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John Miller <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 11 Mar 2007 10:15:13 -0400
text/plain (177 lines)
Mine both set themselves right, I haven't checked my laptop yet. I hear a 
lot of people who's atomic clocks didn't change though, I'm hearing talk of 
that all over the ham radio bands this morning.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "T Behler" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2007 10:07 AM
Subject: Fw: daylight saving time update info

> Guys:
> I guess I spoke too soon in the e-mail below.
> I just checked the time on this computer, and it's still on "standard" 
> time.
> It said the patch had been installed successfully when I did it yesterday.
> Any ideas as to what I should do now, aside from just re-setting the time
> mannually.
> See e-mail below for the instructions I followed step by step.
> 73 from Tom Behler: KB8TYJ
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "T Behler" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: "For blind ham radio operators" <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:19 PM
> Subject: Re: daylight saving time update info
>>    Thanks to harvey and Ray for these great instructions for accessing 
>> the
>> DST time-change modification patch from Microsoft.
>> I did this on both this computer, and my laptop, and things went off
>> without a hitch.
>> Will see tomorrow morning if the time updates correctly.
>> 73 from Tom Behler: KB8TYJ
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Harvey Heagy" <[log in to unmask]>
>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 10:06 PM
>> Subject: Fw: daylight saving time update info
>>> Ray Campbell, posted this info and it was forwarded to me by someone.  I
>>> thought it might be of help to members of this list.  Ray is from 
>>> Chicago
>>> and is a ham, but I don't know his call sign.
>>> Harvey
>>> ----- Original message
>>> Subject: ***PLEASE READ*** Daylight Savings Time Update
>>>>> Hello:
>>>>> You are receiving this e-mail either because I have your address in my
>>>>> contact book, or, because you have called the Adaptive Technology Help
>>>>> Desk and I have your e-mail address in my database.  I know that what
>>>>> I am about to tell you applies to computer users in the United States,
>>>>> please use as needed in other countries.
>>>>> As you may or may not know, there has been a change in the start and
>>>>> stop dates for Daylight Savings Time in the United States, per Act of
>>>>> congress.  Starting this year, Daylight Savings Time will begin at 2
>>>>> a.m. on the second Sunday in March and end at 2 a.m. on the first
>>>>> Sunday in November.  In 2007, the start date is this Sunday, March 11
>>>>> and the end date is Sunday, November 4.  Microsoft has released an
>>>>> update so that your computer will change the time properly, taking
>>>>> these new dates into account.
>>>>> For your computer at work if you are employed, check with your
>>>>> employer as to how they plan to update the systems at your place of
>>>> employment.
>>>>> For your home computers, if you are running Automatic Updates, an
>>>>> update has been distributed by Microsoft that will make your computer
>>>>> ready for the DST change, and it probably ahs been installed for you,
>>>>> so you should be OK.
>>>>> To check if your computer is up to date, do the following:
>>>>> 1.  Go to
>>>>> 2.  Press "f" (for JAWS Users) or "c" (for Window-Eyes Users) to get
>>>>> to the first form field on the page which is a search box.  Press
>>>>> enter to turn forms mode on (JAWS) or Browse/MSAA Mode Off
>>>>> (Window-Eyes).  Type the following (without quotes) into the search 
>>>>> box
>>>> and press enter:
>>>>> "daylight savings".
>>>>> 3.  When the page loads, search for a link that says "Daylight Savings
>>>>> Time Help and Support" and press enter on it.
>>>>> 4.  You will be placed onto a page with a Daylight Savings Time update
>>>>> guide.  Arrowing down the page you will come to a series of radio
>>>>> buttons.  The one which says "I am a home user" will already be
>>>>> checked.
>>>>> Arrow down past the radio buttons to the next button and press enter
>>>>> on it.
>>>>> 5.  The next page that comes up will have a series of radio buttons
>>>>> for the type of operating system you have NOTE: Windows 98 and Windows
>>>>> Milennium ARE NOT supported anymore by Microsoft so there won't be
>>>>> choices for them.  Press space bar on the radio button above the
>>>>> operating system you have, arrow down to the next button and press
>>>>> enter.
>>>>> 5.  The next page that comes up will have a download button on it.
>>>>> Arrow down to it and press enter.  A dialog box saying "file download"
>>>>> will appear.  Up arrow two times until you hear "run," and press 
>>>>> enter.
>>>>> 6.  A program will download, and then you will be asked if you want to
>>>>> run it.  Press "r" to run it, you do not have to press enter.
>>>>> 7.  One of two things will happen.  Either your computer will be
>>>>> updated to reflect the change in Daylight Savings time, or you will
>>>>> get a message indicating that your computer is already up to date.  In
>>>>> either case, you will hear an "ok" button, press enter on it.
>>>>> 8.  You are taken back to the microsoft website to a page with a next
>>>>> button on it.  Arrow down to it and press enter.
>>>>> 9.  If you do not use the calendar feature of Microsoft Outlook, you
>>>>> have one more step.  You are now on a page where you can choose which
>>>>> version of Outlook you are running, or that you don't use Outlook or
>>>>> don't want to update the calendar.  If you don't use Outlook, press
>>>>> space bar to check the radio button above that choice, arrow down to
>>>>> the next button and press enter.  If you don't have any appointments
>>>>> in your Outlook calendar between either March 11 and April 1 or
>>>>> October 28 and November 4, 2007, check the radio button above the
>>>>> choice that says "I do not want to update my calendar," arrow down to
>>>>> the next button and press enter.  If either you don't use outlook or
>>>>> don't want to update the calendar, you are done and your computer is
>>>>> up to date.  You can skip to step 14.
>>>>> 10.  If you use Outlook and you do have appointments in your calendar
>>>>> between March 11 and April 1 or October 28 and November 4, press space
>>>>> bar to check the radio button above the version of Outlook you have.
>>>>> If you are running Outlook XP, check the radio button above "Outlook
>>>> 2002."
>>>>> Arrow down to the next button and press enter.
>>>>> 11.  On the page that displays, look for a link that says to download
>>>>> the calendar update tool and press enter on it.  A file Download
>>>>> Dialog will come up, arrow up twice to "run," and press enter.
>>>>> 12.  You will again be asked if you want to run software, press "r" to
>>>>> do so, you don't have to press enter.
>>>>> 13.  A dialog box will come up asking what you want to update and
>>>>> verifying your time zone.  You can press tab until you hear "ok," and
>>>>> then press enter.
>>>>> 14.  Your calendar will be updated and you will be taken back to the
>>>>> Microsoft web page.  Arrow down to either a "next," or "finish,"
>>>>> button and press enter on it.
>>>>> Your computer is now completely up to date for the Daylight Savings
>>>>> Time change.  Of course, you are welcome to call me here at the
>>>>> Adaptive Technology Help Desk if you need me to walk you through any
>>>>> of this.  I will be here today, Tuesday, March 6 through Thursday,
>>>>> March 8 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. central time.  Friday, March 9 I
>>>>> will be here from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. central time.
>>>>> Good luck,
>>>>> Ray Campbell, Help Desk Technician
>>>>> Adaptive Technology Center
>>>>> Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired 1850
>>>>> W. Roosevelt Road Chicago, IL  60608
>>>>> 312-997-3651 (Voice/Relay) or
>>>>> 888-825-0080 (voice/Relay)
>>> [log in to unmask]
>>>>> AIM Screen Name: tclhelp