit ctcss

For other functions, turn the encoder.

Wen in vfo mode, enter frequencies without a decimal poit. i.e. 146730
for 146.73

enter all 6 digits.

To program a memory

1. get into memory mode by pressing m/r (third key first row).  The unit will announce a chanel number if in memory mode, nothing if in vfo.
remember which chanel this is, it will not be spoken in programming.

2. go back to vfo mode by pressing m/r

3. enter the frequency you wish to program.

4. press menu.

5. press m/r.

6. rotate the encoder to get to the channel you want.  Remember, it does not speak.

7. press m/r again.  There will be a long beep, and the chanel number just programmed will be spoken.  You will be left on that chanel in memory mode.

selecting chanels in memory mode

You must use the encoder.  I have not figured out a way to select them from the keypad.

setting the offset direction

1. go into menu mode by pressing menu.  "menu" will be spoken.

2. rotate the encoder until you here "shift up" or press *.

3. press enter.  the current setting will be spoken.  Settings are "plus" "minus" and "off".

4. use the encoder to select the one you want then press enter.  The setting will again be spoken.

5. press m/r.  The unit will say "escape" and emit a single beep.

6. press m/r again. the unit will again say "escape" and emit a double beep.  You are now back in either memory or vfo mode, whichever you were in before entering the menus.

This is a bit disorganized, but I thought you'd want the information.  I'll keep a copy of this, and update and reorganize it as I go along.
