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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Dec 2003 21:21:15 -0700
text/plain (339 lines)
     Then I spoke and said, "There's one thing left now."

     "What's that, Phil," Bret asked.

     "I feel lonely.  I feel all alone and by myself."

     "Holy Spirit, show Phil what you want him to know about this
loneliness he feels," Bret prayed.

     At that very moment, the memory picture of being in the
hospital and laying on my back instantly vanished and was replaced
with another memory.  I was at the graveside service of my father.
I saw myself and my mom and all the other people on one side of
the casket.  On the opposite side of the casket, I saw Jesus.  He
seemed as if He wanted to say something or do something but I
couldn't understand what it was.  I also felt the anger firmly
rooted in this memory and that it had not come from the hospital
memory at all.  I reported this to Bret.

     "Lord Jesus, what do you want to do with Phil's anger that he
feels?" Bret prayed.

     "He wants me to give it to him." I replied without
hesitation.  So I prayed and gave it to the Lord.

     "Holy Spirit," he prayed, "what is it now that you want Phil
to know or to understand about this memory event in his life?"

     I laughed.

     "What is it?" Bret asked.

     "Well," I replied, "I can see myself standing on the other
side of the casket.  I am smiling and saying, "Can I go play now?"

     Bret laughed, too.  "Sure.  Nothing wrong with that."

     I saw the Lord still standing on the other side of the
casket.  I felt He was saying, "Come with me."

     I said, "Come with you where?"

     Jesus raised in arm as if to say, "Follow me."  Instantly the
memory picture of the graveside service vanished and I was back at
the home where I grew up.  Jesus was walking next to me into the
field next to our home where I used to fly my kites.  My dad
taught me how to fly kites in that very field.  As we walked out
into the warm sunshine of the summer day, I saw myself carrying a
red kite and I saw another red kite flying high overhead already
and it was red as well.  I somehow knew both kites were mine.  As
we walked, the man next to me was clearly Jesus and felt like
Jesus but he also felt just like my father.  Yet I knew it was the
Lord.  I reported this to Bret.

     Keep in mind that what I just described was not a memory I
was seeing.  Additionally, all my memories and things I sense when
I pray are still pictures, that is, nothing is moving.
Occasionally, something like this happens as I pray where movement
occurs.  I have no idea exactly why the memories are like fixed
snap shot pictures but then occasionally there is movement.  I
personally interpret it as a level of deeper spiritual intimacy
occurring because in every case, that's how it feels.

     Bret asked me if we could return to the two memories to make
certain we haven't missed anything.  I agreed and there was
nothing remaining in the memory of the graveside service I had
concerning my father.  The hospital memory was different.


     The moment I went back in my mind to the memory in the
hospital, I felt Jesus standing next to me but did not see Him.  I
also did not see my bed nor myself in the bed.  It felt like a
large empty room.

     "I still feel a little bit of anger left in this memory," I

     "Holy Spirit," Bret prayed, "What do you want Phil to know
about this anger?"

     The feeling I received as an answer is a great deal more
complex than I am able to describe but in my own words, it is
something like this.  The Lord told me that we are friends and
that sometimes friends have disagreements and misunderstandings.
Sometimes friends will even have arguments and become angry.
Again, the Lord said, we were friends so as far as He was
concerned, the misunderstanding and the anger was over because of
our friendship.  He made it clear in my thinking that He wasn't
upset that I was mad at Him at the time.  The feeling of being in
a partnership manifested in my thoughts again and seemed to be
growing stronger.

     At this point, the remaining feeling of anger vanished and
there were no negative emotions remaining in that memory in the

     After reporting what I felt the Lord was saying about all
this, Bret prayed again and said, "Holy Spirit, is there anything
else Phil needs to know about this memory?"

     Instantly I heard the words and spoke them audibly the moment
I heard them because it was so strongly stated, I could not keep
quiet.  I said, "I am not blind any more."


     Of course, this can be taken two ways, or both ways, for that
matter.  The Lord could have been speaking spiritually or
physically.  It makes no difference to me how you personally
interpret what I just said.  I know in my heart, on the other
hand, what He was talking about.

     Again Bret prayed, "Holy Spirit, is there anything else?"

     I spoke it the instant I heard the words; "We are leaving
this place."

     "We are leaving this place?" Bret questioned.


     The reason he asked this question is due to the fact I used
the word "we."  In demonic manifestation, it is common that they
will speak in the plural because there is often more than one
demonic spirit involved.  Also, it is very common for demons to
leave on their own when the reason for their presence has been
removed, that is, their implanted lies.  Sometimes they will even
say they are leaving out loud through the person's own voice or
they will say this in the mind of the person receiving
intercessory prayer.  Additionally, in the case of multiple
personalities, or Dissociative Identity Disorder cases, the term
"we" is sometimes used by the alternate personalities as a
collective statement.  Since I figured this was what Bret might be
thinking, I clarified what I said.

     "Yes, the Lord said, we are leaving this place."

     A final time, Bret said, "Holy Spirit, is there anything

     Again, the words came to my mind instantly and I spoke them
aloud.  "And we are never coming back."

     Bret said, "I know that is true, Phil."

     "Oh, really?" I replied.  "How?"

     "Because," he said, "that is exactly what the Lord said to me
before you spoke it out loud."

     I laughed because I have had the exact same thing happen to
me as an intercessor when praying with others.

Personal Comments

     Some people think this type of thing is still psychology and
packaged in Biblical terms.  They will refer to it as regressive
therapy, inner healing, hypnosis, suggestive imagery, and some
like to call this Psycho Heresy.  They never once consider it to
be what it really is and that is agreement of two people in
intercessory prayer.  When I am praying with people, sometimes I
pray and sometimes I ask them to pray.  What is going on in the
mind is nothing different than personal prayer that is conducted
silently.  If you have never heard the Lord speaking to you in
your thoughts, I would be concerned.  Why?  Because if you do not
know His voice, as He said we would in John's Gospel, (see John
10:4), then you will find it less easy to follow Him as that verse
proclaims we should as His Sheep.  Additionally, if you do not
know our Lord's voice, how will you know the difference in your
thoughts when He speaks to you compared to that of a demonic
spirit's voice?  The truth is, you won't and you will be deceived
if it is demonic in nature.


     I was praying with a lady one day who was suicidal.  she
admitted she was hearing voices as well and she concluded that she
had to be crazy.  Besides, it was what everyone else thought;
including her own doctor, friends, and family.  I asked her if she
wanted to pray and she said that she did.  As we prayed, exactly
as you have read about in this testimony, she began to experience
blockage to her own thoughts.  This can only mean one of three
things.  The person is mentally ill and literally is incapable of
focusing on certain thoughts, they are Dissociative, or they are
being demonically influenced.  I asked this lady if she wanted to
find out the truth and she said yes.  I prayed and in the name of
the True Lord Jesus Christ, I set down parameters for any demons
that were present to follow.  I told them, if they did not obey
the rules, I would immediately turn them over to the Lord Jesus
Christ.  The reason for this is due to the nature of demonic
spirits.  They love to play with your mind and they love to
sidetrack you from finding out the truth, that is, why they have
the right to be there in that person's life in the first place.
If you spend any other time trying to debate them, you will most
likely be fooled.  Laying down guidelines or parameters for them
to obey sets the rules.  If they disobey, they immediately are
turned over to Jesus because He is their Lord and Master and they
must obey Him and His Word.

     Once this was done, I asked the Lord Jesus to pick a
spokesman, if there was more than one unclean spirit present, to
speak and to confess why they have the right to be in this woman's
life.  This is a good idea unless you want to be talking with
different demons all day long.  Besides, we don't need to talk to
all of them anyway.  A demon spoke in this woman's mind and she
told me what he said.

     To make a long story short, the Lord did something very
unusual for this lady.  When I asked her what she was hearing in
her thoughts, she said, "Well, I hear two voices."  I asked her
what one was saying.  She said, "It is saying I am crazy and
should be in the hospital to get help."  I asked her if she knew
who that voice was and she said, "That's a demon."  I asked her
what the other voice was saying in her thoughts and she said, "He
is saying, I am not crazy and He can heal and He cares for me."  I
asked her if she knew who that was and she said, "that has to be
the Lord."

     I said, "Can you see what the Lord just has done for you?"

     She said, "What?"

     I said, "The Lord just proved to you that you are not crazy."
I said, "If you were crazy, you could not have told me the
difference between those two voices but because you do recognize
the difference, the Lord showed you that you are not crazy."

     This is why it is important that we hear the Lord as we pray
and know His voice.  Otherwise, we can be easily fooled in to
listening to the wrong voice.


     Following the closing of the church I pastored for only
eleven months, I began having anxiety and panic attacks.  Due to
the manic depression, I found it impossible to work.  During this
three year period of my life, a good friend called one night.
"Hey, Phil.  This is Bill.  I want you to go with me to hear an
evangelist speak at First Assemblies of God in Aurora where I am a

     "When is he going to be there?" I asked; thinking I could
put him off week by week until he gave up on me.

     "He is preaching tonight and he is great.  I want to pick you
up tonight."

     I tried getting out of it but Bill was so insistent, I
finally gave in.  I had told him no about such things so many
times before, I finally decided I couldn't say no any more.

     I cannot remember this preacher's last name but his first
name was Jim.  He was good and I actually found myself encouraged
by his preaching that night.  He wasn't the typical pulpit
pounding, overbearing yelling type of preacher like I am, but he
was good and I appreciated what he said.

     Of course, there was an altar call and about everybody in the
meeting, including my friend, when forward for prayer.  I didn't.

     Bill returned after being prayed for and asked me if I wanted
to go down for prayer.  I said I didn't need to but thanked him
anyway.  We waited, for what, I didn't know.  I felt anxiety
building and tightness growing in my chest and I wanted to get
home.  Yet, we sat there doing nothing as others received prayer.

     Probably thirty minutes passed and my friend said, "Are you
sure you don't want him to pray with you?  Just about everybody is

     "Naw," I said; I'm fine.  Talk about lying.

     "Oh, come on, Phil.  What can it hurt."

     Bill knew the depression I had been going through.  "All
right," I sighed, "let's go."

     The building was almost empty and few people were left as I
was introduced to the evangelist.  He took my hand and said, "I
bet I know what you want."

     "I said, "No, I really do not need to pray about being healed
and getting my sight back because I have settled that issue with
God already."

     "Then what shall we pray about?" he asked kindly.

     "I said I was just having a hard time right now and was very
discouraged."  What an understatement but this man was wiser than
I gave him credit.

     He said, "I want to tell you something.  The Lord is going to
call you into a deliverance ministry."

     I immediately broke down and began to cry.  Barely able to
speak, I said, "I don't want to be in a deliverance ministry," and
I explained how I had been demonically attacked already.

     "No, no," he said.  "I'm sorry.  I don't mean that type of
ministry of casting out demons and all that stuff we think about
as Charismatics and Pentecostals.  You are going to work with
people one-on-one and this will be something totally different.
You are going to be greatly used by God in the new ministry and
minister to many people."

     We prayed and I thought nothing more about it.  I had no idea
what he had been talking about until nearly fourteen years later
when his personal prophecy concerning my life came to pass.  I am
now doing exactly what he said the Lord revealed to him about me.
If I knew the man's name and how to find him, I would love to talk
to him and tell him he really did hear from the Lord that night he
prayed for me and the personal prophecy the Lord gave him for me
has come to pass.

Final Remarks

     Now, where are you in God?  Do you feel his love?  When you
pray, are you aware of His presence in your life?  What about
those thoughts in your mind?  Why aren't they in agreement with
God's Word.  Could it be that you, too, are believing a lie.  Let
me suggest that you go back and read this testimony again and you
will see yourself, in some way, in my story.  Then pick up your
telephone and call me.

Safe Place Fellowship
Phil Scovell
Denver, Colorado - Mountain Time Zone
Phone:  303-507-5175
Web:  WWW.SafePlaceFellowship.COM
Web:  WWW.RedWhiteAndBlue.ORG

Crazy For Jesus