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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 Dec 2003 22:05:04 -0700
text/plain (170 lines)
Demons Told A Pastor to Kill His Wife

                         By Phil Scovell

     In 1990, I was asked to take over a church.  I was told, if
everybody showed up at the same time, we had 150 members.  Only
about 50 to 60 ever showed up at any given time while I was

     When the pastor left to continue in his multi level
networking business, there were, for awhile, about 50 people that
came to church.  Soon it dropped to 40 people.

     After taking over the church, I discovered bills had gone
unpaid for two months and some for almost three.  This included
the building rent which ran 2500 dollars a month.  Fortunately, we
found a more affordable building and our rent dropped to 1000
dollars.  Bills were caught up within six months, the church was
debt free, and they started paying me a weekly salary.

     I was in hog heaven.  I had always wanted to pastor.  I had
been rejected, due to my blindness, once before by a church where
I was the assistant pastor.  Now, I was pastoring my own church
but there was one big problem.  The Lord told me that this church
would not last and that he wanted me to close the church.  I knew
it was really the Lord.  I tried everything to get the Lord to
change His mind about folding this church but slowly He pushed
things into the shape of closure and 11 months after becoming the
official pastor, the doors were closed, all bills were paid off,
and all our furniture, Sunday school materials, and electronics
were donated to other churches.

     My heart was broken.  Soon I became discouraged and shortly
after that, depressed.  "I had failed."  I knew better but that
suggestion came from an outside source.  I knew I had actually
done the Lord's will.  He had told me that this particular church
had been started for all the wrong reasons and never had been one
of His churches.  Thus, He wanted it closed but he wanted it
closed with honor.  He had chosen me to fulfill His will.  Still,
I had failed and worse, I had failed God.

     I started listening to my own thoughts which quickly took on
form and body.  We had a witch in the church, we discovered, who
used her influence against me more than once until I finally
figured out, with help, what was happening.  Since I was hearing
voices and having anxiety attacks, I figured it was time to find
someone who understood such things.

     The Lord led me to a Christian counselor I had met 10 years
earlier.  Now, however, his ministry had shifted to working more
with people who were being demonically oppressed.  That was me.

     My depression and anxiety attacks, as well as the voices I
was hearing, came and went but there was not a day in two years I
wasn't afraid.  It was even another full year before the voices
and the anxiety dissipated to the degree I could work again.  Yet,
the voices and the fear returned occasionally.  I still wasn't
free and never thought I would be.

     When the demonic attacks first began, I was still pastoring
the church.  This was when we discovered the witch in the church
and what she was doing.

     I awakened one morning and felt something spiritually slam
into my body is if it were a crashing airplane.  It felt physical
but I knew it was spiritual.  A voice in my thoughts said, "If you
kill your wife, everything will work out."  I broke out into a
cold raw freezing fear.  At this point, I did not know I was being
demonically attacked and I thought I was just going crazy.  I
fought back the best way I knew how but I was losing.  I began
going to the counselor and he began teaching me about such things
from God's Word.

     One night, after the church had folded, I awakened in the
middle of the night.  I got up to go to the bathroom and as I
entered the room, a loud voice said, "You might as well go ahead
and kill your wife because you know you are going to do it
anyway."  I spoke back and rebuked the voice but I didn't feel
very secure.  It felt as if someone had dumped a bucket of
freezing cold ice water on me.  I stumbled back to bed, pulled the
covers up to my chin, and tried to sleep as I trembled from the

     It took me some time before I gained enough courage to tell
the Christian counselor about the voices and what they said to do.
I mean, after all, if you go to a mental health facility or any
emergency room of any hospital, or if you even just go to your own
family doctor, and tell them that you are depressed, they ask you,
to fill out a form, and two of the questions on the form are, (1),
"Do you have any suicidal thoughts or any thoughts about harming
yourself," and (2), "Do you have any homicidal thoughts?"  They
even warn you in advance that these questions are on the form and
if you answer yes to either question, they are required by law to
turn this information into the authorities.  This means, in
simple terms, you go to the psych hospital for a few days and
then, once you get out, you will be an out patient for some time
to come.  So what does a person do?  If you go to a doctor or
mental health facility and they ask you these questions, you lie,
of course, at least I did.  Why?  Because I knew they were demonic
voices and not my own thoughts.  Did I really want to kill my
wife?  Of course not.  So why did the demons suggest it?  They
love to terrorize people and to watch them tremble in overwhelming
fear.  In my case, a witch used demonic techniques to literally
cast spells.  "Oh," you say, "that doesn't happen.  Does it?"  My
answer?  Go ahead and believe whatever makes you comfortable.
Don't be surprised, especially if you are a pastor, if you are
literally demonically attacked some day.  Just remember where you
read this article when it comes time to find help and freedom.

     the counseling sessions laid to rest that these were in fact
demonic suggestions.  Besides, this counselor had heard these
things many times before because the Lord had called him to
minister to those who were being demonically oppressed in their
minds and emotions.  Yet I did not achieve complete freedom from
the voices.  Why?  There were demonic lies planted in my mind,
some from many years ago, and those lies gave the demonics license
to communicate with me.

     Why are demons allowed to do such things to Christians?  The
answer is simple.  Because of sin, or some sort of trauma, and an
atmosphere is generated in a person's life whereby an unclean
spirit is able to implant an evil thought.  At first, most people
just think they are generating the thoughts themselves because of
stress.  As depression deepens, the voices get bolder and
eventually, when fear has been generated enough, the person cannot
deny they are real.  At this point, most people, even Christians,
assume what I did, and that is, you are crazy and need medical
help.  They obtain prescriptions for the anxiety, panic attacks,
OCD behavior, the bipolar diagnosis they received, and clinical
depression, generally from their family doctor, and seek to live
out their life as a miserable unhappy person; sometimes for years;
sometimes for the rest of their life.  Most make the mistake of
seeking Christian counsel; sometimes from their pastor and
sometimes from Christian counselors.  Few therapists, Christian or
nonchristian, know anything at all about demonic oppression.
Pastors, and most so called Christian counselors, wouldn't
recognize the presence of an unclean evil spirit in a person's
life even if it bit them on the nose.  Furthermore, if the person
happens to be dissociated where other personalities were generated
in their life to help them cope with the emotional pain they have
suffered, the average Christian therapist or counselor or pastor
will think those are demons and will attempt to cast them out.
You cannot cast a person out of their own personality; you can
only cast out demons.  Does medication help?  Sure, to some
degree, but it won't make the pain go completely away; only the
True Lord Jesus Christ can do that by exposing the lies and
applying the truth of His Word.

     I lived for nearly fourteen years hearing voices off and on
and experiencing anxiety attacks and nightmares.  I rarely even
mentioned it to my wife and I never admitted it to anyone else.
When the Lord Jesus led me to someone who did know what to do
through prayer, I was set free and entered the intercessory
prayer ministry the Lord had called me to full time.

     If you want more information, or need help yourself in any of
these areas, and if you are serious about getting to the source
of your pain and fears, call the number below and leave your name
and number on my voice mail and I'll return your call.  Yes, I
pray over the phone even if you are in the Denver area.

Safe Place Fellowship
Phil Scovell
Denver, Colorado - Mountain Time Zone
Phone 303-507-5175