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Carol Pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Aug 2007 12:30:28 +0100
text/plain (84 lines)
Hi Teri,

I am glad you wrote.  You never know what's going to come out of a 
coversation you start . . ..

I live in the UK and things work a little differently over here.  Until a 
few years ago I wouldn't have qualified for much help, partly because I 
needed less then but also because such monitary benefits were not so 
available.  As things stand, with two blind people in the house and no 
relations to pop in and do the odd job or two, I also have a back problem 
(which means I walk much better now but have had years of lots of pain and 
little walking) and I also suffer some depression and am now very easily 
stressed.  No, it's not as big a deal as maybe it sounds in this message and 
I'm only telling you because of your message to me, so that you know 
something of my situation.

Now, life is far, far better for me, mainly because Jesus has done so very 
much in my life and continues to give me a new testimony of His goodness 
almost daily.  It is also better because I now am able to employ two 
helpers, for a few hours each week.  The problem is that I have no option 
but to become an employer, with all that this involves, and this in itself 
is quite stressful, especially at the moment with one sick and the other, 
well, not able to fulfil her contractual commitment to me.  Anyway, I am 
trusting God in this to work things out this week.

Meantime, I am going to pray specially for you, that God will give you some 
more of the many blessings that He has for you and that He will enrich your 
life and make it much more bearable.

I'm here for you, and I know my other brothers and sisters on list will say 
the same thing.

Hang in there and know that God is waiting with opened arms, so run to Him 
for all that you need!

I speak with many people about their problems relating to mental illness and 
know that, for many, just focusing on the right thing can be very difficult 
. . . never mind actually living life.  Jesus knows these things and will be 
a very special friend to you as you let Him!

With love:

[log in to unmask]

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Teri Van Pelt" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2007 7:39 AM
Subject: To Carol and Everyone: (was) WHAT'S GOING ON WITH ME?

Carol and Everyone,
Boy could I ever relate to your email.  I am disabled too.  Not physically 
though.  I have many needs just trying to get through my day.  But, because
my desability is not as visable many wonder why I can't work etc.  I wonder
too sometimes.  I deal with all kinds of depressive disorders.  and many 
things.  My house is a wreck.  I am going to be receiving nursing and aide 
as soon as it is approved.  But, I have one question.  Where is the Church?
You know the ones who are to visit us and help us.  I don't think we should
have to have hired help per sey.  I am so lonely and greived.  I simply have
trouble getting around to places.  My poor best friend is stressed to the 
and her resources to help me are running thin.  When you do have help come
they usually so Not into it as a caring position.  It seems just a way to 
make a
living.  So many things are done half ____(you know feel in the blank)  I 
been crying for days.  I am having physical trouble in my muscles and I am
terribly sleep deprived.

Carol FYI.  If you have Medicare or Medicaid in many cases they will pay for
assistance.  Also, They have many alternative assisted living arrangements 
various places that will assist you as well as give you independce.

I am so glad you shared Carol.  It helped me to get in touch with my
frustrations of late.  Where do you live?  Much blessings to all. Tee