Coleagues and friends,
I have been duly informed that Fatou'scase has been returned back to the
Kanifing Courts.
I wish to take this opportunity to bear on President Yahya to advise his
prosecution counsel to drop this case without prejudice. It will have been
relief of enormous chagrin on the state and President himself and his family.
It is understandable for the human to be driven by animus, anger, and
vengeance. To some extent, and with the intercession of time and intervening
events, the source of disdain morphs to persuade us to recall our best judgements.
I know President Yahya has the fortitude and wisdom to acknowledge and accept
disdain and even fancy from his citizens. He can benefit far more from
express disdain than cowardly and discrete sabotage.
I can attest that he has more to gain from forgiveness than vengeance as a
head of state with weightier considerations.
Haroun. Abdallah. MQDT. Darbo. I can assure President Yahya that Fatou will
be a valuable contributor to the life of Gambia for she is immensely blessed
by Allah in patriotism.
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